Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I was initially hesitant on sharing this because I thought they would be boring from another person's point of view. But whatever, I'm just gonna share it:

  • Start putting on make up - mainly just BB cream and eyeliner.

    Wherever I go, all the girls I see have some make up on. Being one of the select few who doesn't put on make up on just made me feel inferior to them, and I also felt my self esteem stoop low whenever I saw girls with such nice make up on. So I decided to start applying make up this year. I don't think I will be applying too much; I will mainly focus on eyeliner and BB cream when my skin condition isn't so bad.  I just started applying eyeliner the other day, although I'm being careful and only drawing it really thin, nevertheless it's still an accomplishment. I haven't gotten around the habit to applying it whenever I go out, so...yeah working on that.
  • Work on taking good care of my skin.

    Specifically my face. I do apply facial lotion everyday, but my skin hasn't been really good lately :/. I recently started applying toner and a gel cream from Laneige; my mom did say my facial skin looks better now, but I frankly can't tell...I'm always getting pimples on my face despite my constant facial the deal with this resolution is for me to continue to constantly follow my usual facial skin routine, and possibly find more tips to have healthy skin? Yup.
  • Read the books I already have before buying more.

    I have a bad habit of buying books, leaving them on the bookshelf thinking to myself "I'll read it later," and then buying more books. Plus, when I could be reading the books in my free time, I'm always wasting time away on the yeah I want to try and read more books this year. And I guess follow my mom's words and stop reading the books by the same author (what I've been doing with Keigo Higashino's books lately...)
  • Learn how to use a DSLR (hopefully I'll have mastered all the functions by the end of 2013).

    So if you've read one of my recent posts, you'll know that I've recently purchased a DSLR. Ever since I've got it, I've been feeling this strong urge to make photography one of my main hobbies. I recently signed up for intro classes held by the photo club at my uni, so hopefully that will help me learn and "become a pro" (as my club leader says).

    Recently, I was down for a while, and although that definitely wasn't good for me, it did help me realize the things I could do to keep me going regardless of what obstacles were in my way; one of them making photography my hobbies. So I'm really looking forward to fulfilling this new year's resolution.
  • Gain more interest in fashion.

    Not that I don't have any interest in fashion at all, but it's just that I think I really should try out different styles of clothing. I'm always constantly wearing the same clothes and the same style. I always tell myself, "No,  I've been wearing this too often, I should wear something else," but I always end up choosing the same clothes because I either cannot be fucked to think of different fashion statements, or I'm too scared that I won't be able to pull it off. But I do have a feeling that if I try and look out for different styles of clothing that could suit me, then my self esteem would rise. Not that my self esteem is dangerously low or anything, but it's just nice when you're feeling good despite all the work you have to do thanks to your professors and TAs.
  • Explore LA more.

    Mainly due to time constraints and my lazy ass, I haven't been to a lot of places in LA yet. I know it's only my second quarter here and all, but I think I really should go to different places and get to know what kind of city I am currently residing in. A good place to start is Koreatown I guess - although I've been there the first time I came to LA, I still haven't gotten around to going there by myself and exploring the area.
  • Learn how to cook.

    Definitely gotta learn this over the summer, as once my second year of college rolls around, I'm going to be in an apartment with a friend. I will no longer be relying on dining halls to fill up my stomach, so I better learn how to do basic dishes and some Korean dishes as well. I guess I could also learn as I attend college next year by reading off cookbooks.
  • Stop being a bitch.

    Although I am nice most of the time, I do tend to let loose my negative side and start being a bitch. I'm trying to aim to be more understanding and caring. I'm also trying to be more tolerant.

Well that's it for my resolutions for now. I guess I'll add onto the list in another post or update the post with the new ones later, but I doubt that I would. I think I already have a decent amount of resolutions for this year, and adding any more would make it difficult for me to concentrate on each and every one equally. Alright, bye for now~

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