Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Recent events

So besides staying at home in front of my laptop watching drama all day every day and going out to the gym, I haven't been doing much. But recently, I actually went out and had a few delightful experiences.

~Picasso Exhibition~

So there's an exhibition of Picasso's original artwork going on right now at the HK Heritage Museum. It ends on July 22nd I believe, and even if any of you guys wanted to go, you can't because all the tickets to the exhibition are sold out. So~sucks for you. Hah.

I pretty much owe it to my mom for taking me there, as she pretty much dragged me there (I didn't really want to go).

evidence <-- lol whut

The museum was all the way near Sha Tin, so it took almost an hour by MTR for us to get there.

the view from the bridge - on the way to the museum
the buildings with the orange roofs = the museum

It was my first time seeing Picasso's artwork, and boy a lot of his work baffled me. In most of his later artworks, his expression of a person was completely weird. I thought I was seeing a monster and not a human being.

Thanks to my mom, I was able to see the beauty of his paintings - the pretty colors he used, the way he expressed his view of a child, a man's face, etc - every aspect was unique.

Man I suck at describing artwork, so I'm gonna end my talk regarding the experience here.

~lunch + arcade w/ school buds~

Thanks to Anne's invite, I went out for once to meet up with people and socialize. Damn it had been quite a while since I last socialized with people outside my family circle, so I was a little nervous that I would come off as awkward, but thankfully I didn't.

We had lunch at Genki Sushi (which I didn't really like). Then we left and went to the arcade in WTC. All of us ended up paying 100 HKD for 120 coins each. I mostly hung out with Anne while the boys had fun elsewhere, and we played with some machines that involved shooting with guns (woot woot) and driving, then everyone met up again to shoot some hoops. My arms were hurting a lot by the time we started running out of coins.

I used up most of my coins on UFO catchers, esp. the one that had arpakussos. Oh my god I was so sad I couldn't get one of them ;__; They're so cute and squishy I REALLY WANT

*note: this pic isn't mine; just took it off
I think I might have overreacted a little at one of the UFO catchers cuz some people actually gave me weird looks...lawl;;

Alright that's it for my recent, interesting non-virtual life stories. Bye~

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