Saturday, March 9, 2013

Food + Recent Purchases Part 1

It's been a while since I've written a post about my recent om nom nom experiences and I felt like sharing photos of them. Enjoy~ (*・ω・)


Kalbi (Korean BBQ Ribs) Bowl & Kimchi \(T∇T)/
I just recently found out that there's another Korean restaurant in the neighborhood,
so I went there with my friend and had this^.
It was so delicious that I had it again later twice
I'm gonna try some other foods the restaurant offers the next time I go there~

Finally found the place on campus where everyone was getting their bobas from~
It wasn't that good, but it wasn't too bad either.
I guess it's worth going there again to try out some other bobas the place offers.

After hearing from my friend about there being Yoshinoya on campus,
I went there to check it out.
I got the Teriyaki Chicken bowl as pictured above,
it was alright...I guess I could go to Yoshinoya again try some other stuff they have
but from the menu it looked like they didn't have a lot of variety of food
The place also had Subway and other choices of food as well.
I've been recently going there often for Subway

Red velvet cupcake from one of the dining halls \o/
it's good but I can never finish it because it's too big lol

I finally got myself a new kettle,
so it was finally time to try one of the Korean instant foods my mom had sent me a while ago
The one pictured here is called jja jang bokkie
It sadly wasn't very good (T_T)
it might've been because I poured both soup packs in at first or something
I'm gonna try and see if I can make it better
I also tried out this Korean special one of the dining halls offer~
It's noodles with bulgogi (beef) and kimchi~
it's so good T^T this is now what I look forward to on Mondays

Recent Purchases Part 1
*Part 1 because I have other things I've bought but they haven't arrived in the mail yet...I'll update as soon as I receive the rest  ( ´ ▽ ` )

-blue beanie from urban outfitters, lensless glasses from ulzzangglasses-
(I'm sorry if you were taken back from this sudden close up pic of me hah)
Sadly since it's not that cold here right now,
I haven't had the chance to wear the beanie often.
I'm really loving the glasses - they're sometimes a good substitute for days I'm too busy to put on eyeliner
and sometimes they make my face look smaller  ( ´ ▽ ` ) hehe

-cat face print white thick pullover from romwe,
black leather skirt from urban outfitters,
black tights from american apparel-
I got the pullover in December, but I only wore it for the first time like..last month.
And the skirt - ahh I'm totally loving the skirt >__<
I'm still in the process of trying to find tops that go well with the skirt
I can't wear it too often because most of the time I'm riding my scooter like a madman around campus and...yup skirts won't work when I'm busy like that
Prob because I hardly wear tights, but I don't feel very comfortable in them -
I only bought them because it was rather chilly at the time I bought the skirt, so I had to buy something to warm up my legs

-boots from choies-
ahh these boots were super expensive but they were totally worth it.
I am really in love with them right now~  ( ´ ▽ ` )
I got pretty sick of only wearing flats and sneakers around campus,
and these boots are a perfect pair to substitute them
they're very flexible; they're pretty comfortable and easy to walk around in
although I'm not too sure whether they will survive my scooter rides...
so I'll prob. still be wearing flats and sneakers most of the time hah
*fun fact: lol my english prof said these boots were cool lol

Annnnd that's it for now  ( ´ ▽ ` ) I'll update again once the rest of my purchases come in the mail~

Concluding this post with a nicer selca because I can:

my attempt at smiling

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