Thursday, July 5, 2012

INFINITE's Ranking King Ep 7: Highlights & Comments

And here's another post regarding INFINITE's Ranking King! This time around, the 7 dorks are competing against each other to win first for the title, "Fashion King".

The pre-rankings are:
  1. Dong Woo
  2. Sung Jong
  3. Hoya
  4. Sung Yeol
  5. Woo Hyun
  6. Sung Gyu
  7. L
I agree with most of the ranking; Dong Woo and Sung Jong are definitely on top for fashion. From all the fantaken photos, I can tell they know what kind of top goes with what kind of accessories, bottoms, shoes, and yeah. I think Woo Hyun could've been ranked a little higher, but maybe I'm slightly biased, because I like some of the clothes he wear. L definitely ranks last. Boy, that boy just...wears whatever he finds comfortable, I think. Kind of like me when I just go out to buy lunch in my neighborhood; I sometimes go out in my pj's. As for the remaining three (Hoya, Sung Yeol, and Sung Gyu), I think they're fine. But yeah, Sung Gyu's obsession (?) over leopard print was cringe-worthy in some of the photos shown.

Anyway, without further ado, here are some screenshots that mark my highlights of this week's episode. Yes, there will be spoilers. Heck, this entire post is full of spoilers already from the beginning.

Well he was asked to evaluate Sung Yeol's fashion...
and then he just...yeah came to this state as pictured.
*Note: This is L.
Sung Yeol's reason for being ranked as 4th is apparently because he always wears the same clothes.
ooh that's me i wore the exact same outfit 3 days in a row once
Sung Yeol's pose.......
Thank god I wasn't drinking/eating sth cuz otherwise I would've just spat it out at my laptop screen

omg i would be embarrassed to be your friend sung yeol
Sung Gyu describes Sung Yeol as a "망한 캐릭터" = "Doomed Character"
망한 캐릭터 = manghan character --> 망캐 = mang kae
is mangkae actually one of the popular abbreviations being used on the internet in Korea right now?
Damn, Koreans with their creativity with words

L keeps on LMAO-ing and Sung Yeol tries to explain that L told him to do those kind of poses or sth
And then Sung Yeol's like hey stop laughing and starts hitting L
and then L can't take it anymore and is like "IT HURTS! DON'T HIT ME!"
LOL L and his random outbursts
actually nvm
Sung Yeol's is much better
wth are you doing Sung Gyu omg lmao
Aftershock of Sung Jong's "Smile!" pose
Omg even I would've just fallen to the floor and rofl-ed
wth was that Sung Jong
omg everyone in INFINITE is so weird

Hoya's late reaction
when everyone else is still dying and lmao-ing
Dong Woo says Sung Gyu should open up the top two buttons of his shirt
Sung Gyu says no cuz his mom doesn't like it
this is the second time he's mentioned his mom on RK

Dong Woo doesn't give up and tries to convince Sung Gyu with an old proverb
and fails
Sung Gyu has to correct him

lol omg
Dong Woo you're so annoying hahahaha
I still didn't get why his outfit --> Dong Woo's a perv!
He was barely revealing any skin except his arms
but anyway yeah his outfit kind of burdened our #1 fashionista

Dong Woo's kinda losing his mind over his outfit
Sung Gyu's just going wtf at the 2nd oldest member in INFINITE
Sung Gyu reassures Dong Woo and he says he looks like Super Mario
omg yes he's right
he actually does with his baggy overalls
enlightenment <-- wtf?

INFINITE's top two weirdos
someone really should gif this moment and spread it on tumblr
it was just
such a
typical 2woo moment.

Dong Woo imitates Woo Hyun when he throws "hearts" at his fans
omg his voice was so damn accurate

"My shoes are too big."
That's the first thing he says right after "Tadah!"
The episode just ends off with the younger three members' outfits as secret. I suppose the Fashion King arc will be a two-episode thing like Brain King was.

Okay, I have a few complaints regarding this ep though. If the purpose of this ep was to find out who's the #1 fashionista in INFINITE, then why don't the writers let INFINITE themselves choose the outfits? Okay sure they get to choose the accessories themselves, and the hairstyle kinda, but that's it? That's the only factor we can consider when it comes to choosing who's the fashionista? Seriously? Am I the only one who found that weird? It bothered me a little throughout the latter half of this ep. I can only assume they did that to save time, but still. I'm disappointed.

Oh and apparently how they pose during their photoshoot also comes into play. What the hell...I'm not even sure whether this time around the writers are looking for the best fashionista, or the best person put out to be a model in INFINITE. *smh* Pretty poor planning of the episode, I must say. Heck this entire program is poorly written actually, I only find it enjoyable because of INFINITE. Whatever, it's fine. Not really gonna complain too much.

This one is sort of a minor complaint, but, I think it would've been interesting to show how they barged into INFINITE's dorm one day. Yeah, sort of unrelated to the entire topic of the ep, but still? No? Oh alright then.

Anyway, that was my outlook on this week's episode of INFINITE's Ranking King. Adios for now~

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