Tuesday, October 30, 2012

College Om Nom Nom log

Hey I haven't updated this blog in a while ._. To be honest, there hasn't been anything specific I wanted to write about, so I haven't been too keen on writing a new post lately.

So here are pictures of some delicious things I've had this past month at college that I wanted to share ^__^ Enjoy

The omelette at our school is delicious :>
The line is always super long, and you will have to wait for a while unless you get breakfast super early or late
But it's worth it
I think I'm gonna try one again this upcoming weekend ^__^

They had Dwen Jang Jji Gae (tofu hot pot, basically) for the Korean special at the Asian dining hall one day
It made my day

That Asian dining hall also has sushi sometimes too
Om nom nom
I usually dislike sushi but this one was good

Woot woot microwaveable ramen~
The store in our dorm area actually sells Nongshim ramen, which is pretty cool

Sometimes I just get takeaway Asian food and eat it at my dorm
while watching anime
Love it~

Not the same as the one I got in the above pic
but this is also pretty good

And one day I had microwaveable white rice for breakfast
It was good hehe

I finally got to eat pinkberry froyo (T▽T)
It was delicious.

There's this relatively new pizza place in the neighborhood
And the cooks actually make the pizza on the spot
It was really good.
Alright, I think I should probably start on my homework...bye for now ^___^

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