Monday, May 28, 2012


Once I start college, I will be rooming with two strangers in a country far, far away from the one my parents will stay in. The thought of that alone is just so exhilarating. You know why? Because my parents can't fucking tell me what to do anymore. I no longer depend on them unless for financial reasons, such as when I have to pay for my housing fee.

I am so sick of having to abide by what my mom wants. I want to shower whenever I want, I want to eat whenever I want, and so on. The fact that I still have to hear my mom fucking screeching at me to shower because it's considered by her time "late" already is enough to piss me off. And the fact that she won't let me stay pissed is also infuriating. I'm sorry, unlike you, I fucking need some time to stay mad at something, and get over it myself. I don't want or need you trying to control when my emotions change.

In short, I need/want independence, for the sake of improving my emotional quotient and health.

P.S. I'm gonna rant about Prom in a later post. There's so much I need to vent out on this blog regarding it.

Friday, May 25, 2012


I waited over a week for the mini-album, and I now finally have it. It is absolutely exhilarating to finally have this in my hands. One thing I was mad about was that the people at Hanchasa are completely dumb and forgetful. They didn't email me that new copies of the mini-album had arrived -___- I went there to get a refund and possibly complain about their lack of ability to work properly in a small shop filled with Korean Pop products that attract tons of foreigners every single day, and then I see a couple of CitySuper workers buying the INFINITIZE mini-album.

Was it that difficult to write a short email saying that the copies have arrived. Seriously.
So I just walk up to the counter, slam (not really) down the goddamn pre-order check, and say, "Can I have it?" in a demanding tone. And tadah, I got mine.

the cover
no photocard this time aww
my top two biases - myung soo & dong woo
looking good my boys
looking good here as well my boys
my fingers are quite nice too
the back
Besides the photocard, we get hidden tracks (again). But, there are 7 hidden tracks in total, each of them recorded by each individual member. Each copy gets one hidden track, and you have no way of knowing who it was recorded by unless you buy the copy :> heh nice marketing strategy woolim

I got Sung Gyu's. I'm too lazy to translate every single bit of what he said, but he basically said he loves all his members. In a very awkward way. But still managed to come off as cute. Aww you cutie leadah~.

Anyway, now I am listening to all the songs on replay.

And P.S, everyone looks good, not just Myung Soo and Dong Woo. Just wanted to clarify that. Nyahaha. Ok adios

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Quick update on the past few days

The most notable events that have happened over the past few days:
  • Pulled an all-nighter on Sunday night; original goal = finish English project, result = finished it, but also finished about 100 recent chapters of Gantz
  • Death of a toenail. The remnant won't fall off, and everytime I touch it it hurts.
  • Started watching The Big Bang Theory. I must say, it's one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Currently on Season 1 Episode 9. Sheldon is my favorite character.
  • Got sick of Pokemon. I still want to play Pokemon Black and White though.
  • Trying to watch all available live action movies of Gantz online, and currently failing at it
  • Got my prom dress, the pic is on the right; I had to brighten it with Photoshop just fyi

Yeah~that's about it. I might post about specifically today later on today. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

A long, but fun Saturday

So today I began my day with brunch at the UCC Coffee shop with my mom. I had a hamburger with coke, and Mom had a waffle sandwich set with a cup of coffee. Then we set off for Causeway Bay, to buy my prom dress. But before then, I wanted to buy a copy of INFINITE's 3rd mini, so my mom sent me off on a joyful trip to the Hanchasa store, where I (almost) always buy KPOP albums. I was really hoping that the INFINITE album was in stock, because I went to the store on Thursday and they said the album will come in on Friday. And so I thought if I came on Saturday, I will be able to get my own copy.

And sadly, that was not the case. Apparently, all copies of the mini-album were completely sold out.

I seem to have underestimated INFINITE's popularity in Hong Kong. Either that, or the store only ordered one or two copies that week. I don't know. But I ended up pre-ordering the album, because I didn't want to have to come again next week to find that the album was sold out again.

And then I met up with my mom again, and started looking around for dresses. We went by quite a lot of stores, but none of the stores had dresses that caught my eye. Then we headed on over to Island Beverly. Although it was already 1 PM by then, most of the clothes were closed. We had to walk around quite a bit in the building, until more stores opened. But the store that actually caught my eye was closed, and didn't open until 2 PM. But it was worth the wait, because I got to buy my dress :) There were two colors of the dress, white and black, but I wanted a dark blue one, so I ordered it. I'm going to have to go on Tuesday again to try it on, and see what adjustments must be made for the dress to perfectly fit me, then again on Thursday to actually get the dress. Woohoo~I finally got a dress! I still have the shoes + purse to worry about, but that will come later.

Afterwards, I chilled in Starbucks with my mom. I really needed the chilling time, because I had endured a stomachache for the last 2 hours, and my ankles were kind of aching from the long walk.

Mom had a caramel cheesecake with a cup of coffee <- again
And I had a strawberry and cream frappucino. Very nice :>
Then my mom left after my friend Jun Ah texted me saying that she was in Times Square. I texted her to come to Starbucks. So we met up there, and talked for hour. Then we left the shop because we felt bad for staying there for too long without buying anything (I did have that frappucino, but the Starbucks ppl cleared them away), especially when a mother holding a baby came to ask us if we were waiting for food or drinks to come out.

We headed on over to HMV because Jun Ah wanted to buy a Japanese album. And there I had to find a few copies of INFINITE's 3rd mini in stock. I wanted to buy one sooo badly, but I stopped my raging temptation to do so. Ugh, only if I had not pre-ordered at Hanchasa, I would've so bought that on the spot T^T I am dying for a copy! Ugh! Jun Ah also couldn't find the album we wanted, so we just looked around the store, and pointed at movies and talked about them.

Then we headed on over to Windsor House to eat some dinnah~. Jun Ah suggested Japanese food, so we had some yummy yakiniku. Here are the pics of us grilling meat by ourselves for the first time! Yay!

yay for yakiniku!
junah is enjoying the yakiniku om nom nom
me having too much fun grilling meat
But they didn't give us enough to completely fill our stomachs > < And it was too expensive to order another plate of yakiniku. So Jun Ah paid for the meal (we had a "deal" - I pay for the movie tickets, Jun Ah pays for the meal :>), and we set off to find another restaurant to eat in. We next headed on over to Ajisen Ramen for some ramen and dumplings.

it's apparently supposed to be really spicy, but we didn't think it was at all.

After our second dinner, we chilled for a while, then headed on over to the cinema to watch Dark Shadows. Jun Ah got herself a bottle of water and paper bag full of caramel popcorn, and I got myself a chocolate churro and lemon tea. Dark Shadows was actually really good, contrary to its horrible ratings. It had an interesting storyline, and some good humor.

After the movie, we said bye and now here I am, at home.

And I forgot to mention that I finally bought a pair of the hello kitty glasses! I had really wanted them for quite a while. I got them at a small shop in Laforet at Causeway Bay.

There were a lot of different colors you could choose from, but I thought this was the cutest one. :>
and this is me actually wearing them ^_^
Alright, I'm done for today. Adios!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

It's not a happy feeling after all.

When I was younger, because of the heavy influence I received from shoujo mangas, I always wanted to know how it felt like to have someone that would like only you and care about you a lot. I thought just by having someone like that nearby would make me feel happy. But now I've realized that it really depends on who that someone is.

I wish I could say the situation I am in right now isn't the least bit complicated, that it is very simple, but I can't. Well, simply put, I got a prom date. But the guy's my ex, and he apparently likes me "again." Might sound romantic to some people out there, but in reality, it's not.

He's actually the most awkward person I have ever come across in my life. And an incredibly honest and easy-to-read one too. Without him having to tell me, I could immediately tell that he had feelings for me. He manages to make me feel uncomfortable in a lot of different ways, and the problem is, he does not realize that. He told my friend that things got awkward between us after he asked me. He is so oblivious of the fact that things were already awkward between us, thanks to his natural trait of awkwardness. He doesn't realize that I actually always try to avoid talking to him, and only talk to him when I have to, because such awkwardness, is difficult to handle. If I didn't have to see him almost every single day, this wouldn't have to be so mentally strenuous. But since he's in three of my classes (one of them - well it's just the same PE period, and different classes, but still), I get to see him three times in a row on one day. And he manages to have the exact same two frees as me on the other days. (But since I always come to school late and leave school early whenever I have frees, I thankfully don't have to see him then.)

So you might wonder, why did I say yes to his prom-ask-out? I can't really explain. The fact that someone asked me out to prom was enough to kind of excite me enough to say yes. Plus, it's not like I dislike him - he's a nice guy, with a huge flaw which equals to his awkwardness. And it's not like he asked me to be his girlfriend, but just to go with him to prom. It's only for one day, so why not? And, I was just so surprised it just kind of slipped out of my mouth. Meh. AND, he had to give me a box of chocolates. Not that I'm weak to chocolates, but the fact that he didn't just ask me out on Skype or through email, and actually prepared something, is enough to show that he put the effort into it, and that it would be pretty mean of me to turn him down.

Honestly, I want him to forget about me and leave me alone. And sometimes I just want to ignore him for the rest of my life. But I just feel so bad that I can't do that. If only I did not know of his feelings. If only he wasn't so damn obvious. If only he would realize that he's actually awkward and that he would try to fix it or something. Ugh.

I keep telling myself to stop thinking about it, and just simply enjoy prom. It's better than going alone without a date, right? But it's not that easy. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Update on my recent fangirling moments and materialistic desires

INFINITE is finally back! I've watched the MV, and listened to all the songs in INFINITIZE. Overall, all the songs sound very nice :) And they're not very KPOP-py at all...if you get what I mean. I have been dying to buy the album ever since it's release a couple of days ago, and since I get to leave school early tomorrow, I'm gonna head on over to Causeway to get my own copy :3.

The MV itself was very nice too. Not amazing, but in terms of eye candy, definitely FUCKING AMAZING. Woo Hyun sadly was not shown a lot during his parts, but the part where the cameraman kind of circles around him is fucking beautiful. I never realized how nice the hair looked on him. And as much as everyone is disapproving of Sung Yeol's hair, I think it makes him look much more attractive. Sung Jong looks marvelous. Myung Soo...well I really do hate how the stylists push his hair back and make it look all jumpy and stuff...but when his hair is down, it looks amazingly nice on him.

Besides the eye candy, another amazing part is Myung Soo's constipated/derp faces and a follow up scene of Sung Gyu walking away from the flipped car Myung Soo was stuck in for a while. LOL, are you not gonna help your fellow member? You're not? Alright then...

Besides INFINITE's new mini-album, I've also have developed materialistic desires towards manga. Damn it I really want to buy ALL available volumes of Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji (currently up to 3 volumes rn)!! Here are the pretty covers:



is magnificent.

Should I just buy all of them? Even though I've read all the chapters in these volumes online? URGHHHH. The temptation is so difficult to resist. I might at least buy volumes 2 and 3, because volume 1 is slightly boring. Or I could wait until this temptation fades away...MEH

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

ta-dah~my mother's day gift

my mother's day card 
Last week, I was quite a pain in the ass for mom - she's been running around doing stuff for me, and due to the stress of doing so, she's been raging at me every single day of that week.

Knowing her stubbornness, I kept my mouth shut and just quietly listened to her raging, without pointing out the flaws in her arguments because she will just dismiss them with "Whatever!"

But I still felt bad, so I decided to surprise her with a Mother's Day gift (Okay some people might think, how do you surprise your mom with a mother's day gift, but I wasn't quite the child to prepare for special days and events like these, I mean, once I even forgot to say Happy Birthday to my mom, and that got her depressed for quite a while.), and plus, I wasn't able to write her a card or give her a gift for her bday a few weeks ago (only a happy bday greeting was all I gave her). So this is how my planning went:

Since my mom loves flowers, I decided to get her flowers. And there's even a Mother's Day Flower Pot selling event thing going on in the supermarket of my neighborhood! So what do I do? I take advantage of that! But I didn't want to buy them until the actual day, because then 1) How am I supposed to hide these flowers before Mother's Day, 2) That will be hard especially when I have to give them water. I told my dad this, and asked him if I did the right thing, and he reassured me that I was all good.

Then my mom HAD to see the Sunday Young Post (seriously their target audience is not even you mom why are you interested in it lol), and she saw the Mother's Day title and kind of reprimanded me for not giving her anything on Mother's Day. I had to pretend that I actually didn't prepare anything, because I wanted to surprise her later. But as the defensive dad he is, dad explained that I was actually gonna buy her flowers and write her a card. Ahh so embarrassing~> < DAD! And my mom seemed pleasantly surprised and thus she apologized for being impatient. 

In the end, everything went well. She loved the flowers, and I managed to touch her heart with my card. We gave each other a hug, and yay, mother-daughter bond was restored!

I could go on to talk about how my Monday was, but since this post is already too long, I will wrap my day up in another post. Adios.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A not-so-short rant regarding Pokemon

So I'm currently playing Heartgold at the moment, and I have already failed a couple of times to beat Karen. Seriously, all her Pokemon are a piece of cake to beat, except for Houndoom and Umbreon.

Umbreon, just a few shots of Sigma Beam and it can die pretty easily. But with Houndoom, MY FUCKING GOD IT DOES NOT DIE WITH JUST ONE SHOT OF A WATER TYPE ATTACK, BECAUSE IT'S LEVEL 47 EVEN THOUGH ITS DEFENSIVE STATS SUCK.

This is the annoying motherfucker
 It's really fast, so my Feraligater (don't mind the spelling, I cannot spell its name for life) doesn't even have the chance to attack twice before it faints. Gyarados's Aqua Tail is also pretty strong, but it can't kick Houndoom's ass in one go. All of my Pokemon die with like literally one shot of Dark Pulse once it uses its Nasty Plot to raise its Attack stats.

Dedicated to that 4-legged fucker
I actually did beat Karen once, but I didn't know that Lance was so anxious to battle me that he talks to me the moment I enter his grand room. In other words, I couldn't save. UGH.

I feel bad because I'm supposed to be studying for my AP Physics B exam tomorrow, and working on that English project due on the same day as well. UGH. UGH. UGH. I'm so frustrated that I don't think I will be able to concentrate on studying/working. MEH.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Manga Review: Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji

So I just recently got into this manga yesterday, and I must say, this is quite an enjoyable read.

The storyline is basically about a girl named Erika, who for the sake of fitting in with her boyfriend-obsessed friends, makes up a lie that she has a boyfriend. And she ends up dragging in this guy called Kyouya, who happens to be known as the Prince in her school, and labels him as his boyfriend when her friends start to question the legitimacy of the existence of her bf. Kyouya does kindly agree to play along with the dating farce...or so it would seem. He demands that Erika become his "dog" in exchange for him acting as a fake bf. Turns out the Prince is not prince-like after all.

I kind of disliked Erika in the beginning. I do understand the feeling of wanting to fit in, but making up a dangerously obvious lie such as having a boyfriend? It's stupid. I would rather be a loner than try to be friends with people who I obviously can't fit with. But now that I've read up to the recent chapter, I can say that I like her better now, and that I sympathize with her A LOT. I understand the feeling of being played around with the guy you like; whenever I saw Kyouya verbally harrassing Erika, my heart kinda stopped. As much as you're good looking, Kyouya, you suck personality-wise.

You know how you have to act indifferent the more you like a guy, in order to get him? Erika sucks at that. Which makes it much easier for Kyouya to manipulate her. UGH! And as much of a jerk Kyouya is, I actually like him. He actually does care for Erika; all those moments where he can be seen worrying about her and getting jealous over her are quite cute. But he's only cute during those moments. At other times, I just want to give Erika a hug and Kyouya a kick in the balls.

Overall, I thought this manga had an interesting storyline, and it didn't fail to make my heart skip a beat at times. The artwork is also very nice as well. I'm even thinking of buying the manga and reading it myself; I can't wait for the scanlations, they take too long. If you're looking for a not-so-typical-but-yet-still-typical kind of a shoujo manga, here's one you could try out. Just don't rage at your computer screen because of Kyouya's doucheness + Erika's gullibility, though. Haha.

Here are a couple more pages of Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji:
Douche Kyouya


Cute moments heh

Thursday, May 10, 2012

My inner INSPIRIT soul unleashed once again.

Wooliment just released INFINITE's 3rd Mini-Album "추격자" (The Chaser) teaser!

I actually almost cried of joy. Oh my god, they are finally back. Even though they weren't gone for that long, I still missed them a lot.

When I first watched the teaser, I was too busy mentally fangirling that I couldn't properly let my eyes take in the content of the video. So I watched it a few more times, and here are my thoughts on it:

  • From the title, I'm assuming that this song will be very intense and exciting. But from the teaser, I didn't get that feel. I got a mixture of a relaxing and an exciting one. I'm gonna blame it on Sung Gyu's relatively tender vocals in the beginning. They totally threw me off; they were not what I was expecting lol. 
  • Sung Yeol, let me just give you a double high five. You look gorgeous with that new hair. I'm glad the hair stylists are starting to realize what kinds of hairstyles you look best in. 
  • Sung Jong's hairstyle is also marvelous. He looks sexy as fuck. UGH.
  • But I have got to complain about Hoya's and Dong Woo's hairstyles. I am absolutely sick of seeing the mushroom/bowl haircut; it can downgrade even a perfectly handsome person's looks. And what do I see? Two of the members with the same hairstyle, and not to mention it's the mushroom/bowl haircut?! And it's not just them, but also Sung Gyu? I disapprove.
  • The choreography kind of reminds me of the "Be Mine" choreo. 
  • Myung Soo in the car scene = laughable.
  • I see your armpit Woo Hyun
Well that's what I got from the teaser! I shall silence my inner INSPIRIT mind and go back to schoolwork. Adios.

Damn you INFINITE!

Oh what a glorious day. I came home early today as I had only one class in the morning, followed by three free periods. On my way home, I decided to drop by the CD store, since it's on my way home. Then I remembered how I went there quite a few times to see if INFINITE's Japanese Be Mine albums were there and coming back out like this:

Because the CD store is slow at updating their stock.

And I then told myself, it's fine, it's a waste of money to buy it anyway, it's only worth buying because of the photocards haha

And what's the first thing I see the moment I turn to the New Releases corner of the CD store?

Yep, all three versions of INFINITE's Japanese Be Mine Album were finally in stock.

Fucking 229 HKD...SO EXPENSIVE


I still bought one


Yep it's the Pop-Art version!
 I had trouble choosing between the Innocent ver. and the Pop-Art ver...but I ended up choosing the latter, because heck, it's fucking colorful, and I love bright colors. As much as cutesy INFINITE tugs at my heartstrings, I would rather go for artsy fartsy bright stuff.

and here are the famous photocards every INSPIRIT was dying to get
Okay, I had no idea the photocards would be THIS HUGE. I literally thought, "What am I going to do with these?" Put them up on the walls of my dorm in college? Lol? I can't even use them as bookmarks...what do I do. Seriously, WHUT

Anyway, so I spent a good amount of money today on INFINITE. I hope you're happy guys, I spent my money on you when I actually should be saving money up for college...Sigh

And I'm gonna end up buying their new Korean album later next week. Oh whatever. Guess it's worth it, if we're talking about INFINITE here.

Speaking of INFINITE, my mom has successfully bought tickets for the Music Bank special that will be held on June 23rd, IN MOTHERFUCKING HONG KONG. And INFINITE is one of the groups that will be performing!

If I can't find anyone else to go with me, my mom will have to tag along. Muhahaha.

Stupid quote of the day

So there's a bunch of kids sitting next to me discussing summer plans, and this is what I hear that is so fucking bursting with ignorance that I can't help but look down on her with judgmental eyes.

"But mental labor is better, because you actually feel smart when you're doing it, but when you're doing manual labor, like washing dishes, you feel like a maid! So it's bad!"

This image directly applies to this situation:

My current favorite picture rn
Jesus fucking christ. What? You feel like a maid when you're washing dishes? So you'll probably feel like one when you're washing dishes as a household wife, huh? Might as well never get married and eat out for the rest of your life.

I'm glad the other kids said that they help out their moms at home, and even cook their own meals sometimes, and said that she's weird for thinking that you feel like a maid.

I've washed dishes once too, but not at home. During a service camp in Korea, we visited a disabled children/elder home, and we were asked to do chores for the rest of the day. While I was doing these chores, including dish washing, I never ever felt like I was a maid. I felt good because I was doing all this for the sake of people who were more unfortunate than me.

For you to think that washing dishes/other kinds of manual labor = being a maid, you're just another example of how fucked up the minds of a lot of people are in this world.

I know I didn't read that stupid quote online, but this is what I feel like doing to the winner of the stupidity award of the day.