Friday, July 13, 2012

Bridal Mask: Episode 14 - Comments

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy. This episode was seriously intense; I tried to watch it in one sitting with my eyes wide open, but I had to pause at one point because I couldn't take it anymore. Oh my god, it's amazing how Kang To is constantly pushed to the edge of a cliff by Shunji, yet he still manages to protect his identity. I'm looking forward to how he's gonna get out of this one; Kang To has unintentionally given away a huge clue to Shunji that he himself is Gaksital. 

We've been starting to see Kang To having trouble making up alibis for his absence in Gaksital's presence, and also fidgeting about and worrying whether he can protect Damsari and Mok Dan. I swear, every time Kang To showed up in this ep (practically every sec of this ep), he (almost) always had this worried expression that seriously killed me inside. Ugh, I know it's essential for a hero to go through a lot of troubles, but this is possibly too much for me. 

Alright, Damsari, I really like you, but I'm gonna have to give you a huge slap in the face for your recklessness in episode 13. Seriously, Kang To came all that way to the count's house to indirectly warn you to drop the bomb plan, but yet you decided to go along with it? JFC, I know the fact that Kang To is helping you might be unbelievable, but fucking get the idea that your recklessness will only drag in Gaksital and endanger his life. ARGH. All I've been seeing lately of Gaksital is him cleaning up after Damsari's mess, and doing nothing related to avenging his father's death. Yeah yeah I know Kang To is still having some issues concerning what his purpose is as Gaksital now. Is it to avenge father's death, to protect Mok Dan, to be a national hero to the Joseon people, or to help out the pain-in-the-ass independence army Damsari is leading? Nevertheless, I still do want to see Kang To at some point continue pushing the corrupted council of five off the cliff - well, one's down already, one has been humiliated to some extent, that leaves three untouched.

It's gonna be pre~tty difficult for Kang To to work as Gaksital alone, now with Shunji right on his tail. Damsari better step his game up and find a way to help Gaksital, just as he helped his reckless ass out.

Okay, I've been dying to just start blabbering about Shunji. This guy has seriously lost his previous loving and kind self now. There's really no going back for Shunji...for now. I have a hunch he will someday become humane again, and that his monster phase right now is temporary. I really hope so. It's a serious shame how he turned out this way - he didn't hesitate to put Leader Jo into the cage of nails, and he didn't even wince as Jo screamed out in pain; he just continued rocking the cage. Just look at his expression in that pic. The Shunji right now is so damn cold-blooded and ruthless. Even worse than how Kang To used to be in the beginning.

Just look at that satisfied, evil smile. It gives me the chills. Park Ki Woong, you are doing a magnificent job at portraying Shunji. Shunji's completely forgotten all his feelings for Mok Dan - he doesn't give a fuck about her safety or whatsoever anymore. If Mok Dan can prove useful to Gaksital's capture, he will fucking use her, and even kill her. And it looks like he won't hesitate to capture Kang To now either, even though they were such close friends before.

Nevertheless, I'll still trust you Shunji, and see if you return to the loving and kind person you were once before. I think you will, because if you don't, Kang To would most likely die, and you would live, and I doubt that the writers will kill the main character off. Well, at least I hope they don't. If they do, they better kill off Shunji too. Damn. (Does my logic even make sense? If it doesn't, please ignore me. Lalala~)

And now moving on to one of my highlights of this episode - the first ever showdown between Gaksital and Katsuyama, Rie's loyal servant. Katsuyama has been quite an interesting figure ever since his first appearance in Bridal Mask. Even as he just stands there in silence behind Rie at all times, it is quite obvious that he isn't someone you can look down on. I'm happy that we finally got to see the dude in action, and oh boy, he had me shouting "OH SHIT" inside repeatedly as he started fighting Gaksital. Boy oh boy, Katsuyama is absolutely flawless - he managed to slow Gaksital down with an injury, and almost defeated him if it weren't for Damsari's female comrade. Oh my god~I actually like you Katsuyama, so please don't lay a finger on Gaksital? (/。\)

And ohmygod I actually really like Rie too. So please realize that Gaksital is actually Kang To so that you would hesitate and try to help him and possibly be abandoned by the head of Kishokai? I know Ueno Hideki is the only person Rie can rely on, and how much she wants to maintain the father-daughter relationship she has with him, but but but I wanna see her help Kang To out~. Although that might be difficult with her being jelly over Kang To's love for Mok Dan.

I kinda went off topic. Anyway, Rie's appearance in this episode was relatively short and insignificant, which makes me disappointed. I guess she's planning on staying low for a while; the spotlight will be on Kang To and Shunji for most of the time.

Anyway, in conclusion, OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY OH BOYYYYYYY. Now that it's so fucking obvious to Shunji that Kang To = Gaksital, he is gonna start setting traps for Kang To. Mok Dan still has no fucking idea apparently (according to the written preview of Ep 15 on the official site) that Kang To wants to help her, not kill or capture her. JFC, he's your damn Young Master, please realize that already. Episode 15 is probably gonna kill me next week. Oh boy oh boy ooooh boy.

cr: all screenshots belong to dramabeans

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