Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hang out with Jun Ah

I woke up early today thanks to a phone call saying that I had something from my college. Turns out that it was the documents needed for me as an international student to get a US Student visa. I was super glad that they finally arrived, but yet at the same time, I was so tired and enervated. There wasn't any food in the house, plus my mom had left early in the morning, so I spent my morning hours with a carton of lemon tea and the newest ep of INFINITE's Ranking King.

I left after a while to meet up with Jun Ah in Tai Koo. I was starving after waking up early and not having breakfast, so we went to Crystal Jade for lunch first. What I ordered wasn't very good, but I was starving, so whether it was good or bad didn't really matter then:

the la mian made in si chuan style
doesn't taste so good
Then we went inside to Cityplaza because I wanted Jun Ah to buy me ice cream to celebrate my high school graduation ^___^.

This is what Jun Ah got.
Don't remember the name, but it was apparently some sort of a ice coffee drink with some chocolate.
My drink.
Ended up not finishing this, so I offered to pay it myself.
After spending quite a while in Haagen Daz chatting and all, we then went over to the cinema to see if there were any decent movies we both haven't watched yet. Unfortunately, there weren't any, so we decided to go downstairs and check out the CD store. We also spent a bit of time in the store, pointing out movies and drama we knew (like the last time we hung out). Jun Ah couldn't find any CDs she wanted, so we left the store, and decided to head to Jusco.

While we were on our way there, Jun Ah made me engage in some fail Mandarin conversations with her, because she wanted to practice her Mandarin (haha). When we got to Jusco, we checked the movie showing schedule to see if the cinema there was any different from that of Cityplaza. We gave up on watching movies, and walked around in Jusco. We initially wanted to go find the games corner, but we ended up surrounding ourselves with random things such as stationery, children's books, fluffy stuffed dolls (Hello Kitty, Melody, etc), and so on. I managed to find a store that sold a lot of female products, such as perfume, and so I bought my friend's birthday present there.

360 HKD, 30 mL bottle of perfume that smells like roses
I actually thought of getting her a one of those tiny perfumes that were only worth 45 HKD, but since I'm a quite considerate friend, I decided against it.
Boy, if she doesn't use this daily, I'm not gonna be happy.
Then we ran into some really cute notebooks and diaries. Jun Ah decided to buy a couple of diaries, because she wanted to write in her diary when she was at summer school in France, starting next week (Grr, I am so jelly of her >:c). I got myself a cash book, because I'm trying to get into the habit of recording my income and outgo, as I'm gonna need to keep track of my money when I become an official college student.

Most of the cash books there were in poor condition,
I had a pretty hard time choosing the nicest one.
Anyway, I really like the cover of this one ^__^
Gonna write down today's income and outgo soon~
Afterwards, we headed back to Cityplaza. We went to the Japanese bookstore in Apita after I couldn't find much luck finding the manga I really wanted in the tiny one in Jusco. It wasn't there in Apita either (omg let me cry ;__;). Then we had to take a break by sitting at a empty table in the Food Court; we walked for quite a long time. After a while, we decided to eat some takoyaki. Jun Ah offered to pay for it, as my graduation celebration. Wahoo ^__^

We had to wait 20 minutes for our takoyaki, so we decided to sit in the Food Court, and I helped Jun Ah review for her Mandarin lesson later in the evening. We also drew some random stuff because we were bored:

Here comes the lowlight of the day. This woman who was sitting in the table next to ours, kept looking at us (this part already annoyed me), and she finally opened her mouth, and asked us whether we were Japanese. Jun Ah clarified that we were both Korean. Then this woman decides to say that she thought Jun Ah might be Korean but she wasn't sure because she didn't have a slim face.

Seriously, what the fuck.
Anyone can have a slim face, whether they're Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, European, American, or whatever. Since when did body/face shape prove to be a valid factor in determining someone's race? And plus, that comment was damn rude.

From that point on, the woman further proved that she was some psycho. She kept blurting out things that had absolutely nothing to do with what she had just said before. Like, she mentioned how she wanted to learn how to swim or something, and she kinda implied that she wanted Jun Ah to teach her and her friend...What the fuck?? And she also asked which school Jun Ah was going to, and she immediately guessed, "Korean International School?" Lol, jesus christ. I might as well go up to a Chinese kid and ask what school she/he's going to, and just immediately guess, "Chinese International School?" Seriously. What was up with that woman.

Thank god she left shortly after that weird conversation. Then we had our takoyaki, which was super hot and I almost burned my tongue as I almost always do whenever I get takoyaki. Because we had that takoyaki at like 5 ish, and Jun Ah had to leave at 6:30, we couldn't have a heavy meal for dinner. So we went to McDonald's to get something light (I got chicken wings, french fries, and a Coke - not exactly a light dinner, but whatever).

the takoyaki~
Then we said our goodbyes, and I got home and left soon after because my mom told me to come to the gym as she was already there. The gym was relatively packed at night, which I didn't really like. After the workout, we went to Apita to fill our house with some bread, and I got a birthday card for my friend. And now, I'm here, in front of my beloved Macbook Pro. Bye.

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