Friday, November 9, 2012

KPOP MV Recommendation: Eye Candy + Catchy Music

Hi, I've just recently got back into fangirling over KPOP MVs again, and here are some I wanted to share. The MVs I'm about to recommend are, as the title of this post suggests, awesome in terms of eye candy and catchy music. Enjoy.

Super Junior - SPY

This song didn't really get to me at first, but it started growing on me as I started listening to it a quite a few times. The choreography's also pretty amazing too.

And to point out a few members that really caught my eye in this MV? Eun Hyuk and Ye Sung. Eun Hyuk especially killed me with his hat plus his dancing, and Ye Sung just looks amazing with that hair and eyeliner.

Super Junior - Sexy, Free & Single

If you ignore the scenes with the weird, black leather outfits (seriously Lee Teuk what did they make you wear), then this MV overall is pretty nice to look at.

Eun Hyuk, again, with his impressive dancing skills. And oh yes, Ryeo Wook is totally rocking that hair -dies-. Ye Sung also looks pretty damn attractive in this MV.

Now the song - I didn't like it for a long time. Then I started hearing it frequently on TV and all, and then it started growing on me. I guess that's how Super Junior's music works for me - I dislike it at first, then I start playing it 24/7.

Jang Woo Young - Sexy Lady

This song is super catchy. Plus, I love how the choreography just matches the lyrics and the way he sings, for example, the part where he places his finger on the side of his face and moves his neck from side to side, which (kinda) matches the lyrics "맴 맴돌아 맴돌아" (which means "circling around").

And I just realized after watching this MV a few times, that Woo Young is probably the only guy in KPOP that I want to fuck. TMI? Sorry, I just had to say this somewhere.

And Woo Young's face is just so fucking attractive. Gah.

Hyun A - Ice Cream

This MV is so colorful; I absolutely love it. I love how varied in style and color her clothes and accessories are. I also really like her make up here too. And the highlights in her hair are so pretty.

Hyun A also just overwhelmed me with her cute facial expressions and all here. The song may not be very nice, but it's pretty catchy plus the MV just makes everything better.

BEAST - Midnight (Japanese)

Okay this is in Japanese but screw it BEAST is still a KPOP group

Midnight is beyond catchy - I've always liked how nice everyone's voices in BEAST sounded, and their voices sound especially nice in this song. The song is pretty soothing for a KPOP song.

To pick out some members' looks: Dong Woon is totally rocking that suit and hat, Ki Kwang looks pretty awesome with that yellow curly hair, and Hyun Seung you just look way too pretty.

I guess I could've said more regarding each MV, but I'm a little tired plus I suck at evaluating MVs or any sort of artwork. So bye for now~

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