Monday, July 23, 2012

TV + haul

Some noteworthy things that happened on Sunday:

I finally got to watch the live-action movie of Gantz! Hurrah! It was the first one, and the movie was already halfway through when I switched to the channel, but whatever.

I was a little disappointed with the movie. Maybe I had high expectations for it? I don't know. I didn't feel the intensity and excitement while watching the movie as much as I felt when I was reading the manga itself. Well nevertheless, I still want to watch the sequel - Gantz: Perfect Answer.

Then, after exercise and a snack, Mom and I went to H&M for a bit. There I found two really pretty bracelets, and after much time spent being indecisive, I finally bought both of them.

I think some of the decoration things fell off :/
But this was the better one out of the two that were left boohoo

Then we got home and switched on TV, to find that there was a program on UFOs showing. I ended up watching that instead of going immediately to my room and switching on my laptop.

Okay, it might not seem like a big deal that I watched some TV, but for me it is, because I usually don't even look at the TV. All the shows Hong Kong stations broadcast are boring as hell. But today, surprisingly, I managed to watch a movie and a show all on TV. Woohoo~.

Okay, end of boring post.

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