Sunday, June 10, 2012

INFINITE's 2nd Anniversary - Appreciation post

I know I'm a little late, but happy 2nd anniversary, INFINITE! ^___^ I first got to know of you guys through BTD and you guys def. had me interested then, and with Be Mine I was initially disappointed, but you guys got me interested again when I heard of your epic crying ceremony with your 1st win with that song. Then Paradise completely transformed me into one huge INSPIRIT. And now I'm currently enjoying The Chaser. I could write more, but I want to quickly go into talking about each individual member.

I fail at making beautiful edits, baking food, and I can't send gifts to you guys, but I can definitely write a post on the internet congratulating you guys, that may or may not be read at all by a person, and I highly doubt you will ever read this. But I'm still writing this.

This is in no particular order~

Woo Hyun

I remember, the first time I noticed you, was during the Be Mine promotions, and my first thought was: "This guy is damn skinny." I wasn't particularly impressed by the guy; I just thought that he was skinny and that he might be the main vocal. But when Paradise promotions began, and as I continued to watch every single performance, I realized that the chorus wasn't actually being sung by all 7 members of INFINITE, but it was just being sung by you alone. I was absolutely amazed. How did you do it? How did you sing with such accuracy and stability, whilst dancing as vigorously as you could? Damn, was I impressed. And not to mention, he had a lot of solo parts as well, and in some parts, he had to sing the chorus right after his part ended, or vice versa. It must've taken you a lot of practice to stabilize your voice while dancing, plus exercise (I'm assuming you did haha) to improve your stamina. I was so proud of you, and yet, also very worried for you. In every performance I watched, you looked the most exhausted, and I just couldn't help but feel uncomfortable every time I saw your tired eyes and clearly visible eye bags.

Besides your persona on stage, I absolutely love whenever you're on variety shows. You're always smiling and joking around, and trying to brighten up the set with your fail aegyo and heart throwing. I do admit I really did dislike your greasy self before. But now, it is tolerable, and I don't really mind it (haha). I am also completely in love with your singing voice. It is absolutely beautiful and soothing (at least, for me), and whenever I hear it, it makes me smile. So really, thank you for always trying your best every performance to sing and dance accurately, and for always remembering your fans and to throw hearts.


Hoya, my first impression of you was...hmm well, you were very admirable, and you are still very admirable to me now. Your dancing was spectacular, and your rapping was full of energy and color, and I can say it's still the same. Sorry if I don't say as much about you as I might do for some other members; because to be honest, you're quite low on my bias list in INFINITE. But nevertheless, you have impressed me whenever you came on stage to perform. With Can't You Smile, you further proved that you were a hugely important part of this team - you could not only rap and dance, but also sing. Do you have any idea how pleasantly surprised I was? I was also surprised by how energetic you are all the time - I can't tell whether you're tired or not in any of the variety shows or music programs; you seem to be bursting with energy 24/7.

Thank you for being such a passionate and hard working member of INFINITE, and for always working hard to give it your all in all music performances. You are truly amazing.

Dong Woo

Oh Dong Woo, where do I start with you. At first, I thought you were a great rapper with some nice Engrish, but an ugly one at that. This is really mean, but I was surprised that such an ugly person could be accepted into the KPOP industry. And now, I seriously regret thinking that. I'm really sorry for those mean thoughts. I now know that you are truly a beautiful person, both on the outside and inside. Your smile always makes me smile and feel warm inside. You kind of make me feel guilty, actually. There you are, smiling and laughing wherever you go, and here I am, having a hard time trying to smile. I really envy you for your genuine happiness. From your smile, I can tell that you are genuinely happy, and that you are a truly honest person (in a good way) with a kind and friendly persona that attracts everyone. You're one of the people I really look up to.

Besides your incredibly attractive smile and personality, I also am surprised by your talents. Like Hoya, you are good at singing, rapping, and dancing. Your rapping always manages to throw me off - there's that certain character in your rapping that makes you stand out. Your rapping always manages to flow in the smoothest way possible, and it really puts the listeners at ease.

On variety shows, your tendency to laugh whenever possible, plus how you always like to joke around makes my day. You along with Woo Hyun are the happy viruses of INFINITE. I don't know what INFINITE would do without you.

Sung Jong

Likewise with Hoya, Sung Jong, you're not too high on my bias list. I do like how you have matured over these 2 years, but yet you manage to stay the cutie maknae you are known as. Not only have you matured, but you have also improved in terms of singing. Your voice is much clearer now, and much more stable. You also manage to somehow capture people's attention with your eyes - your huge, sharp eyes always shows the seriousness you feel for every single performance.

I also feel sorry for you, as you're the most likely to be picked on by other members in INFINITE. Sometimes, I feel like they push you around too much, and that they should take care of their own things if they can, and not be lazy and make you do things, like chores, all the time. But then, you still persevere and manage to stay respectful to your hyungs. You are amazing at suppressing your anger (although you do take it out on your poor teddy bear), and I admire you for that, as I myself have anger management issues at times.

I hope you stay as the respectful cutie you are, but at the same time, grow up and manage to scare your hyungs someday :)

Sung Yeol

I'm not sure what I can say about you. You're always the target of criticism and under-appreciation, and not a lot of people understand the purpose of you being a part of INFINITE. I do admit I thought that at times, but I still do respect you for your hard work. I remember how you had some injuries while preparing for The Chaser comeback, and yet you still worked hard until the end to finish up filming for the music video. Hard work is not something that can be easily seen, but you do show it, and it's one of the qualities I like about you.

When I heard that you actually wanted less lines because you had no confidence in your singing, I was disappointed. Hey, I know idols aren't meant to be amazing singers, but you're still gonna need that damn confidence. Confidence is what keeps all these idols moving through the hardships and difficulties they encounter. If you don't have it, then how are you gonna survive? But I do hope you have gained a bit more confidence by now, and that you will continue to strive for the best.

Even though your lines are incredibly short most of the time, you still manage to have stage presence and charisma during your parts. Stage presence and charisma are not something everyone has, and yet you have them despite the small solo shots you get.

I also enjoyed watching you on Sesame Player, you never failed to make me laugh hysterically with your dolphin screams and weird body gags.

Lastly, I hope to see you grow day by day in terms of confidence and abilities.

Myung Soo

Alright, one of my top biases along with Dong Woo. I remember the first time I noticed you was in a Be Mine (Orchestra Ver.) performance, and my first thought was, "Ooh, he's cute." And then it somehow gradually developed into a huge obsession, and now I probably have about 100ish solo shots of you in my "biases" folder. I came to like you even more as I began to know more about you as an average person, and not as an idol. Unlike the "cold city man" image you have been given, offstage/offcam, you are a cute, dorky person with the looks of a little boy. You always seem to be relaxed and happy, and always going with the flow. You're also awkward at times, you manage to have the worst balance in the world (look at all those fancams online of you tripping over flat surfaces during performances LOL ok wait that's not funny, it's serious because you can get hurt but sorry I still laughed >_<), and yet you manage to come off as cute because of your constant smiling.

In terms of musical abilities, you don't manage to stand out a lot, but you are often given the role of starting off the songs, and you do that very well. But you're not very good at giving off charisma, aren't you? Haha. You probably have the worst stage presence out of the whole of INFINITE, and possibly the worst dancing skills as well (haha). But I still love you for trying really hard despite all those flaws, and not letting them bring you down.

You've also achieved a lot in terms of acting. You're probably one of the few Korean idols to have been granted the privilege of acting in a foreign drama - Jiu. I really enjoyed that drama, and you did well despite the language barrier and difficulty of stunts you had to face. Although I can't help but mention the fail I noticed in your first action scene (which was you falling to the ground after delivering a turning kick). You also seemed to have improved with Shut Up! Flower Boy Band. I really enjoyed the drama; your acting didn't make me cringe the slightest bit, which means you're a noteworthy idol actor. But I do want to see you take on different roles that don't involve you being all mysterious and cold, because I want to see whether you can challenge yourself and improve.

Sung Gyu

And now, the beloved leader and the most made-fun-of member alongside Sung Jong in INFINITE. You were the first member that caught my eye, and the first I liked. Your singing voice just stood out - it is very thin, but it has a lot of power. I usually don't go for thin and high pitched voices, but your voice, I really like.

As a leader, you must be burdened with a lot of responsibilities to bear. Yet, you carry them out incredibly well. You represent the group in terms of politeness; I've seen you call idols the same age as you "sunbaes," and bow properly in respect to a lot of celebrities. Despite the cocky persona you take on variety shows, I have seen you be an incredibly polite and respectful person, and I really admire you for that. You are also probably the strongest and toughest member in INFINITE. I've never seen you cry whenever INFINITE won 1st place or during the 1st concert; even Myung Soo cried (he's known for not having cried for any of the wins on music programs) during the concert! He says that a man shouldn't show his tears, but heck, Sung Gyu, sometimes, it's okay to loosen up your shoulders and heart, and cry. You will still be known as the strong, caring, and respectful leader of INFINITE.

I have disliked you sometimes for being so bossy to Sung Jong due to your lazyness (if anyone has watched Sesame Player or Birth of a Family, you'll understand what I mean). Like, dude, give the maknae some slack. But then, I can't say much when it comes to you scolding him for not getting the dance moves right during practice. Although you yourself aren't a great dancer, you don't let that stop you, and you take up the responsibility of correcting others whenever you can, for the sake of perfection. Although you appear cold on the outside, you are very caring and loving of all the members on the inside. You are similar to me in that sense, so I do understand and relate to you somewhat.

INFINITE wouldn't have been where they are now without your persistence and perfectionist tendencies. Thank you for being the strong and responsible person you are, and even though you may be made fun of on variety shows by your fellow members, do remember that you are greatly loved by all of them.

To everyone in INFINITE

 You guys have achieved so much these past 2 years. Although it took a lot of hard work, time, energy, and teamwork, you guys persevered and succeeded. I am so proud of every single one of you, and applaud each of you for being here. Thank you for smiling even at the hardest times, laughing and having fun on variety shows, and most of all, inspiring those out there to smile and be happy. Please, do keep continuing to pursue your happiness and dreams. And remember, that whenever you feel down, that there are family, friends, and INSPIRITS out there to support you. I love all of you guys.

Here are some of my favorite performances:

INFINITE performed Paradise and Be Mine. I have to say, at least for Paradise, this was the best performance they ever delivered. All their voices can be clearly heard, and they sound really good too.

INFINITE has got to have the best intros ever. I had the intro on replay for a couple of days. This is intro + Be Mine. The reason why they're so sweaty is because they actually performed 3 songs in a row, and not just Be Mine, but SBS decided to cut the other two perfs. The Japanese broadcast station broadcasted all three, but I can't find that video.

And here: INFINITE's BTD music video (dance version), the song that got me into INFINITE.

Alright, I'm done blabbering about INFINITE. Adios~

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