Friday, August 10, 2012

Bridal Mask: Episode 19 ~ 20 - Comments

A new story arc has just opened up. The only powerful good guy at the Jongro Police Station is dead (RIP Konno), Taro is back with his trademark arrogant facial expression on, and we have another evil guy to be aware of. With Kishokai starting to show their full potential (of evilness) and a lot of heroes dead, Kang To faces yet another challenge as the main hero.

Murayama Yoshiyo

2 episodes have aired since Murayama's first appearance. Yet there's still so much to know about this character. Since we know so little about him except that 1) he is part of Kishokai, 2) he has caused controversy in the past for being a "crazy soldier" of somesort, we can't help but anticipate his contribution to the story and relationships between other characters. I personally think this guy is pretty scary (although of course, the guy I think is worthy of being the most feared is Ueno Hideki). The addition of his character to the story pretty much means that shit is slowly gonna go down, and that Kang To has to find more about Kishokai asap.

Kimura Shunji, definitely a bad guy now

I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to this character, but now I no longer believe that this guy can return to the loving and caring Joseon-loving person he was before. Shunji has completely passed the line. He feels no sympathy whatsoever for anyone, and if it comes to catching Gaksital, he will not hesitate - he will even kill a person without even batting an eyelash. The way he tortured Comrade Jeok Pa was cruel and inhumane - when even Goiso cringes at the sight of Shunji torturing someone like that, you know the guy's definitely a crazy bastard.

And plus, the way he tries to provoke Kang To and make him think he's on his side when he's definitely not...ugh. I was actually a little annoyed myself. I'm usually not annoyed when it comes to Shunji - I just laugh it off because he's just incredibly confused. But this time, I'm convinced he's a complete bad guy now. There's no more confusion or wavering in his facial expressions or actions. He's now a full-fledged bad guy.

But I still don't hate him. I'm okay with Shunji provoking Kang To since Kang To has quietly vowed to himself to take on the challenge Shunji is presenting him with. The only problem I have with him is him being all touchy with Mok Dan. Ugh I feel so disgusted whenever he hugs her. If he actually truly loved her, then I wouldn't mind, but since he's now just using her for his own benefit, I am feeling pretty disgusted.

Crazy bastard.

Ueno Rie - Whose side are you on now?

Ohhh yeees. Time for more Rie! ヽ(`◇´)/ I've recently realized my hidden love for this character - she's sooo jaw-openingly beautiful, plus the fact that she wavers in judgement when it comes to Kang To is good. Omg. Gyah. That look in her eyes when Kang To says he would save her now regardless if she's a singer or a gisaeng. That look oh that look oh that look oh that look (ok I should stop). She's practically pleading Kang To to actually mean those words. AHHHH. LET ME DIE.

 I thought it would be Katsuyama at the end to stop Gaksital, but it's Rie instead. Of course, of course. Rie needs to go under more emotional turmoil than she did when she saw Kang To's wound on his right arm.

I think Rie will eventually help Kang To, and lose everything and probably die in the end too. Betraying Kishokai probably means death for any member in the organization. As calm as Ueno Hideki is, he probably won't ever forgive Rie if she does end up siding with Gaksital. 

Lee Kang To - Too sexy.

Can I just say Mok Dan is fucking lucky to have a man like him. Argh.

The way he shouts "Ra Ra" just kills me.

Even if you did whisper to each other, it's still obvious that you guys had some sort of a conversation that didn't have any intensity whatsoever. Which might seem weird to the circus people.

Sexy as usual in his Gaksital outfit o (◡‿◡✿)

Comfort women

Oh my god there's nothing good in watching the episodes at the airing time if you don't understand the important parts. The language used in Bridal Mask include old words that you don't hear in real life today in Korea - and plus my Korean sucks (boohoo). Only when I read the recap of ep 20 did I realize that the Japanese were tricking Joseon people into becoming comfort women.

But I was definitely ticked off when I saw those Japanese soldiers dragging off the girls against their will - they even dragged Sun Hwa along even though she didn't sign her name! OMFG. And seeing one of them kick Mok Dan countless times made me frantically wonder whether Gaksital will come to save her. So fucking cruel. Although Gaksital didn't appear then, he did manage to appear just in time to stop those trucks from transporting Joseon women to China.

Look at them fucking smile. This was where I was ticked off the most. Urgh.

I know it's not clear in the screenshots, but I do clearly remember that they did smile and boy that woman acting all happy and joyful to see these "pretty women" before her...urgh *baaaaaarffff* 

Minor character notes

One of the few supporters Kang To has now. It's sad that Shinji can't be of much help, but it is still nice to see him around. He's adorable hehe.

Loved how he seemed concerned and confused for Rie - his eyes says it all: "Does she know what she's doing?" He's so caught up in the thought that he for a moment forgets to close the car door, and has to have Rie shoot him a look to do so.

What I'm curious about him now is whether he himself knows Lee Kang To = Gaksital. I'm assuming Rie hasn't told him, and even if she did, he can't do anything unless she herself orders him to. So I guess we don't really need to worry about Katsuyama for now~╮(─▽─)╭

The whole time I was watching episode 20 and just thinking - who the hell is she? What is her significance? And I only realized that she's Shunji's nanny's granddaughter when I read the recaps (ugh fail I so did not recognize the nanny's face and I so did not understand why Kimura Taro stopped the car in front of them omg). I love how the writers decided to include her in the comfort women thing - she might make Shunji's evil character waver. Emotional turmoil is exactly what I would love to see Shunji go through. Will Shunji not even bat an eyelash when he hears that his nanny's granddaughter has been taken away to carry out such a disgusting job, or will he do something that makes Kishokai think twice again regarding whether they can trust him as a member? Ooh, very intriguing. But nevertheless, OTL she's so innocent and young how can you do this to her GAH TAARRROOOOOOOO YOU BASTARD

Looking way too happy there, buddy. (-_+)

Alright, I think that's it for now - if I think of anything more to add, I'll update this post later.

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