Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just a quick update

...on my family in Korea. Haha. So my parents recently has kept me updated on how our new home in Korea is coming along. All of the stuff from HK has arrived, and they've put everything in place somehow; they said they will tell me once they're done cleaning up the house.

Nevertheless, I still wanted pictures of what our new home looked like now, so my mom kindly sent me pics of each of the rooms~ Feel free to compare the pics of the empty rooms from the previous post to the pics in this post XD

The study room
This is the room that needs the cleaning up, as you can tell
Because dad apparently just randomly shoved the books in, they have to reorganize the books on the bookshelves lol

my parents' bedroom
looks disappointing but I blame my mom for setting the focus of the pic to the bed lol

my room!  \(^ ^)/
apparently my room is big enough to fit a bookshelf in even after placing my piano and bed in the room
they're still looking into what bookshelf to put in my room

the living room
now that looks much better than when we used to have to live on foldable seats haha

Now I can't wait until I go back home in the summer! >_< Hehe

And some other random stuff that includes an update on my current life:

When I was complaining to my mom about the workload from college,
she comforted me by cheering me on and also sending me a pic of my baby cousin
Isn't she the cutest thing ever ;__;
But looking at a pic of her also kind of made me sad because she's still at the age of not having to go through annoying crap while I currently am and...sigh

Yeah as the caption says, this quarter at college has been proving to be tough for me -_-;; The first week was absolute hell, because I'm not used to having to go to 3 lectures/discussions in a row without even a bit of time in between each of the classes, I would always end up exhausted by the end of the day. Plus, it didn't help it that my professors/TAs were piling homework on to my shoulders every time I went to a lecture/discussion. Plus I was suffering from jet lag that week too. So I ended up going out into the hall at 2am in the morning to call my mom to just talk about how I was feeling then. As soon as I heard my mom's voice though, I broke down and started crying. Then after that night, things started getting better as I got to spend some time with my friends. It turned out that everyone else was having a hard time adjusting to their new schedule as well.

Now that it's the second week, I'm feeling better and more confident that I can get through this quarter. But nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that I do get exhausted by the time I'm finally free from classes at the end of the day.

Here's a selca that portrays my tiredness and inability to smile for a picture lol:

Alright, that's about it for now. Since it's past 2am, I should probably go to sleep haha bye!


  1. omg i experienced the same thing where when i heard my mom's voice i like cried but i held it in....that was the beginning of the school. i'm always here for u bby. dude call me if ur sad!! we should actually CALL each other like a lot, instead of just sky ping!!!

  2. yea sorry i'm just not used to talking about those kind of stuff to anyone *sigh* i know it's bad to hold it in...ok yeah we rly should!
