Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Winter Break Part 1: Hong Kong

After a long 13 hour flight, I arrived at Incheon Airport on the 17th of December. I had to transfer flights there to get to HK, and there was a 2 hour layover. So my dad met up with me for a quick breakfast and then sent me off, saying he'll join our family later that week. And so after a total of 16 hours of flying, I was back home in HK.

The first week, I didn't do much but just going on the Internet at home, and then I started meeting up with friends as the week came to a close.

Here are some pics from the first week (which was mostly spent at home):

Sam Gyup Sal + Asahi beer for dinner ^___^

It's been a while since I've watched KPOP stuff on TV
*Note: Kim Sung Gyu with "I Need You"

Went to one of my few favorite Japanese restaurants, Don Don Shokudo

Then I met up with Michele and spent an entire day with her at Disneyland. Here are some pics from that day~

Lunch! This was so good +_+
Esp. the mushroom soup ahhhh
In fact, I want it right now

Hello there

The parade

Pretty lights in the trees

one of the many selcas taken that day
We mainly ate food, sat down, and chatted for the day
We spent that much money to get into Disneyland
and that's what we did for most of the day lol
Michele I'm craving for these chicken wings

We stayed to watch the fireworks
It was worth it lalala

And some more food pictures from home/around the neighborhood:

Dried squid from Korea
Om nom nom

A sumptuous meal at home~
Mom don't be embarrassed of your cooking, your cooking is awesome(*´▽`*)
I'm sorry for breaking the rice bowl though

Lunch alone at home~
I used to do this all the time during senior year in hs,
when I had frees for the rest of the afternoon
I would go back home early and buy food from the supermarket
like the rice and chicken wings pictured here
ahhhhh they were good

Last meal out with family before leaving HK for good
Iced coffee with ice cream on top

Last meal out with family before leaving HK for good
at Don Don Shokudo
I also went to karaoke with Michele and Ellen~We sang for about 3 hours, including 1 hour of service~haha. I sang PHANTOM's Hole in Your Face 5 times XD Couldn't help it, the song's really good and there weren't a lot of new KPOP songs.

I also hung out with Jun Ah~We mainly ate lunch and walked around Causeway.

I managed to get a selca with Jun Ah yay hahaha
But she said this is her fake smile
boo hoo

(although this wasn't taken on the same day as the hangout)
sorry for poor lighting
Then on my last day in HK, I hung out with my friends.

First, I met up with Michele at Mong Kok and went to a maid cafe. It was quite an interesting experience.

We played Jenga while we waited for our food to come
They actually painted the blocks in those colors
So pretty

Some sort of peach tea that was really good

I also had dumplings woot

The menu
It was all in Chinese, so I had to have Michele translate the menu for me

The interior of the maid cafe

Then we headed to the MTR station to meet up with Chelsey, and head to the bowling place in Sha Tin. We got to the bowling place pretty late, sorry Ellen for making you wait for so long haha.

On our way back to the station, we saw a Etude House store.
I never knew that HK had Etude House o_o
The beginning of the first game
I was dominating
then I started doing either really bad or mediocre
After the first game, Chelsey had to leave, and Ellen didn't want to play
so it was just us - Michele and me

A lovely snack after bowling (●´∀`●)
A weird thing happened while we were eating though
shortly put, a guy just randomly came and talked to us
and when Ellen and Michele left me alone to go to the bathroom
he came and talked to me alone
gyaaaa the whole time I was thinking "WHY THE FUCK ARE MY FRIENDS TAKING SO LONG"
Then after that, Ellen went home and I hung out with Michele at Sha Tin.

The Christmas decorations at New Town Plaza, Sha Tin

We went to a Japanese restaurant for dinner
Because I was short on cash, I just got udon (as pictured above) and a reasonably priced plate of salmon roe sushi

Then since we wanted some beer
We asked for Asahi beer yum
Michele paid for it as I was low on cash
Thanks Michele, I'll buy you a drink when I'm back in HK again
Then we said our farewells, and I headed to Wan Chai, where my dad would pick me up. We went to his office, where my mom was. We chilled there for a bit - I tried to stream the SBS Gayo Daejun but I was only able to watch a few mins of it before we had to leave for the airport. Once we did get to the airport, we were told that our plane was delayed because of heavy snow at Incheon Airport o_o. So we just went to the gate where we would most likely board our flight, and just rested there for 3 hours before it was finally time for boarding.

Mom passed out
Then later on I passed out for about 2 hours
 So that's pretty much it for my break in HK. It's Tuesday here in Korea, and I fly back to the US on Saturday. Yeah~anyway, happy new year!

Vids from Disneyland that prove that we're a weird bunch of people



