Thursday, June 14, 2012

Highlights of INFINITE Ranking King Episode 4

To quickly introduce the context of the most recent episode, INFINITE are playing a game of search and elimination - searching for weapons (water guns), ammunition (small plastic bottles of paint), and their respective targets, and eliminating them. In the beginning, this was how the targets were assigned: Woo Hyun --> Sung Gyu --> Dong Woo --> Hoya --> L --> Sung Yeol --> Sung Jong. And now, with the remaining survivors: Woo Hyun --> Dong Woo --> Sung Yeol --> Sung Jong. And the eliminated ones - Hoya and L are seen planning to play with the survivors and confuse them, while Sung Gyu is just following his master, Woo Hyun around.

Anyway, here are some of my personal highlights of this episode: (Note: The words are not exactly as quoted by the people so yeah, AND yes these are spoilers)

L: Sung Gyu is definitely out.
He probably killed himself.
Dong Woo's bold and fearsome act + Engrish (?) (His English pronunciation is actually good)
Dong Woo: Anybody here??
YeolYeolYeolYeol! Hey guys~? I love you guys!
Sung Jong and Dong Woo meet, and Sung Jong complains about how everyone's attacking him, and he doesn't understand why.
Dong Woo: Because you're the maknae!
Sung Jong: *WTF expression* *hence the laser beam the video editor dude kindly put in*
Woo Hyun: So who's dead right now?
Sung Gyu: Me me me!
Woo Hyun: Yeah, you're probably the only one dead, since hyung is really the most stupid person (out of INFINITE)
Sung Gyu: *laughs*
And the one who went into hiding for quite a while reveals himself and tries to find his target. Then Sung Yeol runs into L who's already dead, to get some info out of him. And L kindly gives him false information and Sung Yeol runs off thinking his new target is Woo Hyun, when actually his target is still Sung Jong. And L just evilly smiles and mouths "You die!"
After pointlessly shooting at Woo Hyun, Sung Yeol finds out that Sung Jong is still alive, and tries to plan a temporary alliance with Woo Hyun so that the final showdown would be between them. The eliminated soon lose all motivation to continue filming, and L suggests that they go out for some chicken.
Woo Hyun: Don't you want to take revenge on Dong Woo?
Hoya: *flares nostrils*
Hoya, regains his motivation to film.
Dong Woo eliminates Sung Yeol, and while he's distracted with the others trying to confuse him, regarding who's alive and whatnot, Hoya gives Woo Hyun a signal and Woo Hyun kills off Dong Woo. And everyone makes fun of him for falling for the lies and stuff while Dong Woo just laughs.
Now the final showdown is between Woo Hyun and Sung Jong. All the other members wish him luck by giving him all the stuff they've been holding for several hours...It isn't evident whether they're actually trying to help Woo Hyun or to just burden him. Oh god I love INFINITE.
And these three are just chillin'
Sung Yeol is still walking around, looking for Sung Jong, as he mutters "I haven't even seen Sung Jong's face once during this game!" Isn't that kind of sad
Hoya finally finds Sung Jong and kindly helps him out!
At the sound of someone coming, Sung Jong loses it and just shoots at random places - Sung Yeol is one of the victims. Hoya, who's actually trying to help the maknae, gets shot too.
And so the winner is Woo Hyun, and he reorganizes the ranking. He just throws Sung Gyu's figure away since he's last and he doesn't fit in the last row anyway (look at red circle). Sung Jong suggests that since Sung Gyu always gets last place his figure should just be made smaller to fit the last row. The leader is clearly not happy with the maknae's lack of respect towards him.

And the teasing continues. When Hoya says last place was practically made for Sung Gyu, the leader shouts "Hey! What goes well with last place anyway?!" and Hoya smugly replies, "Kkol Gyu!" *Kkol Gyu is an abbreviation for Kkol Chi Sung Gyu, which means "Last Place Sung Gyu."
Alright all my highlights kind of summarized the basically this wasn't spoiler-free in any way. I tried to cut down on the details though haha. Anyway, the episode was quite enjoyable, and the next Ranking King episode will apparently be based on physical ability. Will Sung Gyu be able to win 1st place this time around? Kekeke.

Sign reads: "Leader Kkol Gyu"

Btw this post took a looong time to finish with all the screenshotting and photoshopping and whatnot yeah just wanted to put it out there

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