Saturday, July 7, 2012

Senior Trip 2012 in Singapore

I was MIA for a while from June 28th to July 2nd, because I was in Singapore for my senior trip with my best buddies~. I've been putting off this update for a while because I didn't feel very motivated enough to write up about this 5 day trip.

Please ignore my crappy collage-making skills

Day 1 ~early flight + shopping + first taste of Singapore's nightlife~

Angela kindly picked me and Ellen up on her way to the airport. I wanted to take a quick nap on the way, but Angela's snoring slightly disturbed me. But that was ok, cuz I got a fair amount of sleep on the plane ride instead.

As soon as we got off, we headed to the Sheraton Towers, the hotel we would be staying during the course of our trip. After we got settled into one room (the room Anne and I were going to stay in wasn't ready yet), we left our luggages, got our hand/day bags and left for lunch + shopping.

lunch wasn't that good, but it was pretty filling ^__^
ahh the strawberry crepe was amaaazing.
Then we headed on over to Ion Orchard for some shopping! I ended up buying a cute backpack from Topshop, a set of two magnetic bookmarks from Artbox, and a cute panda eyemask/blindfold from note (I think that was the name).

soft leopard backpack from topshop
Then we headed on back to the hotel, which took a while cuz we got lost. Once we did get back to the hotel, we rested a bit, then got ready for dinner + bar-hopping + clubbing.

Dinner was at a marketplace, where we stood out A LOT because of our fancy dress up + make up.

lol the satay-biting photo ceremony
Then came the bar hopping + clubbing part. Anne and I didn't stay for the latter though.

Clarke Quay

Day 2 ~Universal Studios~

Besides losing my camera lens cap here, everything overall was quite enjoyable in Universal Studios.

The best rides for me were the Transformers ride + Egyptian one; cool graphics ftw
the only thing I got from here was a pack of wet tissues
After an exhausting but fun day, it was fancy dinner + bar-hopping + clubbing time again.

hands down, the best dinner I ever had in Singapore over those 5 days.
managed to watch a bit of Djokovic's match on TV at the bar; don't rmb his opponent but he was ranked 28th worldwide
Anne, Michele, and I went on a little adventure to find Helipad after bar-hopping
Day 3 ~Little India + Haji Lane + creepy experiences~

Little India wasn't very interesting
Haji Lane was, on the other hand. Ahh~shopping was fun~XD Got a shirt and 4 rings
Spanish food for dinnah~couldn't fit in all the food pics though
Then shisha/bar (Helipad wasn't open so we didn't go there)
Then Michele+Ellen+Angela --> Zouk, Anne+Me --> bar
I think all of us experienced some creepy things that night, which I won't be explaining in detail lawl. But I'll mention that I was extremely annoyed and creeped out by a pedo at the bar who randomly touched us and bought us drinks -__- (when Anne and I were alone) Besides that, the bar was very nice - great music, great lighting (yay for blue lighting!), and great beer (in a hugeass glass OTL)

Day 4 ~lazy trio, pizza at hotel yum + vivocity + quiet & peaceful night out w/ my bestie~

no collage this time

Because the lazy trio (a.k.a. Michele, Ellen, and Angela) came back late the night before, they couldn't get up till noon. Anne and I decided to spend the rest of the morning peacefully reading a book, and ordered Domino's Pizza for lunch. Boy, the pizza was fantastic +_+

Anne and I met up with Michele and Ellen at Vivocity. The two were starving, so we had to stick with them for a while before splitting up for individual shopping. Surprisingly they decided to go with Korean food, yay Korean pride~nah jk

vivocity is huge
Too lazy to sum up more of the shopping journey...but it ended up with Anne and Ellen ditching Michele and going to get a foot massage themselves, and Michele and I taking the MRT back to Orchard. The MRT ride was looooooong. I slept for half the journey because I was absolutely exhausted and bored, while Michele read the 3rd installment of the Hunger Games trilogy the entire ride.

Then we decided that we were too tired to go out to enjoy nightlife that night, so we just walked around Orchard, explored the inside of a building and bought some stuff, then into another building for some Japanese dinner.


yakiniku drowning in meat sauce
the rice was the best (y)


Day 5 ~almost missed a flight thanks to a couple of grumpy ppl + sleep all the way back to hk~

Nothing is more joyful than being woken up at 4AM by a couple of drunkards. And also, having to wake up one incredibly grumpy and drunk person in time for the early morning flight.

And that is pretty much it for my senior trip in Singapore. It had its ups and downs, and it definitely did change my views on things and on certain people. This trip was overall, a meaningful experience.

And with that I will end my post and continue watching Bridal Mask. I'm coming for you, Joo Won~XD


    collages yay clap clap (can i steal them so i don't have to make em for my own post)?
    LOL i laughed at random parts of the post, but can't rmb all of them now c:


      and eh um yeah as long as you credit me :> muhahahaha
      hahahah i seeee

