Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Break~

After a horrendous week of no sleep, cramming, and failing finals - my spring break finally came. It was nice that the stressful winter quarter was over, but I felt like I didn't deserve my break...considering all the horrible grades I've been getting lately. But then again, this quarter was so bad - I had on and off depression which pretty much got rid of my motivation to do well in college, and it also made it even more difficult for me to hang out with friends and get to know other people. Sorry for all the depressing stuff - I'll go on and talk about how my spring break was~ ( ´ ▽ ` )

I spent my spring break at my aunt's house in San Jose. The first few days were pretty uneventful as I didn't have anyone around my age to hang out with haha - my cousin who's a year older than me still had finals at her uni, so I pretty much just ate homemade Korean food and went on the Internet.

some sweet pancakes my aunt made me \o/
by the time i had it, it was cold but it was still good hehe
this picture somewhat summarizes my spring break haha
i swear infinite really so special to me my god
they can make my day any day
sigh i'm just so happy that they're finally back ;__;
i really wanted to cry and scream over their mv when it came out but i couldn't cuz
1) i wasn't alone in the room, 2) quiet hours bc finals week

it's been quite a while since i had kimbab
ahh it was so good

my aunt is awesome because despite her being busy with church,
she always prepared lunch for me \o/ thank you so much~
curry + kimchi = om nom nom

And my cousin finally came back after she finished her finals~ So I finally started getting out of the house the next day. The first day I went out with my aunt and my cousin, we went to a Korean supermarket and bought all the Korean and Japanese snacks I wanted \o/ 

some of the stuff i bought

a bottle of milk coffee (what an awkward name) + rainbow ricecakes (loved them ever since i was a kid)
i had them as soon as we got back home~it was really good ^___^

And I don't really remember whether it was on the same day or the following day, but my cousin sort of...encouraged me to join her and her friends? Haha. So I got to meet some of my cousin's close friends and hang out with them~. They were all really nice, so I was glad that my cousin pushed me to join her. Thank you, cousin~ \o/ 

The following day, we went shopping at a nearby shopping mall. I only managed to buy a eye pencil from Urban Decay and a cardigan from Forever 21, because everyone else seemed tired, and I didn't want to push them into shopping for too long just because of me. I ended up having my aunt buy me those two items (although I insisted that I should buy them myself T^T ugh my aunt is too good to me). Then on the way home, we stopped by Daiso, and I bought a can of black tea and milk tea...which I didn't get to drink because they leaked and made my suitcase wet on the flight back to LA...ugh.

peach iced milk tea with pearls - basically peach flavored bubble tea
my cousin treated me~

Then I found more Japanese snacks I wanted, so I hurriedly picked them and bought them with my own money \o/ I could've asked my aunt to pay them for me according to her, but I didn't want to do that :/ She had already bought so much stuff for me so...hah

And on Thursday, my uncle got a day off, and drove my aunt, my cousin, and I to San Francisco! We mainly spent the day in Union Square. The bad thing was that we departed without having eaten a proper meal, so I was dying of lack of sleep and hunger the entire morning. Plus, I didn't have any coffee in the morning, so it made everything worse. So while we were in the restaurant for lunch, I was pretty much down the entire time while my cousin was happily talking to her parents...ahh I hope I didn't come off as rude or something...*sigh* The things that happen when I don't get to drink coffee...

while i was flipping through the menu for alcohol out of boredom,
i came across this photo and found it funny
so i took a pic of it
i felt self-conscious as i was taking it...
cuz i don't think anyone there at the table knew i like drinking beer hah

after a loooong time of waiting for food, it finally came~
it's called the J Burger
i didn't really like it because it was too greasy :/
and whenever i had a bite of it the sauce would drip on my fingers and on the plate and..
damn what a mess
  After we finished our lunch, we had some coffee from Starbucks because hell, everyone needed coffee. Then we proceeded to go shopping! I went to UNIQLO, H&M, and Urban Outfitters - I could've gone to a lot more shops, but I ended up spending too much time in H&M...haha Here are the clothes I bought that day:

the b&w striped jeans i was looking for was in H&M~
i had no idea then how to wear the jeans with other pieces of clothing,
but it was really pretty ;__; and it was cheap too!
and i didn't know where else i would be able to find one in stores other than online...
so i just bought it haha \o/ so happy~

blue shirt with black collar from uniqlo
it was really pretty plus i needed a shirt like this to prepare myself for summer

dark blue jeans from urban outfitters
i don't have a lot of blue jeans, so it was a good thing i found a nice pair at urban outfitters
it's really comfortable and pretty too omg they're perfect
i didn't end up buying it at the store though because i was in a hurry
and i thought i should put more thought into buying it later
so i ended up buying it online
 and a random photo
sigh the flowers are so pretty

Then we all met up again to go eat ice cream at some sort of a "one-of-a-kind" store. I was sort of feeling carsick by then, and I don't really like ice cream either, so I decided against having one. 

just sitting at one of the tables while waiting for others to finish up their ice creams~

polaroid photo taken with my cousin
i wish i could smile better but
i have a complex with my face which is
whenever i smile my face grows 10x the original size (which is already big) so
i end up not showing teeth in pics
sorry cousin m(_ _)m sigh
 By the time we got back home, we were all pretty tired by then, so we just ended up having a simple dinner which was ramen with eggs and ricecakes~

The next day, I didn't do much except to join my cousin and her friends again when they came over. I wanted to watch something scary because I suddenly felt like not sleeping that night, but the majority vote was no to horror movies. Aww. So we ended up watching a really old film from the 80's, called "Pretty in Pink". It was actually a good movie ^___^ although I didn't like how abrupt the ending was. 

My cousin had to go back to school the next day, so I went with my uncle and aunt to take her back. It took about 2 hours to get there, and unfortunately, that day was also pretty bad in the morning because I didn't get to have coffee or a proper meal beforehand. When we arrived at the neighborhood, we decided to have Chinese food for lunch. I didn't really like it because it was greasy. American Chinese food *sigh* Then, we went to the supermarket because my cousin wanted to buy some food, and I got a drink from Starbucks. We then took my cousin to the apartment she was living in. I got to look around - I didn't really like it because it looked a little...empty. I think it would look nicer if they had decorated the walls and all.

the neighborhood my cousin lives in
apparently only students from her uni live here
i liked the neighborhood because it was very peaceful
 Then everyone said their farewells, and we returned home. And then it was my turn to go back to campus the next day

my last meal at my aunt's house before leaving for LA
  The entire trip back to campus took a total of 5 hours...ugh. I was pretty tired and hungry by the time I got back to the dorms. Maybe it was a bad choice to return on the day before the beginning of a new quarter...hmm. I don't know. Anyway, I had a pretty relaxing spring break, which I definitely needed, so I'm happy. And I guess it's now time for me to go back to studying again until mid-June, when I finally get to go back home in Korea~ \o/ I can't wait!

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