Sunday, July 22, 2012


Because the dimsum restaurant gets filled up pretty fast, and my dad had an early afternoon flight to catch, I woke up at 9 (ugh so early) and we all had a filling breakfast at the restaurant. Afterwards, we went back home and chilled, then left afterwards again. Mom and I saw Dad off in a taxi, then we walked to the Dah Sing Bank in Quarry Bay to pay for my student visa application fee. But apparently there was a cutoff time for paying visa app fees -__- so I probably have to go there again on Monday before 4PM.

Then I texted my friend Michele that I was free now, but then she didn't reply for a while, so I found a Starbucks nearby and drank an iced mocha while waiting for her reply.

When she finally responded, we decided to meet up at Festival Walk, a mall in Kowloon Tong. I had to wait an hour for her to come because she only left her house when I arrived at Festival Walk -___- Such a pain-in-the-ass friend to hang out with, no? I spent the hour in Page One and Franc Franc. While I was in Page One, I found a cute keychain that caught my eye, and ended up buying it.

a kimmidoll called "Nagisa"

hm hm interesting

Then I headed upstairs to Franc Franc, and rested on a sofa because I was tired and sleepy from sleeping late the night before and waking up early in the morning. After Michele finally got to Festival Walk, we decided to watch "The Dark Knight Rises". I had already watched the film the night before, but whatever, the film was worth watching at least twice. For most of the times available, all the seats were full, except for the front rows. Michele didn't like the seatings we got (3rd row from screen), but it was good for me because I didn't have my glasses then.

With less than an hour until the movie start time, we decided to look around Log On a bit. There were a couple of things I was tempted to buy, but since most of them were from Korea and available there anyway, I decided to wait until August when I fly to Korea.

Then it was time for the movie! The audience this time were a lot should I put it, enthusiastic? They laughed at literally every part that had a bit of humor in it, and they even clapped when the film ended. When I watched "TDKR" the night before, people were loud in terms of chatting and eating, and not laughing at stuff shown in the movie. Some people even brought in beer -__-

After the movie, we went to random shops, then had a small "conflict" over what we should do next. Michele kept insisting on ice skating, and I kept repeating the same word over and over again, which was "No." So we ended up splitting up for a while - Michele went ice skating for more than half an hour, and I just walked around a bit and sat on a bench as I was tired again.

Then we took the MTR to Tai Po because I wanted to buy an alpacasso doll. And tadah~the shop had quite a few of them, but most of them were white. I was disappointed because I wanted to see more colorful ones. I kinda wanted to buy a huge one that was worth 200 sth HKD, but I decided to settle with a small one that was 99 HKD.

Now I kind of want to start an alpacasso doll collection...
Gosh Japan please export more alpacassos to HK
Then we had dinner at Dondonya Shokudo (I think that's the name...), a Japanese restaurant. Thankfully, the line for this restaurant wasn't as crazy long as for the ones in Festival Walk (the line for EXP could almost cover up for the circumference of the ice skating rink there omg).

our finished dinner

omg michele's horrible photo-taking skills

After spending too much time (one of the waitresses gave us our check even though we hadn't asked for it lol) in the restaurant, we left and walked around the mall, then left and went for a walk outside the Tai Po Market station. We chatted, and we were also fascinated by the lightning. And it actually did start raining (which I was so surprised about that I actually screamed lmfao), so we headed back towards the station with my tiny umbrella as our only protection from the pouring rain. Then Michele ran off to catch the bus back home, and I went on a long MTR ride back home (had to transfer lines 3 times OTL).

It had been a while since I spent a whole day outside, which was nice. It's good once in a while to spend an entire day free of drama + TV shows. #awkward ending to blog post


  1. FINALLY. the long awaited post~

    (1) you seem like you did not have any fun at all
    (2) no i didn't skate for more than half an hour
    (3) that photo wasn't meant to be artsy, but a quick record (which explains me taking the photo in 0.000001 sec, compared to you, which was like at least 5 secs)

    1. (1) I tried to write it in a more enthusiastic way. I tried. Haha.
      (2) Yes you did.
      (3) Yes yes wtv

