Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

ta-dah~my mother's day gift

my mother's day card 
Last week, I was quite a pain in the ass for mom - she's been running around doing stuff for me, and due to the stress of doing so, she's been raging at me every single day of that week.

Knowing her stubbornness, I kept my mouth shut and just quietly listened to her raging, without pointing out the flaws in her arguments because she will just dismiss them with "Whatever!"

But I still felt bad, so I decided to surprise her with a Mother's Day gift (Okay some people might think, how do you surprise your mom with a mother's day gift, but I wasn't quite the child to prepare for special days and events like these, I mean, once I even forgot to say Happy Birthday to my mom, and that got her depressed for quite a while.), and plus, I wasn't able to write her a card or give her a gift for her bday a few weeks ago (only a happy bday greeting was all I gave her). So this is how my planning went:

Since my mom loves flowers, I decided to get her flowers. And there's even a Mother's Day Flower Pot selling event thing going on in the supermarket of my neighborhood! So what do I do? I take advantage of that! But I didn't want to buy them until the actual day, because then 1) How am I supposed to hide these flowers before Mother's Day, 2) That will be hard especially when I have to give them water. I told my dad this, and asked him if I did the right thing, and he reassured me that I was all good.

Then my mom HAD to see the Sunday Young Post (seriously their target audience is not even you mom why are you interested in it lol), and she saw the Mother's Day title and kind of reprimanded me for not giving her anything on Mother's Day. I had to pretend that I actually didn't prepare anything, because I wanted to surprise her later. But as the defensive dad he is, dad explained that I was actually gonna buy her flowers and write her a card. Ahh so embarrassing~> < DAD! And my mom seemed pleasantly surprised and thus she apologized for being impatient. 

In the end, everything went well. She loved the flowers, and I managed to touch her heart with my card. We gave each other a hug, and yay, mother-daughter bond was restored!

I could go on to talk about how my Monday was, but since this post is already too long, I will wrap my day up in another post. Adios.


  1. LMFAO LMFAO it's not long at all, but congrats for updating on ur non virtual life for once! :D
