Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The rest of my Thanksgiving break

Here's Part 2 of how my Thanksgiving break went~Enjoy. Sorry that this post is mostly filled with words - I didn't take a lot of pictures haha.

Day 2 - Skyfall

As soon as I got up, I walked downstairs to the living room and joined Ji Woo - the cousin I was sharing a room with - in front of the TV. My aunt gave me some warm sweet potatoes to enjoy as a light breakfast. It had been a long time since the last time I had sweet potatoes - was it when I was a little kid? I remember how my mom used to peel off the layers and give me a small piece to bite into.

Ji Woo wanted to watch Lion King, so we tried to watch it through the Internet on TV, but the video kept buffering. So we watched the Dark Knight instead (woot woot). Then after a while, aunt also made us some kimbab (yay kimbab! Long time no see/eat/smell (T▽T)). Ahh the ending of Dark Knight kinda made me tear up ;____; Batman sacrificing himself for the sake of Gotham...ahhhh too touching ;____;

Then I washed up and got ready to leave with the rest of the family to watch Skyfall. I wasn't too intent on watching it, because my roommate and my parents gave some bad reviews of the movie. But nevertheless, I still wanted to watch it, because it's a 007 movie after all. Haha.

Turns out the times written on the web were wrong, so we had to wait for a bit before entering the cinema. I felt a little awkward (wow again) because the rest of the family weren't really talking except for my aunt. I already presumed that Ben wasn't usually the talkative type, but Ji Woo was strangely quiet that time. So I just sipped my iced mocha in silence, while looking through tons of photos on my iPhone (T-Mobile's data network sucks; I couldn't get any service at all).

Then it was finally time to watch Skyfall! Woot woot. The movie wasn't as bad as I expected - it was just a new side of the James Bond movies, I guess? Normally, James Bond movies are based on action scenes and hardly put emphasis on the storyline, but this movie was the opposite. I liked it. Although I did think the movie was too long (2 hours 30 minutes...).

Afterwards, we headed back home first, to feed Cooper (their dog). Then we headed to a Chinese seafood restaurant, where Danny (the cousin who graduated from the same uni I'm attending rn) was waiting. The food wasn't particularly delicious, but it was pretty good.

Then we went back home, and I tried to work on my paper but ended up Tumblring and Youtubing instead. Yay look at how productive I was!

Day 3 - Shopping

The sad thing about this day was that I didn't find a single piece of clothing that I actually wanted to buy OTL. It was weird because the last time I went to Forever 21, I bought 3 pieces of clothing, but when I went there that day, I couldn't find anything I actually 1) liked, or 2) could pull off. And since I slept late the night before, I got really sleepy from just staring at clothes and walking around endlessly without actually trying any of the clothes on (well not true, I tried on a sweater at H&M, but it was unnecessarily long...).

And here's a selca Ji Woo and I took at Starbucks haha
 After having lunch and Pinkberry for dessert, we - Ji Woo, Aunt, and I - went back home. To help myself feel better, I looked through a lot of other stores online, and bought some stuff. Here are the things I bought online that day:

Dr. Martens Patent 1460 Boots - White from Urban Outfitters
It was pretty expensive but oh well
It was to make up for what I didn't buy when I was out

A plaid shirt from Yesstyle
I hope they come soon~hehe.

Then I had to say good bye to Ji Woo because she was leaving early back to uni. Aww, I guess I'll see her again next year...maybe as early as spring break?

Then I had Korean food for dinner woot woot. I had some Kimchi and Bossam hehe. It was so good. Gotta love homemade Korean food. I'm probably gonna force my mom to cook for me everyday for at least a week when I get back to Hong Kong haha. Gah I'm craving Kimchi now...sigh~

I was going to sleep early then because my flight was in the morning...then Sung Gyu HAD to distract me with his exposed sides on Inkigayo along with his perfect live performance of his promotion track, "60 Seconds." OTL

Day 4 - Traveling again...

Traveling is so much fun. Lalala. I'm too lazy to talk about my hardships that day.

Alright, that's pretty much it for my Thanksgiving break! I hope everyone else in the US had a great break as well, and I hope the week after the break isn't too bad. Adios, everyone~

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