Thursday, November 29, 2012

Code: Breaker Ep 8 - Comments

So I've been watching the Code: Breaker anime recently, and after I finished watching ep 8, I was just so disappointed to an extent that I felt the need to talk about it. So here's my thoughts on ep 8, and just the anime overall. 

Oh by the way, if you haven't read the manga then you probably don't want to read this. This post is filled with spoilers of the manga, so...yeah. Unless you don't care then...yeah read on haha.

Okay, did anyone else feel awkward when Sakura's parents were just standing there in the previous ep and actually witnessing all those powers at work? Yeah, if you have read the manga, we do get to know that they are aware of Code: Breakers (or at least, they're aware of the existence of rare kinds...thus they should probably know about Code: Breakers) and it's fine for them to see all those powers and all. But don't we get to know about their awareness on the issue of Code: Breakers and rare kinds later on? I feel like the anime is being really rushed - why all the rush? Are the producers not willing to write up seasons for this anime, or write up a long anime? (Because really, there's just so much that happens in the manga, I doubt that they would be able to squish all those things into a typical 26 episode anime...But I have a feeling they're actually gonna do that. Meh.)

 I've also noticed how the Prince and Yuuki were introduced rather early. Heck, they were introduced SUPER early into the anime. It kinda got rid of all that mysterious aura surrounding the other Code: Breakers when Sakura still only knew Ogami, Toki, and Heike. So I'm just sitting here, feeling awkward as the whole gang goes up against Hitomi, and not just Ogami, Toki, and Heike. 

Plus, it's kinda weird seeing the Prince and Heike just talking normally...and Heike in the manga takes a while to accept the Prince because of Prince's former relations with The Seeker (was that his name) and his um...goons (LOL I really don't want to call Yukihina and that other awesome guy his goons but I just can't think of a proper noun to call them...Sorry guys). But here in the anime we just see them casually talking to each other...huh. Okay. I'll try to not mind this. But I am still gonna be feeling awkward about it for a while. I guess they're just going to just make it so that the Prince didn't have any prior relations with the Seeker? But if they do that they're gonna be missing out on quite a bit of stuff...:/

So Hitomi has kidnapped the Prime Minister. What do the Code: Breakers do? They just decide to chill for the rest of the night, and take off in the morning. WHAT. THE PRIME MINISTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS DOING CHILLING ALL THAT PRECIOUS TIME AWAY. JESUS. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I SWEAR THEY WEREN'T CHILLING LIKE THIS IN THE MANGA. 

It's fucking weird because the producers of the anime are rushing the plotline yet at the same time they're fucking dragging it out. OMFG. I really don't give a fuck about those random people's loyalty to Sakura, okay? (Okay they're not random...I know I know...but they still don't have any family ties regardless, so I couldn't think of a better way to call them.) Jeez. 

Lol wait there are other agents...or even higher ups from Eden acting as teachers in that school? LOL. 

Wait what. Heike betraying the Code: Breakers so early? We avid readers of the manga do know that Heike is willing to do anything to get what he wants...and he has betrayed the Code: Breakers once or twice. But I don't really remember him betraying them for Hitomi...Ok I guess this is just another new thing the producers are trying and I probably shouldn't complain. And I have a feeling this is just part of Heike's plan. Let's see how this plays out. 

Okay, I might sound whiny and I probably should somewhat appreciate that the anime is not completely following the manga. But I just personally do not like it at all when a movie does not follow a book, or an anime does not follow its corresponding manga. And this is what's happening with Code: Breaker and I'm not very pleased at how it's going. Although I'm still willing to keep watching to see how it goes.

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