Friday, July 19, 2013

I Hear Your Voice: Episode 14 - Comments

I'm back with these drama comment posts~ This time around,  it's for I Hear Your Voice. It's sort of sad how now there's only 4 episodes left before this drama comes to an end...It's been a while since I've watched a drama as good as this one.

I apologize if my screenshots are too Soo Ha-biased - if you watch the show, then you'll definitely understand why I tend to care for this character a little too much. And yes, oh right. Spoiler alert? I'm not too sure whether the eng subs are up yet or not so...

the parallels between the past and the present
very nicely done
sigh whenever the show brings up little soo ha, my heart just hurts ):
are we not going to let hye sung know about what min joon gook told you? oh ok...
but i think this might hurt her later once she knows
not just because the whole thing started because of your father, but also because you lied again
and didn't tell her everything you were hiding from her ):
sigh if this love line doesn't work out because of this, then...ughughugh

The bus scene. Just downright funny and cute.

i love how he keeps his word and is scared to hurt her by reading her mind again...
so that he immediately avoids her eyes, and says "I-I didn't see your eyes, ok?"

her confession!
"I like you, Soo Ha. As a friend, as a dongsaeng...and as a man."
can i just say i love how she places her hands on his face such that he will look her in the eyes

i'm dying at his expressions

i'm glad hye sung didn't let their relationship turn awkward and told him that
they should look at each other when needed, and laugh with each other when needed.
ok i love how honest she is now ok
her denying her feelings for him through her mouth and her saying the exact opposite through her mind
in the last ep was funny.
now speaking in relevance with the screenshot,
dear lord smiling soo ha is the best thing ever.

this adorable kiss scene happened too quickly and i'm pretty sure i was squealing inside
but kept quiet on the outside because uh, i watch this drama with my parents all the time and yeah.
gotta suppress the fangirl spirit in me sometimes, you know?
and so since the kiss scene happened too quickly this was the best screenshot i could get lol i'm sorry
but it was really cute ok
my dad's comment: "there are too many yeonsang-yeonha couples these days"
*yeonsang-yeonha: yeonsang - older, yeonha - younger
and dad's right tho, for quite a few celeb couples, the gf is older and the bf is younger
e.g. ki sung yong + han hye jin couple who recently got married
the three judges gossiping (?) about how hye sung decided to claim hwang dal joong as not guilty
and that she's being ridiculous and risky again.
the two judges other than judge kim know better once they see hye sung right there,
that they should prob stop the gossip

but it takes a while for judge kim to realize that the very person they were gossiping about is right behind him. lol.
question though, why does he always have a bandage of some sort on his nose?
i first thought it was plastic surgery but i don't think he would get it that often? i don't know.
on a side note, i absolutely love how i can see this actor in almost any drama
i've been a fan of him ever since his "the secret of keke-island" ("크크섬의 비밀") days
i loved that sitcom it was hilarious
do we finally have more reliable cops now protecting our main characters? good.

seo dae suk, the worst person ever in this drama (even worse than min joon gook man srsly)
finds the hospital hwang dal joong's wife is in, and finds out that she is in
a critical condition and that they're not sure whether she'll wake up.
upon hearing this news, he proceeds to smirk as he heads out.
you ass.

after hearing the news of min joon gook injuring cha byun, hye sung can't help but
get really mad at min joon gook for all the horrible things he has done.
so she proceeds to go into another room to curse out the villain as much as she can so that she feels better
love how lawyer shin gets a little scared and asks her to confirm that he hasn't done anything wrong to her lol

after reading his mind earlier in the morning, soo ha decides to confront cha byun about what he heard from min joon gook
not sure why cha byun took his glasses off, is taking off his glasses now gonna be a indication of
when he switches from the cheery side to the serious side??

then he proceeds to tell soo ha to never let hye sung know about what his father did.
"There are some truths in the world that you don't need to go out of your way to tell."

soo ha gets pissed at cha byun's unexpected reaction
just before the confrontation he was worrying about whether he should beg him to not tell hye sung
and here cha byun is, telling him firmly not to tell hye sung
cha byun telling soo ha what to do all the time prob just makes soo ha feel like a little kid
and wow look at how poorly the screenshot is taken
i'm sorry jong suk
choi yoon (actor kim min jong) from a gentleman's dignity!!
ahhh i love how they connected the two dramas ok.
plus, when he got a phone call from meahri and smiled - that was really cute
and sort of made me miss that drama.
hwang dal joong waking up due to an attack that forces him to gulp down some pills.
after he's calmed down a bit, he proceeds to take out a notepad and write sth in it...
what are you writing there tho

another short cameo by um ki joon.
turns out he's the one who came out as first for the public defendant interview.
but it also turns out that he won't carry out his job as a lawyer if he won't get all the money he spent on
his clients (which includes taxi fees lol wt) back as his paycheck or sth
he quits his job, and in comes cha byun~
welcome back i guess

choong ki gets mad seeing soo ha not doing anything to turn sung bin's feelings down
and thinks some rly mean shit which of course can be read by soo ha.
ugh you asshole i was starting to like you but all that nice shit you did for soo ha
when he lost his memories was because of pity wow ok
don't make me lose faith in this friendship goddamn it


hye sung runs into cha byun and decides to have lunch with him and even helps him eat
because he can't use his right arm. it's pretty cute really.
cha byun turns out was offered by his choi sunbae (kim min jong) to join his law firm
but he declined and decided to go back to being a public defendant
hye sung asks him why and cha byun says he'd rather choose the option that's 1% more right
so that he won't regret not having chosen that option later on.

and with cha byun's inspiring words, hye sung puts them right into play,
starting off with being lovey dovey with soo ha in public.
ooh i like this. i might die of cuteness overload though.

and with cha byun's inspiring words (again), hye sung decides to confront seo dae suk and do yeon about the truth.
as expected, seo dae suk has no thoughts of apologizing to hwang dal joong for what he did in the past.
i love how hye sung uses the very own words he used against hye sung when she was younger, for the fireworks incident,
to make him spill the beans, or at least feel angered somewhat.
also love how hye sung then leaves, praising herself for what she did just now. lol.

while hye sung goes off to meet do yeon next, soo ha enters a shopping mall (?) or wtv better word to describe it,
and takes off his headphones. he listens to a couple of ppl talk (whether through their mouths or minds)
and thinks:
"Most of the time, what keeps the world and relationships peaceful are the lies more than the truths.
Lies can temporarily hold down conflicts, and put anxieties to sleep.
Because truths are more uncomfortable than lies are, most people prefer to look away from the truths.
I also am that kind of person."

"Telling the truth is always painful. That's why I sometimes close my eyes from the truth."
and the episode ends with hye sung finally telling do yeon the truth
the truth that she is actually hwang dal joong's daughter
soo ha (voiceover): "However, before I knew, my jjang d'arc had been chasing the truth even more
than me who always sees the truth."

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