Friday, January 25, 2013

PHANTOM - Phantom Theory - Mini Album Vol. 2

I was pleasantly surprised when I heard that PHANTOM was making a comeback with a new mini album. I thought they would take it easy and be inactive until maybe the middle of this year, since they just officially debuted in August of last year...but I guess I was wrong on that.

PHANTOM - Like Cho Yong Pil MV(the one I linked is the English ver, there's also a Korean and a Japanese ver)

The plot of the MV is basically how the CEO ends the contract with PHANTOM, and them having to start over from square one. It's filmed like how a documentary of someone's life at the moment is filmed; it's a parody of the 인간극장 (directly translated, it should be something along the lines of..."Peoples' Theatre") program. The program usually - well at least from what I've seen - goes to the countryside, finds a particular family's daily life to document, and dedicates about 8 or so episodes to documenting the family's daily life.

So, with only themselves left to support their music careers, the three struggle to stay united as they try to prepare for an audition. As Kiggen stays home and composes the song the three are going to perform at the audition, Han Hae goes out in his free time to earn money by working as a waiter at a restaurant, and Sanchez can't help but feel sorry for being unable to buy his girlfriend something decent for her birthday. Eventually, Han Hae and Kiggen get sensitive, and Han Hae storms out, determined to go back to his home in Bu San. On the audition day, Kiggen and Sanchez wait for their turn as they hope for Han Hae to come back and join them. Han Hae does come back (yay!) and the three manage to pull off a great performance. The episode of PHANTOM's life ends there, and a preview of the next ep is shown. We get to know that PHANTOM does successfully land a contract with another company and debut.

I do like how the MV fits the mood and lyrics of the song, but I'm not a big fan of MVs longer than 3 minutes, so I can't say that I particularly like this MV. At the moment, I'm appreciating this song by watching their live performances.

The mini album

the front cover

the back
the track list is written in the top left corner

he track list page
all three of them look so good  d=(´▽`)=b
like esp. han hae i like how the suit just shows off his body line
watch the live and you'll die at how perfect he looks OTL

sanchez~ (✿ ♥‿♥)

and a cute group picture

The mini album isn't anything special in terms of visuals, but I guess the most important thing for me here is that I bought it because I loved every single song they wrote for this album. And I don't know, it's nice to finally have some PHANTOM merchandise?  (*´・v・)

And so the track list:
1) Hide & Chic (Feat. Microdot)
2) 조용필처럼 (Like Cho Yong Pil)
3) Dutch Pay
4) 할 수 있는게 (Nothing I Can Do)
5) 손톱 (Biting My Nails) (ft. HJ)
6) 말 놓을게 (Chit Chat)
7) 조용필처럼 (Like Cho Yong Pil) (Inst.)

My two cents on each of the songs:

Hide & Chic (ft. Microdot): I love it. It's really catchy, and I really like how they rap in this song too. To give a few examples I like: when Han Hae starts his part off with "그건 아니다 아이가" (geu geon ahnida ahyiga) which means "that's not it" in Korean dialect (I think it's the Bu San dialect?), and when Kiggen says "오빠 랩해도 되" (oppa raphaedo dweh?) which means "can oppa rap?" (which is in the form of Kiggen asking whether he's allowed to rap).

Like Cho Yong Pil: I initially didn't like this song, but now it's my current favorite song. I absolutely love the lyrics, they are so sweet. It basically portrays a man who feels sorry for not being able to do anything for his girlfriend due to his poor financial situation, but he is determined to work hard to continue his singing career and become a great singer like Cho Yong Pil. The song ends with Sanchez singing about how the man is waiting for the day when he sings on a huge stage with his girlfriend in the audience. Not only are the lyrics great, but the vocals and rapping are also impressive as usual.

Dutch Pay: I also like this song - it's catchy and I like how I can actually tell the frustration of having to pay for everything every time they go out to eat with friends from Sanchez's vocals, Kiggen's and Han Hae's rapping. I especially like the part where Kiggen raps "밥 사고 커피 사고 술 사고, 밥 사고 커피 사고 술 사고" which means "I pay for the meal, coffee, and alcohol; I pay for the meal, coffee, and alcohol". It's just a good example (I think) of how PHANTOM nicely portrays the frustration of a person having to pay for everything, and having to deal with friends and acquaintances that won't follow the customs of Dutch paying. Man if the three actually deals with that, it must be hard on them...I guess that's why they wrote a song about Dutch pay ahhaha

Nothing I Can Do: This song is my least favorite. I don't know, I just don't think it's as charming as the other songs in the mini-album are. It's not particularly special, but I still do like it thanks to Sanchez's vocals.

Biting My Nails: This is the first song in the album that I liked. The vocals and rapping are just really calming, and the guitar sounds in the background also contribute to the calming mood too. The song basically portrays a person who's so anxious about something that he keeps biting his nails. Near the end of the song, Kiggen raps: "I will just bite my nails again, they will grow again; I will just bite my nails again, they will grow again." That part just had a deep impression on me.

Chit Chat: This song is my second least favorite. I guess it's catchy, but it's the lyrics that do justice for the song. It's about how a guy wants to drop the honorifics and become closer to a certain woman who's older than he is. The interesting aspect of this song was how PHANTOM made a couple of references to songs of other artists. There's one part where they reference SHINee's Replay song (lol) and at the end, there's a reference to Lee Seung Gi's "She's My Girl" (not sure if that's the title the song is known as in English but whatever). I personally found the reference to Lee Seung Gi's funnier; I think it's Han Hae rapping this, and it goes along the lines of: "Noona, I've prepared something for you. I'll sing a song for you. *clears throat* Because noona's my girl!!!!" Where "because noona's my girl" is a line in LSG's song, and the funny thing about that part was that you're supposed to sing (or rather, shout, as LSG does) at an incredibly high note at the "girl" part. Since Han Hae can't sing the high note, the "girl" part in this song is autotuned a LOT LOL.

Like Cho Yong Pil (Inst.): I initially didn't see what was so great about the instrumental that PHANTOM had decided to include it in their album, but now whenever I listen to the actual song, I'm always noticing the instrumentals and how nice they sound along with the singing and the rapping.

Wow I wrote A LOT for this album...but I guess that shows how much I really like it. It's really difficult to like all of the songs in an album - I usually only like the title tracks of most albums, which is why I don't buy albums unless I really like the group.

I would write more to properly wrap up this post, but I've already spent more than half an hour trying to write up this post and take pictures of the's time for me to go back to studying (T▽T); I have midterms coming up. Alright, bye for now~and I will be back to review INFINITE H's Fly High album soon.

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I was initially hesitant on sharing this because I thought they would be boring from another person's point of view. But whatever, I'm just gonna share it:

  • Start putting on make up - mainly just BB cream and eyeliner.

    Wherever I go, all the girls I see have some make up on. Being one of the select few who doesn't put on make up on just made me feel inferior to them, and I also felt my self esteem stoop low whenever I saw girls with such nice make up on. So I decided to start applying make up this year. I don't think I will be applying too much; I will mainly focus on eyeliner and BB cream when my skin condition isn't so bad.  I just started applying eyeliner the other day, although I'm being careful and only drawing it really thin, nevertheless it's still an accomplishment. I haven't gotten around the habit to applying it whenever I go out, so...yeah working on that.
  • Work on taking good care of my skin.

    Specifically my face. I do apply facial lotion everyday, but my skin hasn't been really good lately :/. I recently started applying toner and a gel cream from Laneige; my mom did say my facial skin looks better now, but I frankly can't tell...I'm always getting pimples on my face despite my constant facial the deal with this resolution is for me to continue to constantly follow my usual facial skin routine, and possibly find more tips to have healthy skin? Yup.
  • Read the books I already have before buying more.

    I have a bad habit of buying books, leaving them on the bookshelf thinking to myself "I'll read it later," and then buying more books. Plus, when I could be reading the books in my free time, I'm always wasting time away on the yeah I want to try and read more books this year. And I guess follow my mom's words and stop reading the books by the same author (what I've been doing with Keigo Higashino's books lately...)
  • Learn how to use a DSLR (hopefully I'll have mastered all the functions by the end of 2013).

    So if you've read one of my recent posts, you'll know that I've recently purchased a DSLR. Ever since I've got it, I've been feeling this strong urge to make photography one of my main hobbies. I recently signed up for intro classes held by the photo club at my uni, so hopefully that will help me learn and "become a pro" (as my club leader says).

    Recently, I was down for a while, and although that definitely wasn't good for me, it did help me realize the things I could do to keep me going regardless of what obstacles were in my way; one of them making photography my hobbies. So I'm really looking forward to fulfilling this new year's resolution.
  • Gain more interest in fashion.

    Not that I don't have any interest in fashion at all, but it's just that I think I really should try out different styles of clothing. I'm always constantly wearing the same clothes and the same style. I always tell myself, "No,  I've been wearing this too often, I should wear something else," but I always end up choosing the same clothes because I either cannot be fucked to think of different fashion statements, or I'm too scared that I won't be able to pull it off. But I do have a feeling that if I try and look out for different styles of clothing that could suit me, then my self esteem would rise. Not that my self esteem is dangerously low or anything, but it's just nice when you're feeling good despite all the work you have to do thanks to your professors and TAs.
  • Explore LA more.

    Mainly due to time constraints and my lazy ass, I haven't been to a lot of places in LA yet. I know it's only my second quarter here and all, but I think I really should go to different places and get to know what kind of city I am currently residing in. A good place to start is Koreatown I guess - although I've been there the first time I came to LA, I still haven't gotten around to going there by myself and exploring the area.
  • Learn how to cook.

    Definitely gotta learn this over the summer, as once my second year of college rolls around, I'm going to be in an apartment with a friend. I will no longer be relying on dining halls to fill up my stomach, so I better learn how to do basic dishes and some Korean dishes as well. I guess I could also learn as I attend college next year by reading off cookbooks.
  • Stop being a bitch.

    Although I am nice most of the time, I do tend to let loose my negative side and start being a bitch. I'm trying to aim to be more understanding and caring. I'm also trying to be more tolerant.

Well that's it for my resolutions for now. I guess I'll add onto the list in another post or update the post with the new ones later, but I doubt that I would. I think I already have a decent amount of resolutions for this year, and adding any more would make it difficult for me to concentrate on each and every one equally. Alright, bye for now~

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just a quick update

...on my family in Korea. Haha. So my parents recently has kept me updated on how our new home in Korea is coming along. All of the stuff from HK has arrived, and they've put everything in place somehow; they said they will tell me once they're done cleaning up the house.

Nevertheless, I still wanted pictures of what our new home looked like now, so my mom kindly sent me pics of each of the rooms~ Feel free to compare the pics of the empty rooms from the previous post to the pics in this post XD

The study room
This is the room that needs the cleaning up, as you can tell
Because dad apparently just randomly shoved the books in, they have to reorganize the books on the bookshelves lol

my parents' bedroom
looks disappointing but I blame my mom for setting the focus of the pic to the bed lol

my room!  \(^ ^)/
apparently my room is big enough to fit a bookshelf in even after placing my piano and bed in the room
they're still looking into what bookshelf to put in my room

the living room
now that looks much better than when we used to have to live on foldable seats haha

Now I can't wait until I go back home in the summer! >_< Hehe

And some other random stuff that includes an update on my current life:

When I was complaining to my mom about the workload from college,
she comforted me by cheering me on and also sending me a pic of my baby cousin
Isn't she the cutest thing ever ;__;
But looking at a pic of her also kind of made me sad because she's still at the age of not having to go through annoying crap while I currently am and...sigh

Yeah as the caption says, this quarter at college has been proving to be tough for me -_-;; The first week was absolute hell, because I'm not used to having to go to 3 lectures/discussions in a row without even a bit of time in between each of the classes, I would always end up exhausted by the end of the day. Plus, it didn't help it that my professors/TAs were piling homework on to my shoulders every time I went to a lecture/discussion. Plus I was suffering from jet lag that week too. So I ended up going out into the hall at 2am in the morning to call my mom to just talk about how I was feeling then. As soon as I heard my mom's voice though, I broke down and started crying. Then after that night, things started getting better as I got to spend some time with my friends. It turned out that everyone else was having a hard time adjusting to their new schedule as well.

Now that it's the second week, I'm feeling better and more confident that I can get through this quarter. But nevertheless, that doesn't change the fact that I do get exhausted by the time I'm finally free from classes at the end of the day.

Here's a selca that portrays my tiredness and inability to smile for a picture lol:

Alright, that's about it for now. Since it's past 2am, I should probably go to sleep haha bye!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Winter Break Part 2: Korea

So, as soon as we landed at Incheon Airport, we bought a cup of coffee and got into my dad's car and drove off to my grandma's house. We couldn't go to our new house right away because the family was still living there and they were to move out the next morning. Once we got to grandma's house, we basked in the awesomeness of indoor heating, ate some breakfast, then my parents dozed off while I just watched TV. That was pretty much it for that day. For dinner, we ordered jja jang myun and other good things that come with the dish. Props to the delivery man for delivering on such a cold night.

om nom nom
I was really full by the time I was done

Then the next day, we went to my dad's brother's house - because that's where my dad's family always meets up for new year's. Apparently though, they're going to change that location to our new home starting this year as on new year's day you're supposed to pay respects to elders (in our case, my grandfather, great-grandfather, and great-grandmother) that have passed away a long time ago and most of the responsibilities of carrying the actual ceremony out belongs to the eldest son of the family - my dad. My dad's brother has done it most of the time because my dad was in Hong Kong on new year's.

Ddol Ddol - my uncle's dog - sleeping
He's so adorable
My dad knows it and thus always gives him food
He says he wants Ddol Ddol to like him ahahha
So that day my mom worked with my uncle's wife to prepare the food for the ceremony on new year's day, while I just um sat on the couch and went on the Internet until the rest of the family had arrived. All of us sat in the living room at a huge table and ate dinner together. Afterwards, it was about time for the MBC Gayo Daejaejun to start, so I joined my older cousins in another room to watch it. Boy it was entertaining to see them unable to control themselves once INFINITE appeared on stage...XD Apparently one of them just recently got into the Chaser ahahha. And another good thing that was happening on another channel was that Joo Won had gotten himself two awards - one for popularity and one for his acting in Bridal Mask - I WAS SO HAPPY FOR HIM T^T CONGRATS MY BABY I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. And I was also really glad Park Ki Woong also got himself an award before he left the ceremony that day. Yay, you guys both deserve it!

Once the Daejaejun was over, and once the adults were done playing Go Stop late into the night, the house finally quietened down and everyone succumbed to sleep~.

The next day, after the ceremony was carried out, we ate a late breakfast, and then everyone left around lunch time. I finally got to see our new home. Here are some pics I took:

my parents' bedroom
there's also a bathroom in here which is not pictured

my room

the kitchen

the living room

dad's study room

the bathroom in the living room

the veranda

the view from the veranda
it's quite nice
um yeah since everyone does this with their dslrs
I wanted to do it too
so hah
yup I got my own dslr xd it's a canon eos 650d
still don't know too much about how to use it
gotta read through the manual sooner or later
(a not-so) fun fact: most of the pics in this post were taken using this dslr.

annnnnd pizza for lunch
om nom nom
we didn't have any cups so we just drank pepsi out of the 1.25 litre bottle
my dad joined us later and drank pepsi from a bowl as if it was mak geo li or sth

another view of our new home
it's actually a similar design as my uncle's home

dinner on...a cardboard box ;;;;;
using my dad's words, "we had dinner on a inhumane table"
lololol wut
but nevertheless, thank you grandma for the bulgogi! XD
The next day, my dad went to work, and my mom and I went to Gang Nam to do our hair and shop around :). My mom did some sort of straightening that kinda puffed her hair up a little, and I went for a big change and cut off my long hair for a short hairdo. I also straightened it a little too. Here's what I look like now:

I'm really digging this short hair
I think I will keep my hair short for a long time
After we were done with our hair, we then went to a skin care clinic and got my kind-of-visible "moustache" shaved...My mom was happy that I didn't look like a guy anymore omg I would also like to question why there's an unnecessary amount of testosterone at work in my body

Then we shopped and sat at a coffee shop and blah blah yeah

Gang Nam
I kind of didn't really want people staring at me as I took this shot
but screw it it was too pretty and I thought I would regret it if I didn't take it

Stuff I bought: face masks (two more for my wonderful roomie), face cream from Laneige (which I just gave it to my mom for another one because this one was too oily; I also got another one of the same thing for my roomie too), a set of cute magnetic bookmarks, a 2013 planner, cute post-its, face shavers, eyebrow shavers, and a free set of calendar stickers that I got when I bought the planner at Artbox

Stuff I bought (part 2): winter socks, a plastic basket for toiletries, and a multi-use mat (which I'm gonna use to place my food on when I get take-away or when I eat microwaveable food)

Oh hey and we got these chairs in place of our couch which is to arrive sooner or later
we also have a tea table now woot
Then the next day, my mom and I headed to COEX. As soon as we got there, we looked for something to eat. The food court was apparently under construction, so we just headed to a Korean restaurant.

om nom nom
I had bo ssam jung shik (●´∀`●)
then after walking around and shopping for a bit (I didn't buy much this time around - bought some books and a shirt from ZARA)
we took a break at Dunkin Donuts
Oh my mom also got a haircut because she didn't like how her new hair turned out
I like her hair now better too :)
she looks really nice with shorter hair hehe
and then family dinner outside XD
han woo jung shik
om nom nom

pa jeo ri and beer
the lady thought I wasn't old enough so she initially only brought 2 glasses
then my mom asked for another one
she looked over me suspiciously but she eventually got me one
lol I guess I don't look old enough to be drinking
(in Korea the legal age to drink is 19 by Korean age - and now I'm 20 y/o in terms of Korean age)

kkak ddu gi fried rice
I would've enjoyed this a lot more only if I wasn't so full from all that meat hah

dessert at the shop across from the restaurant
my parents enjoyed some ice cream and coffee together
while I had iced milk tea
yes I purposely placed the book I'm currently reading next to the drink
because it looks nice ahahha
I'm getting better at playing Ovenbreak 2 hehe
this is my best score as of now
quite a noteworthy achievement over winter break

we finally got a tv
but it's pretty much temporary, as our tv from hk is coming soon~

on my last full day in korea, I just went to a department store with my mom
then before going back home, we went to a coffee shop to rest a little
I had green tea latte, it was really good :)
bossam jung shik again LOL
last meal in Korea before I left for the US
my grandma insisted on joining my parents to say good bye to me
although my parents both said no it's fine, my grandma kinda threatened my dad by saying she'll go to the airport herself by bus omg lol
so yeah we picked her up on our way to the airport :)
it's nice to know that my grandma cares enough about me to want to say good bye to me at the airport
(wow what a slightly depressing way to end a caption)

So yeah that's pretty much how my break in Korea went. Sorry for not putting all these pictures into collages, I wasn't really in the mood to take up the time to do that haha. So here, you've got a long post filled with pictures with long captions instead XD

Now I'm back in LA, and dreading the first day back in college...nooooooo I can't handle this

And an extra pic: the books I bought in Korea XD

all 3 by Keigo Higashino :)
yup I'm really digging his books now haha

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Songs that made my day in 2012

It would've definitely been more appropriate for me to have written this post before 2013 came, but I only thought of doing this today. Oh well. It's still the beginning of the year, and plus I'm bored. So here are the songs (they're all Korean lol) that I have spazzed over by listening to it multiple times/watching the MVs multiple times, or I've enjoyed listening to at certain times.

Songs I've spazzed over in 2012 (i.e. either songs I've listened to a lot of times, or I've watched the MVs a lot of times):

  • MBLAQ - It's War (전쟁이야)
  • BEAST - Midnight (별이 헤는 밤)
  • INFINITE - The Chaser (추격자)
  • Kim Sung Gyu - 60 Seconds (60초)
  • Boyfriend - Janus
  • PHANTOM - Burning
  • Sanchez (PHANTOM), G.Na - Beautiful Day
  • Seung Yeon (KARA) - Guilty
  • BIG BANG - Fantastic Baby
  • T-ara - Lovey Dovey
  • T-ara - Day by Day
  • Ulala Session - Good Bye Day
  • Joo Won & Lee Jung Hyun - Judgement Day (심판의 날)

 Songs I thought were catchy:

  • SISTAR - Alone
  • 2NE1 - I Love You
  • BIG BANG - Blue
  • BEAST - Beautiful Night
  • PSY - Gangnam Style
  • Taetiseo - Twinkle
  • B.A.P - Warrior
  • SHINee - Stranger
  • Lee Hi - 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Super Junior - Sexy Free & Single
  • Super Junior - SPY
  • TVXQ - Catch Me
  • SECRET - Talk That
  • Block B - Nillili Mambo
  • EXO-K - MAMA
  • EXO-K - History
  • G.Na - 2HOT
  • Tasty - Do You Know Me (너나 알아)
  • U-KISS - Believe
  • APink - Hush
  • NS YoonG - The Reason I Became a Witch (내가 마녀가 된 이유)
  • Nine Muses - News
  • 4Minute - Volume Up
  • YOUNIQUE UNIT - Maxstep
  • Jang Woo Young - Sexy Lady
  • Teen Top - Crazy (미치겠어)
  • IU - You and I (너와 나)
  • Troublemaker - Troublemaker
  • Troublemaker - Words I Don't Want to Hear (듣기 싫은 말) 

And so on. I tried my best to list all the songs I thought fit any of the two categories, but that was close to time consuming, so here's what I remember or found on random people's lists.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Winter Break Part 1: Hong Kong

After a long 13 hour flight, I arrived at Incheon Airport on the 17th of December. I had to transfer flights there to get to HK, and there was a 2 hour layover. So my dad met up with me for a quick breakfast and then sent me off, saying he'll join our family later that week. And so after a total of 16 hours of flying, I was back home in HK.

The first week, I didn't do much but just going on the Internet at home, and then I started meeting up with friends as the week came to a close.

Here are some pics from the first week (which was mostly spent at home):

Sam Gyup Sal + Asahi beer for dinner ^___^

It's been a while since I've watched KPOP stuff on TV
*Note: Kim Sung Gyu with "I Need You"

Went to one of my few favorite Japanese restaurants, Don Don Shokudo

Then I met up with Michele and spent an entire day with her at Disneyland. Here are some pics from that day~

Lunch! This was so good +_+
Esp. the mushroom soup ahhhh
In fact, I want it right now

Hello there

The parade

Pretty lights in the trees

one of the many selcas taken that day
We mainly ate food, sat down, and chatted for the day
We spent that much money to get into Disneyland
and that's what we did for most of the day lol
Michele I'm craving for these chicken wings

We stayed to watch the fireworks
It was worth it lalala

And some more food pictures from home/around the neighborhood:

Dried squid from Korea
Om nom nom

A sumptuous meal at home~
Mom don't be embarrassed of your cooking, your cooking is awesome(*´▽`*)
I'm sorry for breaking the rice bowl though

Lunch alone at home~
I used to do this all the time during senior year in hs,
when I had frees for the rest of the afternoon
I would go back home early and buy food from the supermarket
like the rice and chicken wings pictured here
ahhhhh they were good

Last meal out with family before leaving HK for good
Iced coffee with ice cream on top

Last meal out with family before leaving HK for good
at Don Don Shokudo
I also went to karaoke with Michele and Ellen~We sang for about 3 hours, including 1 hour of service~haha. I sang PHANTOM's Hole in Your Face 5 times XD Couldn't help it, the song's really good and there weren't a lot of new KPOP songs.

I also hung out with Jun Ah~We mainly ate lunch and walked around Causeway.

I managed to get a selca with Jun Ah yay hahaha
But she said this is her fake smile
boo hoo

(although this wasn't taken on the same day as the hangout)
sorry for poor lighting
Then on my last day in HK, I hung out with my friends.

First, I met up with Michele at Mong Kok and went to a maid cafe. It was quite an interesting experience.

We played Jenga while we waited for our food to come
They actually painted the blocks in those colors
So pretty

Some sort of peach tea that was really good

I also had dumplings woot

The menu
It was all in Chinese, so I had to have Michele translate the menu for me

The interior of the maid cafe

Then we headed to the MTR station to meet up with Chelsey, and head to the bowling place in Sha Tin. We got to the bowling place pretty late, sorry Ellen for making you wait for so long haha.

On our way back to the station, we saw a Etude House store.
I never knew that HK had Etude House o_o
The beginning of the first game
I was dominating
then I started doing either really bad or mediocre
After the first game, Chelsey had to leave, and Ellen didn't want to play
so it was just us - Michele and me

A lovely snack after bowling (●´∀`●)
A weird thing happened while we were eating though
shortly put, a guy just randomly came and talked to us
and when Ellen and Michele left me alone to go to the bathroom
he came and talked to me alone
gyaaaa the whole time I was thinking "WHY THE FUCK ARE MY FRIENDS TAKING SO LONG"
Then after that, Ellen went home and I hung out with Michele at Sha Tin.

The Christmas decorations at New Town Plaza, Sha Tin

We went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner
Because I was short on cash, I just got udon (as pictured above) and a reasonably priced plate of salmon roe sushi

Then since we wanted some beer
We asked for Asahi beer yum
Michele paid for it as I was low on cash
Thanks Michele, I'll buy you a drink when I'm back in HK again
Then we said our farewells, and I headed to Wan Chai, where my dad would pick me up. We went to his office, where my mom was. We chilled there for a bit - I tried to stream the SBS Gayo Daejun but I was only able to watch a few mins of it before we had to leave for the airport. Once we did get to the airport, we were told that our plane was delayed because of heavy snow at Incheon Airport o_o. So we just went to the gate where we would most likely board our flight, and just rested there for 3 hours before it was finally time for boarding.

Mom passed out
Then later on I passed out for about 2 hours
 So that's pretty much it for my break in HK. It's Tuesday here in Korea, and I fly back to the US on Saturday. Yeah~anyway, happy new year!