Monday, May 28, 2012


Once I start college, I will be rooming with two strangers in a country far, far away from the one my parents will stay in. The thought of that alone is just so exhilarating. You know why? Because my parents can't fucking tell me what to do anymore. I no longer depend on them unless for financial reasons, such as when I have to pay for my housing fee.

I am so sick of having to abide by what my mom wants. I want to shower whenever I want, I want to eat whenever I want, and so on. The fact that I still have to hear my mom fucking screeching at me to shower because it's considered by her time "late" already is enough to piss me off. And the fact that she won't let me stay pissed is also infuriating. I'm sorry, unlike you, I fucking need some time to stay mad at something, and get over it myself. I don't want or need you trying to control when my emotions change.

In short, I need/want independence, for the sake of improving my emotional quotient and health.

P.S. I'm gonna rant about Prom in a later post. There's so much I need to vent out on this blog regarding it.

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