Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stupid quote of the day

So there's a bunch of kids sitting next to me discussing summer plans, and this is what I hear that is so fucking bursting with ignorance that I can't help but look down on her with judgmental eyes.

"But mental labor is better, because you actually feel smart when you're doing it, but when you're doing manual labor, like washing dishes, you feel like a maid! So it's bad!"

This image directly applies to this situation:

My current favorite picture rn
Jesus fucking christ. What? You feel like a maid when you're washing dishes? So you'll probably feel like one when you're washing dishes as a household wife, huh? Might as well never get married and eat out for the rest of your life.

I'm glad the other kids said that they help out their moms at home, and even cook their own meals sometimes, and said that she's weird for thinking that you feel like a maid.

I've washed dishes once too, but not at home. During a service camp in Korea, we visited a disabled children/elder home, and we were asked to do chores for the rest of the day. While I was doing these chores, including dish washing, I never ever felt like I was a maid. I felt good because I was doing all this for the sake of people who were more unfortunate than me.

For you to think that washing dishes/other kinds of manual labor = being a maid, you're just another example of how fucked up the minds of a lot of people are in this world.

I know I didn't read that stupid quote online, but this is what I feel like doing to the winner of the stupidity award of the day.

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