Friday, January 25, 2013

PHANTOM - Phantom Theory - Mini Album Vol. 2

I was pleasantly surprised when I heard that PHANTOM was making a comeback with a new mini album. I thought they would take it easy and be inactive until maybe the middle of this year, since they just officially debuted in August of last year...but I guess I was wrong on that.

PHANTOM - Like Cho Yong Pil MV(the one I linked is the English ver, there's also a Korean and a Japanese ver)

The plot of the MV is basically how the CEO ends the contract with PHANTOM, and them having to start over from square one. It's filmed like how a documentary of someone's life at the moment is filmed; it's a parody of the 인간극장 (directly translated, it should be something along the lines of..."Peoples' Theatre") program. The program usually - well at least from what I've seen - goes to the countryside, finds a particular family's daily life to document, and dedicates about 8 or so episodes to documenting the family's daily life.

So, with only themselves left to support their music careers, the three struggle to stay united as they try to prepare for an audition. As Kiggen stays home and composes the song the three are going to perform at the audition, Han Hae goes out in his free time to earn money by working as a waiter at a restaurant, and Sanchez can't help but feel sorry for being unable to buy his girlfriend something decent for her birthday. Eventually, Han Hae and Kiggen get sensitive, and Han Hae storms out, determined to go back to his home in Bu San. On the audition day, Kiggen and Sanchez wait for their turn as they hope for Han Hae to come back and join them. Han Hae does come back (yay!) and the three manage to pull off a great performance. The episode of PHANTOM's life ends there, and a preview of the next ep is shown. We get to know that PHANTOM does successfully land a contract with another company and debut.

I do like how the MV fits the mood and lyrics of the song, but I'm not a big fan of MVs longer than 3 minutes, so I can't say that I particularly like this MV. At the moment, I'm appreciating this song by watching their live performances.

The mini album

the front cover

the back
the track list is written in the top left corner

he track list page
all three of them look so good  d=(´▽`)=b
like esp. han hae i like how the suit just shows off his body line
watch the live and you'll die at how perfect he looks OTL

sanchez~ (✿ ♥‿♥)

and a cute group picture

The mini album isn't anything special in terms of visuals, but I guess the most important thing for me here is that I bought it because I loved every single song they wrote for this album. And I don't know, it's nice to finally have some PHANTOM merchandise?  (*´・v・)

And so the track list:
1) Hide & Chic (Feat. Microdot)
2) 조용필처럼 (Like Cho Yong Pil)
3) Dutch Pay
4) 할 수 있는게 (Nothing I Can Do)
5) 손톱 (Biting My Nails) (ft. HJ)
6) 말 놓을게 (Chit Chat)
7) 조용필처럼 (Like Cho Yong Pil) (Inst.)

My two cents on each of the songs:

Hide & Chic (ft. Microdot): I love it. It's really catchy, and I really like how they rap in this song too. To give a few examples I like: when Han Hae starts his part off with "그건 아니다 아이가" (geu geon ahnida ahyiga) which means "that's not it" in Korean dialect (I think it's the Bu San dialect?), and when Kiggen says "오빠 랩해도 되" (oppa raphaedo dweh?) which means "can oppa rap?" (which is in the form of Kiggen asking whether he's allowed to rap).

Like Cho Yong Pil: I initially didn't like this song, but now it's my current favorite song. I absolutely love the lyrics, they are so sweet. It basically portrays a man who feels sorry for not being able to do anything for his girlfriend due to his poor financial situation, but he is determined to work hard to continue his singing career and become a great singer like Cho Yong Pil. The song ends with Sanchez singing about how the man is waiting for the day when he sings on a huge stage with his girlfriend in the audience. Not only are the lyrics great, but the vocals and rapping are also impressive as usual.

Dutch Pay: I also like this song - it's catchy and I like how I can actually tell the frustration of having to pay for everything every time they go out to eat with friends from Sanchez's vocals, Kiggen's and Han Hae's rapping. I especially like the part where Kiggen raps "밥 사고 커피 사고 술 사고, 밥 사고 커피 사고 술 사고" which means "I pay for the meal, coffee, and alcohol; I pay for the meal, coffee, and alcohol". It's just a good example (I think) of how PHANTOM nicely portrays the frustration of a person having to pay for everything, and having to deal with friends and acquaintances that won't follow the customs of Dutch paying. Man if the three actually deals with that, it must be hard on them...I guess that's why they wrote a song about Dutch pay ahhaha

Nothing I Can Do: This song is my least favorite. I don't know, I just don't think it's as charming as the other songs in the mini-album are. It's not particularly special, but I still do like it thanks to Sanchez's vocals.

Biting My Nails: This is the first song in the album that I liked. The vocals and rapping are just really calming, and the guitar sounds in the background also contribute to the calming mood too. The song basically portrays a person who's so anxious about something that he keeps biting his nails. Near the end of the song, Kiggen raps: "I will just bite my nails again, they will grow again; I will just bite my nails again, they will grow again." That part just had a deep impression on me.

Chit Chat: This song is my second least favorite. I guess it's catchy, but it's the lyrics that do justice for the song. It's about how a guy wants to drop the honorifics and become closer to a certain woman who's older than he is. The interesting aspect of this song was how PHANTOM made a couple of references to songs of other artists. There's one part where they reference SHINee's Replay song (lol) and at the end, there's a reference to Lee Seung Gi's "She's My Girl" (not sure if that's the title the song is known as in English but whatever). I personally found the reference to Lee Seung Gi's funnier; I think it's Han Hae rapping this, and it goes along the lines of: "Noona, I've prepared something for you. I'll sing a song for you. *clears throat* Because noona's my girl!!!!" Where "because noona's my girl" is a line in LSG's song, and the funny thing about that part was that you're supposed to sing (or rather, shout, as LSG does) at an incredibly high note at the "girl" part. Since Han Hae can't sing the high note, the "girl" part in this song is autotuned a LOT LOL.

Like Cho Yong Pil (Inst.): I initially didn't see what was so great about the instrumental that PHANTOM had decided to include it in their album, but now whenever I listen to the actual song, I'm always noticing the instrumentals and how nice they sound along with the singing and the rapping.

Wow I wrote A LOT for this album...but I guess that shows how much I really like it. It's really difficult to like all of the songs in an album - I usually only like the title tracks of most albums, which is why I don't buy albums unless I really like the group.

I would write more to properly wrap up this post, but I've already spent more than half an hour trying to write up this post and take pictures of the's time for me to go back to studying (T▽T); I have midterms coming up. Alright, bye for now~and I will be back to review INFINITE H's Fly High album soon.

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