Thursday, July 19, 2012

INFINITE Ranking King Eps 8~9: Highlights + Comments

This time, I have tons of poorly taken screenshots. Enjoy.

Episode 8 - Part 2 of Fashion King

gyusoo making fun of woohyun's height
sung gyu: short body
myung soo: shortest body
*ok i know it sounds awk but that's directly translated and it's only funny if you speak fluent conversational/casual Korean

even with all his efforts to get extra points
sung yeol got 7th place
sung yeol: you're not pretty at all up close!
LMFAO you brat

Announcing last place - Hoya: I really don't want to be last I really don't
Announcing 6th place - Hoya: I really don't want to be 6th
Announcing 5th place - Hoya: I really really don't want to be 5th
Sung Yeol: What the heck do you want to be then??
Hoya: 1st!

Sung Gyu - 3rd place
the model (sorry i don't rmb her name): I personally really liked your photo though.
Sung Gyu: Then who hated it?

When Sung Gyu said they should separate each other according to ranks - high, mid, and low
Hoya insisted that he was in the middle rank w/ Dong Woo
Sung Gyu just said nope you belong with the low ranked ppl
Hoya then says that the "tall noona" said he belonged in the middle rank

Okay, I realized now that this Fashion King thing was based more on who could wear any kind of clothing and still look good in it, rather being based on who had the best fashion sense. The pre-rankings were based on the latter, and if the later rankings were as well, then that would be redundant, wouldn't it? So that's why the stylist chose the clothes herself and it was up to INFINITE to make the clothes look desirable and attractive by taking on different postures and facial expressions. Yeah I know "Fashion King" is not really exactly the best phrase to summarize the episode if the entire 2 episodes weren't wholly based on the boys' fashion sense, but let's just move on and not complain, shall we?

I must complain that this episode seemed like a parody of Korea's Next Top Model and I didn't like it because I hate that show. Alright moving on

Episode 9 -Let's see who actually tries

This episode was a test of INFINITE's determination and spirit.

Woo Hyun shaking his booty while hitting the moles
look at Sung Yeol in the corner
he looks like he's judging Woo Hyun very hard

Sung Jong seems like he will forever be the most fun to pick on amongst INFINITE
those mean three hyungs be impersonating Sung Jong

I love how they included Hoya in the ranking and labeled him as "disqualified" omg

the random techno dance session
oh why

LOL Sung Yeol's legs were too long to fit in the tiny car

OMG LOL acting as an "old person crossing the street" omg

Sung Yeol acting as someone working at a gas station
Sung Gyu refuses to pay, Sung Yeol rages and shouts out "Give me 50000 won!"
omg lawl

Sung Gyu: Move out of the way!
Doesn't even bother to try to avoid Woo Hyun, just hits him frontal

This was so cute I just had to screenshot it

According to Dong Woo, you should just kidnap a wild animal if one appears in your way

Again Sung Yeol with the 50000 won
ohmygod lawl

Sung Gyu: Were people born in 2003 as well?
Yes yes they were not everyone was born before the 2000's, gyu
But yeah it's kinda weird to meet someone who was born in the 2000's

silly Woo Hyun

Sung Gyu seemed quite fond of the kid-teacher


this was also very cute I just had to screenshot it

Woogyu complaining that everyone else except Dong Woo were at a disadvantage
because Dong Woo was the only one with a license
and these two go on to say that they were "innocent" and only rode taxis
while Dong Woo wasn't innocent and drove around

omg you guys have no idea how jelly I was of these boys
I want to go car-racing too
well of course not in actual cars I don't have a license
but something like this
it would be fun

and the two members with the least determination to even try winning the race

omg lol was this even necessary

not sure if he spat that out afterwards or actually swallowed all of that champagne

Sung Yeol and Sung Gyu were constantly on fire (?) with each other in this ep
Aww Sung Yeol stop provoking your hyung haha

While Sung Gyu goes on to say that he will win next time blah blah
Myung Soo just tells him to take his hands out of his pockets - a.k.a stop acting all high and mighty

It was absolutely adorable to watch these boys ride tiny cars for practice. Then I started to get jelly when they started riding actual karts; it looked like so much fun, plus I could tell the weather was beautiful by looking at the sky. Ahh what a perfect day to go kart-racing. Omg.

The next episode is a test of courage. Oh my god I used to be obsessed with courage tests and really wanted to have one every summer ever since I was a kid. MEH I AM ONCE AGAIN JELLY OF INFINITE. Can't wait for the next episode!


  1. I love your recaps so much. This is one of my favorite shows of anything EVER and I wish you'd have been able to do them all...but I know how time consuming it is! <3

    1. aww thanks! i never knew that anyone would actually enjoy my silly recaps HAHA. i'm sorry that i only picked certain eps to talk about, i was too lazy most of the time to take screencaps and write posts XD since i was really just doing these recaps mainly for myself. i'm glad you enjoyed my recaps nonetheless <3 hehe
