Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Om nom nom

I know I haven't done much on this blog recently, but that's because my days have been overall pretty boring. A typical day = wake up late, eat lunch while watching anime, play pokemon black/watch more anime, go to gym and work out for ~2 hrs, go back home, leave home again to eat dinner outside with my mom. Not very interesting indeed. But the food and drinks I had over these few days are :D Here are some of the stuff I had:

Jun 17th, Sunday:
Breakfast at UCC Coffee shop :)
I had berry waffles and chocolate coffee.
It was alright.
On the same day:
On a walk after dinner, Mom and I decided to stop by Starbucks.
This is the berry cheesecake (I think that's the name).
It wasn't very good; it didn't have enough cheese in it.
Meh, what happened to their blueberry cheesecake :( That one's actually really good.
At least the strawberry frappuccino was good.
Although there was way too much whipped cream on top.
Next time, I'm gonna see if I can have the frappuccino without the cream.
Jun 19th, Tuesday:
A full meal after a good exercise is always delicious ^__^
I had dinner with my mom at Nha Trang, a Vietnamese restaurant.
I got Pho Tai (as pictured) noodles, with Fanta and some delicious garlic bread.
It was sooooo gooood >__<
And today's dinner:
We ate at a new Japanese restaurant, which was already pretty crowded even when it was only a bit past 6PM.
The drink in the pic is Japanese royal milk tea - and hands down, it was the best milk tea I've ever tasted in my entire life.
Maybe I haven't had enough milk teas in my life. But this one was still the best one out of the ones I've tasted before.
And the main meal~tonkatsu with curry! with miso soup, salad, and this other thing I do not know the name of.
It wasn't amazing, but good enough to fill my empty stomach.
The rice was the best, though. Ahh~so good.
and the dessert~>_<
strawberry sundae with chocolate mochi, two pocky sticks, and some fruit-like thingies below.
It was a very refreshing (?) dessert~hehe
And this is random but

While I was waiting for my food, I skimmed a Japanese magazine,
and saw two pages devoted to some ice cream brand being promoted by TVXQ!
Whoaaaaa. Cool.
Alright bye~

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