Sunday, May 13, 2012

A not-so-short rant regarding Pokemon

So I'm currently playing Heartgold at the moment, and I have already failed a couple of times to beat Karen. Seriously, all her Pokemon are a piece of cake to beat, except for Houndoom and Umbreon.

Umbreon, just a few shots of Sigma Beam and it can die pretty easily. But with Houndoom, MY FUCKING GOD IT DOES NOT DIE WITH JUST ONE SHOT OF A WATER TYPE ATTACK, BECAUSE IT'S LEVEL 47 EVEN THOUGH ITS DEFENSIVE STATS SUCK.

This is the annoying motherfucker
 It's really fast, so my Feraligater (don't mind the spelling, I cannot spell its name for life) doesn't even have the chance to attack twice before it faints. Gyarados's Aqua Tail is also pretty strong, but it can't kick Houndoom's ass in one go. All of my Pokemon die with like literally one shot of Dark Pulse once it uses its Nasty Plot to raise its Attack stats.

Dedicated to that 4-legged fucker
I actually did beat Karen once, but I didn't know that Lance was so anxious to battle me that he talks to me the moment I enter his grand room. In other words, I couldn't save. UGH.

I feel bad because I'm supposed to be studying for my AP Physics B exam tomorrow, and working on that English project due on the same day as well. UGH. UGH. UGH. I'm so frustrated that I don't think I will be able to concentrate on studying/working. MEH.

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