Thursday, May 10, 2012

My inner INSPIRIT soul unleashed once again.

Wooliment just released INFINITE's 3rd Mini-Album "추격자" (The Chaser) teaser!

I actually almost cried of joy. Oh my god, they are finally back. Even though they weren't gone for that long, I still missed them a lot.

When I first watched the teaser, I was too busy mentally fangirling that I couldn't properly let my eyes take in the content of the video. So I watched it a few more times, and here are my thoughts on it:

  • From the title, I'm assuming that this song will be very intense and exciting. But from the teaser, I didn't get that feel. I got a mixture of a relaxing and an exciting one. I'm gonna blame it on Sung Gyu's relatively tender vocals in the beginning. They totally threw me off; they were not what I was expecting lol. 
  • Sung Yeol, let me just give you a double high five. You look gorgeous with that new hair. I'm glad the hair stylists are starting to realize what kinds of hairstyles you look best in. 
  • Sung Jong's hairstyle is also marvelous. He looks sexy as fuck. UGH.
  • But I have got to complain about Hoya's and Dong Woo's hairstyles. I am absolutely sick of seeing the mushroom/bowl haircut; it can downgrade even a perfectly handsome person's looks. And what do I see? Two of the members with the same hairstyle, and not to mention it's the mushroom/bowl haircut?! And it's not just them, but also Sung Gyu? I disapprove.
  • The choreography kind of reminds me of the "Be Mine" choreo. 
  • Myung Soo in the car scene = laughable.
  • I see your armpit Woo Hyun
Well that's what I got from the teaser! I shall silence my inner INSPIRIT mind and go back to schoolwork. Adios.

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