Saturday, June 9, 2012

Grad night

It was truly a spectacular night, one to be remembered forever until my death. Well, not really. But still quite memorable for sure. It was a physically strenuous night though, because with Hong Kong's hot, wet, and disgusting weather, plus the fact that it was really crowded with people, it was pretty hard for all of us graduates to wear the cap and gown for what, about 2 hours? And it was much harder for me because I had to withstand a stomachache for the entire 2 hours.

The strangest thing about the night was that I still didn't feel like I had graduated, even when I had my diploma in my hands. I felt like this was just another normal Friday, and after the weekend, I was going to have to go to school again. I felt like I was going to see my friends and classmates again on Monday. But the truth is, this was our last day together as a class, and even if we do meet again through arranged reunions, they won't be frequent, and we will still not be in the same place anymore. I'm not entirely sad or happy about that fact, but I still can't believe that we have graduated. All I can say is, congrats, Class of 2012, each and every one of us have worked hard, and I hope that we will all continue to do so as we start our individual lives in college and beyond.

Without further ado, here are some of the photos from the graduation ceremony last night.

Tracy and Vanessa, along with some other already-graduated-and-in-college people, came ^_^

omg my name was just called
my turn to get my diploma

yay graduated!

my lovely parents hohoho

with michele and mari!

yay my favorite teacher of the year! lord the deeehulll XD
with danny!

with michele's little cupcake janet : >

and the cuties elliot and anne : >
And after grad, I went along with my close friends to a restaurant in LKF for dinner, then we split up and I went with Ellen and Anne to our school's aftergrad party :) The club was really small for the tons of people who attended; there was some squishing and pushing going on, which made dancing pretty difficult, but I still managed to have some fun. It got slightly boring after a while though.

expensive dinnah with champagne

at the aftergrad party

Adios for now, I'm gonna try to find a nice movie to watch. ^__^ I'M DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL FUCK YEAH

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