Monday, September 3, 2012

Getting ready for college + some other random stuff

So I've only got a little over a week left until I finally leave for college. Once I get there, everything's gonna be pretty hectic with orientation, visa workshops, meeting new people, and moving into dorms. I just hope everything goes smoothly and that I don't run into any big problems while I'm settling in.

Recently, I've been discussing things I would need to shop for college with my mom - my parents will buy most of the stuff for me in the US while I'm stuck on campus for orientation (thank you mom and dad hehe). So here are some stuff I've bought for college:

Not having a camera case didn't bother me that much, but now that I have lost my lens cap and I will have to share a room with two other people, there's gonna be a limited amount of space my camera can be safely placed without being I decided I needed one. And tadah~here it is.

I didn't think my mom would give me the only nail clipper in the house
so I bought my own
it's Hello Kitty and it's purple! Hehe
Jetoy luggage tag - front

Jetoy luggage tag - back

According to my mom, I'm gonna have to start applying BB cream
since my skin is sensitive to strong sunlight
and since I'm going to California and it's pretty hot there
My very own luggage case ^__^
I know the lighting's pretty bad here, but the color's supposed to be bright neon pink
Not sure what the exact name are for these...
and these weren't exactly fully for the purpose of college haha
But yeah they're for your bangs
I know I don't have much bangs but they do bother me whenever I wash my face at night
They always fall down to my cheeks and get wet and I don't like it when my hair gets wet esp. not when my hair has completely dried already
so yeah
I don't really like how they're in a bow shape
but whatever
again, not bought exactly for college
it was just that I needed some more hair ties

And here are some totally irrelevant-to-college stuff I bought recently:

The 1st look magazine issue featuring Tiffany
I debated between buying the INFINITE one and this one
I ended up choosing Tiffany

because she looked too gorgeous in this photoshoot
and the clothes she wore looked really nice too
Debated between this DVD and the Second Invasion DVD
and I bought this in the end

The photocards
I liked Hoya's one the best

DVD 1: BTS of The Mission day
DVD 2: Mash up performances, interviews of each member

the photobook

what the inside of the photobook looks like
I just got my She's Back Limited Edition today
Definitely pricey, but worth it (at least for me)

Hoya's random photocard + Sung Yeol's postcard

CD: She's Back (Japanese Ver.), Torawa (Japanese Ver.), She's Back (Korean Remix Ver.)
DVD: She's Back (Japanese Ver.) MV BTS
Update: Never mind it's working lol

The photobook

what the inside of the photobook looks like

And some extra random photos I needed to share and talk about:

I managed to find a set of clothes that look good with the neon jacket
A white H&M short-sleeved shirt + blue animal print jeans from MANGO
I'm dying to wear this outfit soon (it's too hot outside to wear it rn)

My new drink addiction
This tastes really good, it's not too sweet, yet not too bitter
Loving it


  1. 1- your camera is so small you don't even need that big of a case! haha :D
    2- yay bb cream!
    3- nice luggage
    4- get a close up of your blue animal print leggings, i wanna see

    good luck packing and getting on that loooong flight~~but you pack light leave on twentieth-ish right?

    1. 1- nonono it looks big on the outside, but inside it's pretty small - my camera fits in perfectly hahaha
      2- woot woot
      3- thank you
      4- go click on my rainy saturday post, there's a pic of it i got from the MANGO site hahaha

      thank youuuuuu. hahaha true that. nope i leave on the 11th
