Friday, July 27, 2012

Bridal Mask: Episode 17 - Comments

Hoohoohoo, this episode's spazz (?) post starts off with our Excellency~. (Whatever the heck his name/official name of his status is) I've recently noticed Shunji's being hated on a lot, but guys, this dude in the picture is the one I personally hate. He's weak, easily manipulated, and although this guy tries to do the right thing at times, he always gives in. Argh argh argh.

The Kishokai has finally made their move - Rie has easily persuaded Kaka (I'll just call him that) to allow the public execution of Damsari. Grr. This is not good.

Oh god Shunji was absolutely amusing to watch in this episode. The first words he says once he's alone with Mok Dan in that hotel room, is: "Esther, are you okay?" Oh my god, someone hold me. This was too hilarious. It's hilarious because we all of a sudden have the good, caring, loving-Mok Dan Shunji. Seriously man, you're having a huge identity crisis without even being aware of it. You are confusing as hell, but at the same time, such an amusing character.

Oh yes, I also love Mok Dan's "WTF" expressions. Yes, girl, don't give into the good Shunji mode. I had a strong feeling of satisfaction when she just spat at his face. Oh~~boy.

I was surprised we got to know a little bit more of Mok Dan's childhood, and of her mother. No wonder the girl's so tough, she has been through so much as a child, and has been humiliated to a great extent, along with her mother.

Scary, Shunji, scary. One moment, we have the teary-eyed, desperate, and caring man, then a moment after, we have an incredibly hot-headed, angry man. Seriously, what an identity crisis. I kind of want to shake him violently and scream at him to make up his mind on who the fuck he is, but then again, the other side of me tells me that the fact that Shunji is so damn bipolar is also what makes me love Shunji.

I was almost certain that Shunji was acting when he was talking about how he wanted to take his uniform off immediately and go back to teaching Joseon kids, but then again, it was so sincere. We are told in an episode a while back that he put on the uniform with good intentions, and not to turn into some evil mastermind. We know how much he loved his job as a elementary school teacher, and how happy he was while with those kids. It's nice that we get to know he still feels that way deep inside.

I loved this scene. Did anyone else love the way Shunji said, "You will die in my hands."? The tone of his voice was just...ugh, can't accurately put into words. But the way he said it made him seem confident; while all the other Japanese afflicted with Kishokai (take for example Kimura Taro) do not dare to go against her, Shunji is the exact opposite. It's as if he knows that Rie can be easily looked down. Oh, and not to mention, Shunji even belittles Rie for fighting for power. Oooh, buuuurrrn.

Yes, Kang To realizes that Rie is in fact more than a mere Japanese singer. Ahh~let's see how this relationship plays out.  (^▽^)

Oh god, the scene that gave me the most feels  (ノД`)・゜・。in this episode. Kang To just sits there, getting even more teary-eyed by the minute, while Mok Dan just fails at connecting the kind and justified Young Master with the monster Kang To that tortured both her and her father. I really do understand where Mok Dan is coming from, and it made me really sad. It's simply heartbreaking for Mok Dan to realize that the caring and innocent Young Master she knew turned into the Lee Kang To today, and she would rather that be a lie. Kang To seems to understand her point of view as well, as he can't say anything but "I know I've lived terribly in the past" which isn't enough to convince Mok Dan.

 And I also understand how sad Kang To must feel. He really wants to protect her and her father not just as Gaksital, but also as Lee Kang To. He's running out of time. We know Damsari has accepted both sides of Kang To, which is very good (heheh), but as for Mok Dan, it's probably too much mindfuck for her.

Can I hug both of you guys (´;д;`) ugh

I want to drop at least a bathtub full of water balloons on these people. May I?


I also thought it was cute how the comrade dude came up and just hugged him. Aww.

The fact that he calmly and slowly leaves the hotel without even a bit of change in his expression, makes me wonder, what is this man incapable of doing? It's like, no matter what Rie makes him do, it's easy as breathing to him. No fair.

Lolololol the always cool-headed Katsuyama's pissed. Well of course he is, he was knocked down with merely three blows by Gaksital. Hehe angry Katsuyama is intriguing~

yet at the same time scary as fuck (Gaksital run for your life~~~ ((*゜Д゜)ゞ”)

The typical two-on-two fight that results in a man vs man and woman vs woman thing.

This reminded me of the first showdown between Gaksital and Katsuyama. It's almost the exact same scene, except this time, it's Rie holding the sword, and Mok Dan dodging it.

Wet kinda sexy. Kinda. Not really digging the curls though haha.

And omg yes that beautiful two-shot of Rie and Katsuyama. They make a great team together. Omg. But then again, the whole time, I was like, omg, two against one? How is that fair in any way?

Oh, Mok Dan, you are so not one to abandon your loved ones easily, huh? But then again, that's what I love about you.

Another huge shocking moment for Mok Dan. She takes the mask off to only realize that Kang To's the one under it. What in the world?!

Most people are rejoicing that Mok Dan finally knows that Gaksital = Kang To = Young Master, but I'm not gonna be as positive as them here. Has everyone forgotten about Mok Dan's character? She hardly wavers, she's strong, and she believes in herself the most. She probably still wouldn't be able to make the crucial connection of Gaksital = Kang To = Young Master, because she clearly knows what Kang To used to be like, and how Young Master was. She's probably going to yell at Kang To for wearing the mask - why in the world are you wearing it; you have absolutely no right to wear it. Give Gaksital's role back to its rightful and justified person, the Young Master!

Unless Kang To is granted the time to carefully explain how he came to wear the mask to Mok Dan, there is no way Mok Dan will trust Kang To. Seriously, that's who Mok Dan is. She grew up being unable to trust the Japanese or those who support them, so why would she so easily trust Kang To, a man who works under the Japanese, has punished Korean rebels, and most of all, who has tortured and almost killed Mok Dan and Damsari?

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