Thursday, November 29, 2012

Code: Breaker Ep 8 - Comments

So I've been watching the Code: Breaker anime recently, and after I finished watching ep 8, I was just so disappointed to an extent that I felt the need to talk about it. So here's my thoughts on ep 8, and just the anime overall. 

Oh by the way, if you haven't read the manga then you probably don't want to read this. This post is filled with spoilers of the manga, so...yeah. Unless you don't care then...yeah read on haha.

Okay, did anyone else feel awkward when Sakura's parents were just standing there in the previous ep and actually witnessing all those powers at work? Yeah, if you have read the manga, we do get to know that they are aware of Code: Breakers (or at least, they're aware of the existence of rare kinds...thus they should probably know about Code: Breakers) and it's fine for them to see all those powers and all. But don't we get to know about their awareness on the issue of Code: Breakers and rare kinds later on? I feel like the anime is being really rushed - why all the rush? Are the producers not willing to write up seasons for this anime, or write up a long anime? (Because really, there's just so much that happens in the manga, I doubt that they would be able to squish all those things into a typical 26 episode anime...But I have a feeling they're actually gonna do that. Meh.)

 I've also noticed how the Prince and Yuuki were introduced rather early. Heck, they were introduced SUPER early into the anime. It kinda got rid of all that mysterious aura surrounding the other Code: Breakers when Sakura still only knew Ogami, Toki, and Heike. So I'm just sitting here, feeling awkward as the whole gang goes up against Hitomi, and not just Ogami, Toki, and Heike. 

Plus, it's kinda weird seeing the Prince and Heike just talking normally...and Heike in the manga takes a while to accept the Prince because of Prince's former relations with The Seeker (was that his name) and his um...goons (LOL I really don't want to call Yukihina and that other awesome guy his goons but I just can't think of a proper noun to call them...Sorry guys). But here in the anime we just see them casually talking to each other...huh. Okay. I'll try to not mind this. But I am still gonna be feeling awkward about it for a while. I guess they're just going to just make it so that the Prince didn't have any prior relations with the Seeker? But if they do that they're gonna be missing out on quite a bit of stuff...:/

So Hitomi has kidnapped the Prime Minister. What do the Code: Breakers do? They just decide to chill for the rest of the night, and take off in the morning. WHAT. THE PRIME MINISTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS DOING CHILLING ALL THAT PRECIOUS TIME AWAY. JESUS. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I SWEAR THEY WEREN'T CHILLING LIKE THIS IN THE MANGA. 

It's fucking weird because the producers of the anime are rushing the plotline yet at the same time they're fucking dragging it out. OMFG. I really don't give a fuck about those random people's loyalty to Sakura, okay? (Okay they're not random...I know I know...but they still don't have any family ties regardless, so I couldn't think of a better way to call them.) Jeez. 

Lol wait there are other agents...or even higher ups from Eden acting as teachers in that school? LOL. 

Wait what. Heike betraying the Code: Breakers so early? We avid readers of the manga do know that Heike is willing to do anything to get what he wants...and he has betrayed the Code: Breakers once or twice. But I don't really remember him betraying them for Hitomi...Ok I guess this is just another new thing the producers are trying and I probably shouldn't complain. And I have a feeling this is just part of Heike's plan. Let's see how this plays out. 

Okay, I might sound whiny and I probably should somewhat appreciate that the anime is not completely following the manga. But I just personally do not like it at all when a movie does not follow a book, or an anime does not follow its corresponding manga. And this is what's happening with Code: Breaker and I'm not very pleased at how it's going. Although I'm still willing to keep watching to see how it goes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The rest of my Thanksgiving break

Here's Part 2 of how my Thanksgiving break went~Enjoy. Sorry that this post is mostly filled with words - I didn't take a lot of pictures haha.

Day 2 - Skyfall

As soon as I got up, I walked downstairs to the living room and joined Ji Woo - the cousin I was sharing a room with - in front of the TV. My aunt gave me some warm sweet potatoes to enjoy as a light breakfast. It had been a long time since the last time I had sweet potatoes - was it when I was a little kid? I remember how my mom used to peel off the layers and give me a small piece to bite into.

Ji Woo wanted to watch Lion King, so we tried to watch it through the Internet on TV, but the video kept buffering. So we watched the Dark Knight instead (woot woot). Then after a while, aunt also made us some kimbab (yay kimbab! Long time no see/eat/smell (T▽T)). Ahh the ending of Dark Knight kinda made me tear up ;____; Batman sacrificing himself for the sake of Gotham...ahhhh too touching ;____;

Then I washed up and got ready to leave with the rest of the family to watch Skyfall. I wasn't too intent on watching it, because my roommate and my parents gave some bad reviews of the movie. But nevertheless, I still wanted to watch it, because it's a 007 movie after all. Haha.

Turns out the times written on the web were wrong, so we had to wait for a bit before entering the cinema. I felt a little awkward (wow again) because the rest of the family weren't really talking except for my aunt. I already presumed that Ben wasn't usually the talkative type, but Ji Woo was strangely quiet that time. So I just sipped my iced mocha in silence, while looking through tons of photos on my iPhone (T-Mobile's data network sucks; I couldn't get any service at all).

Then it was finally time to watch Skyfall! Woot woot. The movie wasn't as bad as I expected - it was just a new side of the James Bond movies, I guess? Normally, James Bond movies are based on action scenes and hardly put emphasis on the storyline, but this movie was the opposite. I liked it. Although I did think the movie was too long (2 hours 30 minutes...).

Afterwards, we headed back home first, to feed Cooper (their dog). Then we headed to a Chinese seafood restaurant, where Danny (the cousin who graduated from the same uni I'm attending rn) was waiting. The food wasn't particularly delicious, but it was pretty good.

Then we went back home, and I tried to work on my paper but ended up Tumblring and Youtubing instead. Yay look at how productive I was!

Day 3 - Shopping

The sad thing about this day was that I didn't find a single piece of clothing that I actually wanted to buy OTL. It was weird because the last time I went to Forever 21, I bought 3 pieces of clothing, but when I went there that day, I couldn't find anything I actually 1) liked, or 2) could pull off. And since I slept late the night before, I got really sleepy from just staring at clothes and walking around endlessly without actually trying any of the clothes on (well not true, I tried on a sweater at H&M, but it was unnecessarily long...).

And here's a selca Ji Woo and I took at Starbucks haha
 After having lunch and Pinkberry for dessert, we - Ji Woo, Aunt, and I - went back home. To help myself feel better, I looked through a lot of other stores online, and bought some stuff. Here are the things I bought online that day:

Dr. Martens Patent 1460 Boots - White from Urban Outfitters
It was pretty expensive but oh well
It was to make up for what I didn't buy when I was out

A plaid shirt from Yesstyle
I hope they come soon~hehe.

Then I had to say good bye to Ji Woo because she was leaving early back to uni. Aww, I guess I'll see her again next year...maybe as early as spring break?

Then I had Korean food for dinner woot woot. I had some Kimchi and Bossam hehe. It was so good. Gotta love homemade Korean food. I'm probably gonna force my mom to cook for me everyday for at least a week when I get back to Hong Kong haha. Gah I'm craving Kimchi now...sigh~

I was going to sleep early then because my flight was in the morning...then Sung Gyu HAD to distract me with his exposed sides on Inkigayo along with his perfect live performance of his promotion track, "60 Seconds." OTL

Day 4 - Traveling again...

Traveling is so much fun. Lalala. I'm too lazy to talk about my hardships that day.

Alright, that's pretty much it for my Thanksgiving break! I hope everyone else in the US had a great break as well, and I hope the week after the break isn't too bad. Adios, everyone~

First day of my Thanksgiving break

Hai~so this Thanksgiving break, I flew from LA to my aunt's house in San Jose to spend some time with my relatives. So this is an account of how my first legit Thanksgiving break went~enjoy.

Day 1 - Traveling

Because this was my first time getting to the airport by myself, I ran into a few troubles on my way.

There were a number of ways to get to the airport from campus, but I decided to take the convenient shuttle bus. I had no idea where the bus stop was, so I went down to the front desk of my dorm building to ask for directions. Props to the girl for actually drawing out the path to getting to the bus stop for me. Thank you~m(_ _)m. Thanks to you, I didn't get lost on the way.

This old man just randomly talked to me on the way though, asking me whether I was taking the shuttle bus to the airport (he probably assumed that from seeing me with a map and a suitcase). He kept saying I could either take this other bus that costs less but takes an hour to get to the airport, or the shuttle bus which costs more blahblah...I just wanted him to leave me alone tbh ahaha. 

So I managed to get to the bus stop safely, but I was already a little worn out because my backpack was heavy due to my laptop, and it was pretty hot. Thankfully, the bus came early and I could sit inside for a while before it took off.

When the bus actually got to the airport, I just randomly got off the first terminal, when the airline I had booked a ticket from was actually at the fourth terminal...Gah I had to walk for quite a while. When I finally got to the fourth terminal, I had to ask someone on how the self-check in thing omg I'm such a noob haha OTL

My aunt warned me that the security at LAX is apparently pretty tight, and yup it sure was - the security guards kept repeating in a serious tone to take out toiletries, laptop, and anything from our pockets. When I finally got through all that stuff, I was dying of lack of food in my stomach, so I bought a sandwich and a bottle of apple juice. I thought of going to the gate first and eat my sandwich there, but when I noticed that I had to take a shuttle bus to the gate, I decided to stay back and chill a bit more.

I had to wait about 2 hours for my flight because I came too early, and during the time I just sat in one of the seats at a random gate. I really wanted to sleep but I couldn't because I was afraid I would miss my flight (plus since I'm traveling alone, no one would be there to wake me up). When it was about time for my flight, I bought a tall sized iced coffee before taking the shuttle to the gate.

Do I look tired
Yes I do
I just sat at the gate, nibbling at my straw
And did some last minute tumblring before boarding the plane

During the flight, I napped like I hadn't had proper sleep for days (well it is kind of true...because the other day I only slept 3 hours), then I randomly woke up, and tried to nap again while listening to some good music.

Then I arrived at the San Jose Airport in less than an hour~and my uncle and my cousin spotted me at the baggage claim area.

When I got to my aunt's house, I received warm welcomes from my aunt and my two other cousins. After I put down my things, I went to the living room and just sat down on the couch with my cousins. I started chatting with one of them for a bit - I think I helped him get some nostalgia feels since the uni I'm attending right now is the one he graduated from ahha. Then we had our thanksgiving dinner~

I felt a little awkward there because I was the only non-immediate family member. While my cousins were chatting away and laughing, I kinda just smiled, stared at my food and ate it, and just stared at random places. Yeah I'm so awkward OTL 

After the dinner, I followed one of my cousins into her room and just chatted as we kind of did our own thing on our laptops. 

That was pretty much it for the first day of my Thanksgiving break~I'll talk about the rest of my break later in another post, since this post is already too long. Adios~

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Recent online purchases

Hi~Ever since I've started living faraway from home, free from my parents' control, I've gotten into online shopping. So here are some of the things I bought recently that I wanted to share ^__^

I originally had a brown Rilakkuma screen protector on my iPhone, but it started peeling, so I decided to get a new one. I wasn't too keen on getting a bright-colored screen protector, like most of the Rilakkuma ones were; I actually thought of getting the exact same one as I got before. Then I changed my mind and decided to go for something different. As long as the design of the screen protector is simple and has Rilakkuma/Korilakkuma's face on it, I'm good.

I was getting bored with my plain, green transparent iPhone 4 case, so I decided to look for something cutesy and pretty. I think Etsy is really the best place to look if you're looking for kawaii iPhone 4 cases; I had a really hard time choosing which one I wanted. I got this case from Bling Bling Case Supplies - she has a lot of other colors of the same design and case, so I suggest looking through her page on Etsy if you want an iPhone 4 case like this one ^__^.  Ahh I really love my new iPhone case hehe.

I just got this iPod Touch 3G case today. It took a loooong time to get here - 4 weeks for So Totally Lame to complete and ship it, and 8 days to get to me.

I can't say I was pleased with the case right away - I guess I expected the decoden to be plastic? Because from what I saw in the picture, it looked like it would be hard plastic. But it's actually pretty soft and squishy. I think I will learn to love the case though, because now I keep looking back at my case every now and then and think, "This case is actually pretty." Haha. Plus, I'm really liking how the colors turned out.

That's all for now. I am dying to buy more stuff online, but I can't bare to buy any of the ones that catch my eye, because I'm usually the type to think over buying something for a long time before making a decision. Alright, adios~

Friday, November 9, 2012

KPOP MV Recommendation: Eye Candy + Catchy Music

Hi, I've just recently got back into fangirling over KPOP MVs again, and here are some I wanted to share. The MVs I'm about to recommend are, as the title of this post suggests, awesome in terms of eye candy and catchy music. Enjoy.

Super Junior - SPY

This song didn't really get to me at first, but it started growing on me as I started listening to it a quite a few times. The choreography's also pretty amazing too.

And to point out a few members that really caught my eye in this MV? Eun Hyuk and Ye Sung. Eun Hyuk especially killed me with his hat plus his dancing, and Ye Sung just looks amazing with that hair and eyeliner.

Super Junior - Sexy, Free & Single

If you ignore the scenes with the weird, black leather outfits (seriously Lee Teuk what did they make you wear), then this MV overall is pretty nice to look at.

Eun Hyuk, again, with his impressive dancing skills. And oh yes, Ryeo Wook is totally rocking that hair -dies-. Ye Sung also looks pretty damn attractive in this MV.

Now the song - I didn't like it for a long time. Then I started hearing it frequently on TV and all, and then it started growing on me. I guess that's how Super Junior's music works for me - I dislike it at first, then I start playing it 24/7.

Jang Woo Young - Sexy Lady

This song is super catchy. Plus, I love how the choreography just matches the lyrics and the way he sings, for example, the part where he places his finger on the side of his face and moves his neck from side to side, which (kinda) matches the lyrics "맴 맴돌아 맴돌아" (which means "circling around").

And I just realized after watching this MV a few times, that Woo Young is probably the only guy in KPOP that I want to fuck. TMI? Sorry, I just had to say this somewhere.

And Woo Young's face is just so fucking attractive. Gah.

Hyun A - Ice Cream

This MV is so colorful; I absolutely love it. I love how varied in style and color her clothes and accessories are. I also really like her make up here too. And the highlights in her hair are so pretty.

Hyun A also just overwhelmed me with her cute facial expressions and all here. The song may not be very nice, but it's pretty catchy plus the MV just makes everything better.

BEAST - Midnight (Japanese)

Okay this is in Japanese but screw it BEAST is still a KPOP group

Midnight is beyond catchy - I've always liked how nice everyone's voices in BEAST sounded, and their voices sound especially nice in this song. The song is pretty soothing for a KPOP song.

To pick out some members' looks: Dong Woon is totally rocking that suit and hat, Ki Kwang looks pretty awesome with that yellow curly hair, and Hyun Seung you just look way too pretty.

I guess I could've said more regarding each MV, but I'm a little tired plus I suck at evaluating MVs or any sort of artwork. So bye for now~

Friday, November 2, 2012

Griffith Observatory Field Trip

So this last weekend I joined a field trip hosted by the Astronomy club at my uni to Griffith Observatory ^___^ Here are some pics from the trip:

This is Griffith Observatory~

The view from the observatory o_o

There was a large pendulum at work once we entered the observatory
and I just randomly looked up at the ceiling from where the pendulum was hanging
and the ceiling was so pretty that I had to take a picture of it

A model of how stars go through the different stages of life (red giant, white dwarf, etc)
We also went to see one of the planetarium shows. It was my first time being at a planetarium, and damn the experience was rewarding. I think I liked the planetarium the best out of all the places in the observatory. 

The view from the observatory after we got out of the planetarium
It's amazing how you can see the entire city from up there

The moon

It's a bit hard to see in this pic
but on the left there's a small observatory where a huge telescope is kept in
I was hoping to see the moon or a planet, but because the moon is too bright when it's around its full moon phase, and none of the planets were up in the sky, they showed us a nebula. But the light from the nebula was too faint, so I couldn't really see it. But it was still awesome looking at something from space through a huge telescope. 

There were also smaller telescopes set up in front of the observatory. I managed to see Jupiter and four of its moons, and the Earth's moon. It was awesome seeing the moon in great detail, but it was slightly painful to look at it since it was pretty damn bright.

After that, we headed back to campus and I had a late dinner and then I passed out on my bed after I went on Tumblr and Facebook for a bit.