Saturday, May 12, 2012

Manga Review: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

So I just recently got into this manga yesterday, and I must say, this is quite an enjoyable read.

The storyline is basically about a girl named Erika, who for the sake of fitting in with her boyfriend-obsessed friends, makes up a lie that she has a boyfriend. And she ends up dragging in this guy called Kyouya, who happens to be known as the Prince in her school, and labels him as his boyfriend when her friends start to question the legitimacy of the existence of her bf. Kyouya does kindly agree to play along with the dating farce...or so it would seem. He demands that Erika become his "dog" in exchange for him acting as a fake bf. Turns out the Prince is not prince-like after all.

I kind of disliked Erika in the beginning. I do understand the feeling of wanting to fit in, but making up a dangerously obvious lie such as having a boyfriend? It's stupid. I would rather be a loner than try to be friends with people who I obviously can't fit with. But now that I've read up to the recent chapter, I can say that I like her better now, and that I sympathize with her A LOT. I understand the feeling of being played around with the guy you like; whenever I saw Kyouya verbally harrassing Erika, my heart kinda stopped. As much as you're good looking, Kyouya, you suck personality-wise.

You know how you have to act indifferent the more you like a guy, in order to get him? Erika sucks at that. Which makes it much easier for Kyouya to manipulate her. UGH! And as much of a jerk Kyouya is, I actually like him. He actually does care for Erika; all those moments where he can be seen worrying about her and getting jealous over her are quite cute. But he's only cute during those moments. At other times, I just want to give Erika a hug and Kyouya a kick in the balls.

Overall, I thought this manga had an interesting storyline, and it didn't fail to make my heart skip a beat at times. The artwork is also very nice as well. I'm even thinking of buying the manga and reading it myself; I can't wait for the scanlations, they take too long. If you're looking for a not-so-typical-but-yet-still-typical kind of a shoujo manga, here's one you could try out. Just don't rage at your computer screen because of Kyouya's doucheness + Erika's gullibility, though. Haha.

Here are a couple more pages of Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji:
Douche Kyouya


Cute moments heh

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