Saturday, March 23, 2013

Anime Recommendation: Tamako Market

So recently I've been into watching animes again, and after seeing all the gifs on my dash on Tumblr, I decided to give Tamako Market a try. And I am so glad I did.

To summarize this briefly, it's basically about a girl named Tamako (the one in the middle in the pic) whose family runs a mochi store, and she - not very surprisingly - loves mochi. Her life takes a interesting turn when she comes across a bird called Dera MochiMazzi (that's the romanization according to Wikipedia) - he's apparently from a royal family that lives on a what looks like a tropical island; he's on a mission to look for the prince's bride.

the character who plays a huge role of including the comedy aspect in this anime
he's so funny omfg
The anime overall is absolutely adorable. All the characters are so warm-hearted and cute, the art is so visually pleasing to look at, all the characters have good relationships with one another, and the fact that the storyline is on the relatively loose side makes the anime comforting. It's pretty much the perfect anime to watch when your life sucks and you're in need of some cuteness in your life.

All the characters in the anime are likeable, but I must say my favorite one is Tamako. She's cute, thoughtful, and friendly. I especially like how she's not one bit hesitant on becoming friends with strangers or ones she does not know very well. Take for example how she treated Shiori really well and the two became good friends in the end (◡‿◡✿) and that is why episode 3 is one of my fave eps out of the anime (spoiler alert? haha).

mochizou is a cutie and i wish a cutiepie like him existed in real life

And like most of the people watching this anime, I ship Mochizou and Tamako~ I wish we got to see more moments of the two together though. (I heard that episode 12 might be the last for Tamako Market, and if we do not see some extremely cute moment between the two then I swear my life will suck even more than it already does and I don't know omg I'm gonna cry I really hope the anime doesn't end at 12 eps really no)

Yep as you can see...I have a lot of feels for this anime. So if you're looking for some heartwarming and cute stuff to brighten up your life, and you like animes, then this is the anime I recommend to you~\o/

Note: I don't take credits for any of the screenshots here

1 comment:

  1. I want to have a chat with the girl who so ever posted or bloged about tamako market I m crazy about this show ....i started from tamako love story. and I fall in love with this movie ...then I find out that there is a anime series on which this movie is based on....I watched 8 episode a day continuously..... I became crazy about this anime ...but then I get to know there is no episode after 12 ....and there my heart breaks I feel like crying.....this anime really connects to me.....and I want to connect to the people who like this anime too.....and after reading this blog about it i really want to chat with the girl who posted if the girl who bloged this is reading my cmnt please .....give me ur identity in my google account please mail me.......☺������
