Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bridal Mask: Joo Won Spazz

So I've recently started watching the currently airing drama, Bridal Mask, and I'm currently head-over-heels in love with it~ (*´▽`*)The storyline, character development, action, suspense, relationships - are all just too damn good.

My current favorite character is Kang To (Joo Won). Boy this character just kills me. Not your typical hero, which is exactly why he's such an interesting character. Plus, Joo Won's acting is just superb.

And now, I shall start spazzing about him with pics provided~

There will be spoilers.

Am I the only one who thinks the way his hair is styled, the way he dresses, is a little anachronistic?
But I'm not gonna complain, because Kang To looks absolutely fab.
Joo Won's crying scenes were done extremely well.
I cried a lot in episode 6; it was one harsh ep for Kang To.
Is it bad to say that I think Kang To looks most fab in his Gaksital outfit?
And omg his lips (´ ▽`).。o♡
He looks like a kid in that outfit though too; so cute
yeah um
just kill me now

after Mok Dan tries to kill him in his sleep
but Kang To just stops her like a badass
but he looks incredibly sad
just look at his eyes
he keeps breaking my heart
even when a gun is aimed right at his forehead
Kang To doesn't even step or fall back in fear
badass, badass Lee Kang To
his face when he finds out Mok Dan = Boon Yi
oh my god oh my god
oh noes~
loved how the ep ended like that though
my god I love that hairstyle
and did I mention that
I ship these two characters very hard
sorry shunji xD
This hugging scene did make me feel all warm and happy inside
but I'm not satisfied yet
I wanna see more sweet moments between Kang To himself and Mok Dan hehe
I think I'm gonna have to add Joo Won to my favorite actors list soon...lawl

I'm dying for more eps of Bridal Mask arghhh >_< I guess more of my blog posts will be on Bridal Mask from now on hehe

cr: 5th ~ 9th screenshots are by dramabeans

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