Sunday, June 24, 2012

Music Bank in Hong Kong 2012!

Despite all the troubles with meeting up with my friend (grr she got lost and made me, little kids, and our mothers wait meh - I was asked to take care of two girls for the concert), we managed to get to Asia World Expo safely, before 7 PM (the estimated start time)! Because we got there relatively late, there was already a crowd so humongous that we couldn't even tell where the entrance was.

Anyway, here's my fanaccount of the Music Bank in HK concert, along with some pics and vids! Enjoy :) WARNING: Do not expect the quality of the pics and vids to be great, and don't expect the vids to be recordings of the full performances. My battery died, and my cam kept freezing cuz of the lack of battery power T^T And plus it was my first time at a concert.

holy mother of god
They made us wait till 7:30 ish before they started letting people in.
So they decided to entertain us by playing music videos and short message vids from each of the artists.
INFINITE is so damn popular here in HK; people started screaming like crazy bitches when the Paradise MV started playing.
I was scared, along with my two cute buddies I was told to take care of.
Damn crazy fans
It's just an MV
and yet they still go batshit cray cray @.@
the interior of the arena + the view from where i sat
it looks far, but it was a pretty good view
special thanks to my mom for getting these seats haha

And here's the opening of the concert! It's only a fancam taken by a person who has never been to a concert prior to this one, so don't expect it to be perfect, still, and showing every single artist clearly. I tried my best (haha). And yes as soon as INFINITE showed up, I went cray cray and started screaming and only filming them...HAHA XD

MBLAQ performing "It's War (전쟁이야)"
A close up of Mir
 First up was MBLAQ. They started off with "It's War", then "Y", "Mona Lisa", and finally, "Oh Yeah", their debut song. I mainly enjoyed the performance by using the binoculars, so no vids XD sorry! They spoke a bit after they finished up performing the two songs; I don't remember what they said, but Thunder tried to speak some English, and then fans went cray cray at I couldn't really hear what he was saying. I think most of all, they were surprised that there were so many KPOP fans in HK, and that it's their first time in HK...blah blah.

Another special part of MBLAQ's performance was that Joon formed his hands into a heart and smiled instead of dropping to his knees at the gunshot part in "It's War". Again, fans went cray.

I really liked their outfits; they were wearing the same one btw - it was all black, with studs on their jacket, and they were just wearing black wife-beaters underneath.

After MBLAQ was f(x). No pics or vids for f(x), sorry! I tried to take some photos of them on the large screen on my right, but they kept coming out blurry and I gave up.

Amber and Krystal got the most screams from the audience, particularly Amber. f(x) was overall good live, but there was a problem with Luna's mic I believe; I could barely hear her at some parts. Overall, I was pretty amazed by how beautiful each of them looked +_+ and their clothes were very colorful and nice to look at, too. ^__^

They performed "NU ABO", "Hot Summer", "Pinocchio", and finally, their newest hit, "Electric Shock". They also got a chance to talk to the audience a bit; Victoria spoke some Mandarin, Amber and Krystal English. Luna and Sulli didn't talk.

Dong Woon
After MBLAQ and f(x) were two quick special stages - "Paradise" by T-Max (I think) performed by BEAST was up first. If you guys don't know, the song is one of those famous OSTs from the drama Boys Over Flowers. I couldn't really hear them sing because of the screams and the cheers.

Damn, there were quite a few huge changes in some of the members' hairstyles. Hyun Seung dyed his to bright red (which I didn't like), Ki Kwang now has blonde and curly hair, and Jun Hyung also has blonde hair, and bangs that slightly cover up one of his eyes.

And the next special stage was a collab between INFINITE and Wonder Girls :D. I don't know what the song they sang is, but I really liked their performance c: Very relaxing and tender voices those 4 - Woo Hyun (INFINITE), Sung Gyu (INFINITE), Yenny (Wonder Girls), Sun Ye (Wonder Girls) - have there.

Next up was IU; she performed "You & I", "Marshmallow", some other song, and "Good Day". The vid above is only a recording of "You & I" - I couldn't afford to use up more camera battery at this point.

IU was overall amazing ^__^ And she was so adorable; she had me smiling the entire performance. I'm glad I got to see her in real life, hehe.

Yong Hwa up in the front stage alone for the sake of fanservice

all these Yong Hwa photos are for the sake of his wife michele

After IU was CN BLUE! They performed "I'm A Loner", "LOVE", "Intuition" and another song...I believe the title was "Hate You".

I think CN BLUE deserves an award for giving the best fanservice for this concert, and also for being the liveliest. Even though I'm not an avid fan of them, I still had lots of fun watching them perform. They even had this "quarter time" thing where they posed while all the fans took pictures of them in the dark with flash on. Yong Hwa also eventually came all the way up front for the last two songs; when it wasn't his part, he walked over to the edge of the stage and said hi to the fans in the standing area. Besides Yong Hwa, the other members clearly seemed to be enjoying the performance, and their smiles also made me smile as well. Thus, they were a great pleasure to watch.

And then the curtains suddenly dropped, and weird light rays started being shown on them. Some people around me were whispering, "INFINITE?" And honestly, I thought so too. But in the end, we were surprised as it was IU and MBLAQ, another special stage - a cover of Rain's "Rainism".

yay IU~
And then INFINITE finally showed up! OMG YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS. My camera refused to cooperate with me and died I tried to make it work and film longer vids, but yeah...didn't really work, and ended up not really completely enjoying INFINITE's performance. So sad. Oh well.

They performed "BTD", "Paradise", "Be Mine", and "The Chaser". It was a strange feeling, watching them up so close. I couldn't believe that they were actually there, singing and dancing to the songs I wanted to watch live.

And if you do hear some voice singing along with INFINITE, yes, that is me...haha

Sung Gyu singing with all his might~
Myung Soo~^3^

Their dance moves were so damn quick @.@
Look at those blurs ahha

These guys also got a chance to talk a bit before moving on with their last two performances, and here are some photos I managed to take:


Sung Jong's mic didn't work

so he was given a handmic
and ooh look these two are so cute *_*
seemed like other fans agreed with me as well
cuz they started screaming with joy
I think at this point I started screaming his name
Oh boy
And as they left, Woo Hyun didn't forget to throw "hearts" at everyone! Hehe he was so adorable~I'm glad to have witnessed his actual "heart" throwing in real life. So damn cute though OTL

And then the Wonder Girls~. They performed "Tell Me" (damn, nostalgic feels), "Nobody", "Be My Baby", and "Like This". They were also pretty lively, and were fun to watch as well. Sun Ye also suffered some technical troubles with her mic, which is a shame.

Two shots of Victoria cuz she's too gorgeous to just end with one
f(x) then came up for a special stage. Not sure what the song they were singing was, but I think it was one in memory of all the famous HK films? I'm not sure, because Crystal (I think that's her name), Miss HK, was the Chinese MC, and she was the only one up there to explain what the next stage was gonna be about.

boy michele

u missed out a lot
And Yong Hwa had his own solo stage for a special stage. His singing was very soothing; my friend and I were just moving sideways left to right along with the slow, calming music.

Here's the funny part though - there was a problem with BEAST's entrance, so there was a slightly awkward moment, and they made Yong Hwa sing his stage again, and the MCs said their lines again. I know they didn't mention the mistake and just redid that portion of the concert, because they have to show this on TV in Korea on the 29th, but I still found it hilarious.

BEAST starts off with "Shock"

The handsome man Dong Woon is speaking
There were still problems going on during BEAST's performance though, but it was just the cameras - there were absolutely no close ups at all for a while; only group shots. Then the close ups started showing, so the technicians did manage to get that fixed.

BEAST performed "Shock", "Fiction", "Beautiful", and...I forgot. Damn it I was too into staring at them through the binoculars to keep track of what songs they sang, haha. It was so fun singing along with all the songs, and plus most of the audience were as well, which made BEAST's performance even more enjoyable.

For their last performance, they skipped up to the front stage, and gave some fanservice. I really enjoyed watching Hyun Seung jump up and down like a kid XD hehe what a cutie.

And the last one up was TVXQ. I don't have any pics or vids because I decided to enjoy their performance to the max without having to care about other things. My friend started going a little cray cray here as she is a somewhat avid fan of TVXQ. I even lent her my binoculars so she could enjoy the performance to the maaax. XD

DAMN, Yun Ho and Chang Min are so good. I am so damn happy that I got to hear Chang Min's high notes and screams live XD He really is one amazing singer. The lowlight of the performance was that I caught someone holding a "YunJae" lightstick on the screen -___- Seriously?

And my friend was a little disapproving of the fact that they performed "The Way You Are" and "Mirotic". Well, they can't really help it, can they? All the other groups performed 4 songs, and it would be weird if the most popular and well known group only performed two.

TVXQ also said that they wanted to hold a concert someday in HK. Boy, they better release more albums then! Cuz there are some fans out there who dislike them performing old TVXQ songs.

And after TVXQ, it was time for the ending song! All the artists came back on stage, singing "Arirang", a Korean traditional song. Kinda surprising that they picked that as an ending song though.


Everyone on stage!

And again my eyes are only on INFINITE hehe
Dong Woo was so amusing to watch though. He was just moving around like the happy-go-lucky kid he is, and at one point even went up and gave a "Paradise" thrust to the audience. Haha. He was also kind of doing his fanservice alone; I don't think he noticed that his fellow members had already gone ahead to the front stage with the other idols. I saw Woo Hyun doing his usual heart throwing, and I think either Myung Soo or Sung Jong joined in. Cuties~. Sung Yeol also just did a random "charge" at the audience...what a kid.

And when all the artists were back on the stage in the way back, Dong Woo was behind everyone, and just uh skipping in one place...LOL. He was sooo adorable omg! I really wanted to give him a hug >_<

And I also wanted more of the idols to look to their left, as we were not getting much attention..haha. Thanks to the thoughtful Joon though, he noticed our section and gave us a smile and a wave. Thanks Joon! XD

BEAST was also an amusing bunch to observe. I have no idea what Doo Joon was doing, but he was just holding onto a stand that was holding I believe? Because he kept making funny faces at it. At one point I thought he might pole dance, but nah he didn't haha. BEAST also came by to the left section and waved at us.

INFINITE was the last bunch to leave the stage; Woo Hyun threw more hearts, and Hoya joined in. (I...think. Oh curse my short term memory and poor eyesight. At the very least, he waved to our section.)

Annnnd that's it for my fanaccount of Music Bank in HK 2012! It was super fun, and I still can't believe I saw all those idols in one night, especially INFINITE. I already miss them so much though ;__; Damn it, as soon as I get to Korea, I'm gonna grab any opportunities there are for me to see INFINITE in real life AGAIN! Ahh~>__< Alright, it's late, and I think I'm going to bed. Bye~!


  1. Thank you for your experience! YOu're so lucky! I love Infinite so much...they are a close second to SHINee. <3
