Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Quick update on the past few days

The most notable events that have happened over the past few days:
  • Pulled an all-nighter on Sunday night; original goal = finish English project, result = finished it, but also finished about 100 recent chapters of Gantz
  • Death of a toenail. The remnant won't fall off, and everytime I touch it it hurts.
  • Started watching The Big Bang Theory. I must say, it's one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Currently on Season 1 Episode 9. Sheldon is my favorite character.
  • Got sick of Pokemon. I still want to play Pokemon Black and White though.
  • Trying to watch all available live action movies of Gantz online, and currently failing at it
  • Got my prom dress, the pic is on the right; I had to brighten it with Photoshop just fyi

Yeah~that's about it. I might post about specifically today later on today. 

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