Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Hear Your Voice: Episodes 15 ~ 16 Comments

As much as this extension did slow down the pace of this drama, you've got to admit that there has been some nice things we got to see before having to go back to worrying about Min Joon Gook again. We got a chance to see more of Soo Ha and Hye Sung being lovey dovey, plus the whole case of Hwang Dal Joong and Do Yeon and it's okay. Sometimes, it's better to take a break from the whole intense life-or-death situation involving Min Joon Gook, you know?

I don't really feel like putting up as many screenshots as I did in the last IHYV post, so I'll only post a few for episode 15, and a little more for episode 16. 

Episode 15

wait what this detective and cha byun knows each other?
yes i'm slow i didn't know ok
anywaaay haha cha byun using his aegyo to make the detective hyung help him out

I seriously love all the overlaps in this drama. It's interesting how two characters, who have barely interacted with one another, end up having something in common now (even if only one side knows of the common characteristic).

and now hye sung's words just stab soo ha right in the heart:
"that means she's the exact same as her father"
soo ha is the exact same as his father for refusing to face the truth that pains him so much
hah. gotta love hye sung.
soo ha: "it doesn't suit your outfit at all!"
hye sung: "i don't care"

while soo ha is being all serious and such...

...turns out his speech is just making her heart pound wildly
lmfao her expression when soo ha reads her thoughts
and then later on soo ha tries to kiss her but the visor prevents that very
nice moment from happening
then hye sung realizes what he tried to do so she just bonks her visor into his forehead
hah very cute

my heart broke watching her cry like that ;___;
this entire episode made me feel really, really sorry for her.
Episode 16

choong ki's pretty fingernails lol

Hwang Dal Joong goes free! While he himself and Lawyer Shin break down in tears, Hye Sung and Soo Ha exchange smiles.

a rather huge, meaningful moment for these two.
do yeon sincerely apologizes for the fireworks incident 11 years ago,
and hye sung accepts her apology calmly w/o exerting her "see i told you so i was right" attitude

This was such a touching moment. And another overlapping moment at that, too. Hwang Dal Joong forgives Seo Dae Suk, because he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life hating on him - especially when he's going to die soon. Hye Sung is reminded of her mom's last words - "Do not spend your life on hating someone" - and a tear rolls down her face.

at least his wife is on do yeon's side, thank god.
i love how he remains in denial of the fact that he did something morally wrong.

Wow, how many times is this drama gonna make me cry. I'm surprised at how Do Yeon came to accept Hwang Dal Joong as her father - yes, she did go out of her way to make sure HDJ would go free by withdrawing the case from the prosecutor's side, but I didn't actually expect her to spend time with him as his daughter. 

Ok, another incredibly touching moment. How does Cha Byun always manages to find the right words to cheer up or inspire someone? Sigh. He's awesome.

wow fuck why do we have to have such an unpleasant dream
watch me bawl my eyes out next week man
oh dear lord. now i have a much better idea of min joon gook's past -
how much he lost, and how he must have felt like his whole world was breaking down -
now i feel really sorry for him.
and it sort of breaks my heart that he turned into such a monster...
i wish he could spent the rest of his life in peace, but of course he won't allow himself to rest until he gets his revenge .___.

why hello isn't it ahn yeong mi!! haha
i always enjoy watching her on snl korea

ohmygod it was this moment that especially made me realize
that this was the "present that will never be delivered".

i'm dying
"I was waiting for this call, Park Soo Ha. Are you looking for Jang Hye Sung?"
"July 26th 2013, 3:10PM. She was kidnapped by Min Joon Gook.
And then 2 hours 30 minutes later, our relationship of 11 years came to an end."
YEAH. I was suspicious when Soo Ha's phone went missing - his wallet's there, his present's there, but his phone's gone? That's weird. But now I get it - Min Joon Gook must've taken his phone out and called out Hye Sung using the phone. God damn it.

I was desperately hoping for Hye Sung to live through this, but I'm starting to think she didn't - especially not when Soo Ha's narration says everything ended within 2 hours 30 minutes. There's no way they could've found Hye Sung and saved her within such a short time frame, right? And plus, since it's Soo Ha narrating that everything ended in 2 hours 30 minutes, that probably means he lived to see the end, right?

As much as it hurts my heart to see characters die, especially Hye Sung, I think it sort of makes sense for her to die...Min Joon Gook won't stop until he at least kills her off (of course he will fully be at ease if he kills off Soo Ha too, but I highly doubt that he managed to do that), and Soo Ha won't ever be at peace unless Min Joon Gook stops. Plus, if you think about each of the three characters' lives, only Hye Sung was able to live out a relatively positive life, while the other two have lived as very lonely and heartbroken people. One of them managed to turn into a monster, and one of them managed to live through as a human being just for one person. I just want both of them to be happy, okay. Both of them suffered way too much. I think Min Joon Gook will probably die - I mean, there's really no future for him anyway - as much as he deserves happiness, it makes more sense for him to die. And Soo Ha probably will grow up to be an amazing police officer? And then later on be promoted to being a detective? Yeah.

Wow, can't wait to see myself bawling my eyes out and lie in a pool of tears next week.

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