Saturday, June 16, 2012

Ocean Park

Yesterday, before I met up with my friends to go to Ocean Park, Michele and I went to Cancer Link and donated 1004.3 HKD, the amount we made from our senior project. It took me quite a while to find the place (Google Maps suck tbqh), and magically, after I told Michele I couldn't find the place and hung up, I found it. Cancer Link is located in a building called "The Center," which is also where a short part of "The Dark Knight" was filmed. Pretty cool, huh.

Anyway, we met up with Anne after making her wait for 50 minutes, and started off by taking the Ocean Express to the Upper Land. The Ocean Express was pretty cool, there were screens up on the ceiling that portrayed clips of sea animals that made it seem that we were actually riding a vehicle that worked in the ocean.

There are what, two new rides in Ocean Park in total. They're called "Hair Raiser" and "The Flash." "Hair Raiser" is basically a rollercoaster, but a much scarier and faster one than the "Dragon," which is still there. "Hair Raiser" was already creepy at first sight because of the clown gate:

see clowns are so damn creepy
fuck so damn long
why did i even ride this
there was no point because i couldn't even keep my eyes open for most of the ride
i tried to
but then when it started going down
i was like "nope never mind fuck my life"
my friends found this picture so amusing that they got themselves keychains of this pic
i don't understand how people can enjoy rollercoasters
they're so scary *shudder*
well at least floorless rollercoasters are scary
as long as there's a floor i don't mind
but floorless
holy shit
da fuq
 "The Flash" was much more bearable. But I think I might have been the only one screaming...-__- Basically, it's like a pendulum moving in a complete circle. It's quite fast, but when it reaches the top, it slows down a little, so that you can feel all the weight on your head (yay all the blood be rushing to my braaaaiiin). But the view was really nice, and when we were about to go down, the view was also nice then too. But that didn't stop me from screaming.

After that, we went on a relatively calm ride, which was called "The Rapids," where you just ride a boat. It would've been pretty nice if it weren't for the random people shooting water at us. I got drenched, oh joy.

Even though we had only gone on 3 rides, we all were pretty tired by this time. So we went back to the Low Land for the sake of AC + some late lunch at Neptune's Restaurant. Here's what the restaurant looks like plus what the food we ordered looked like:

A pretty restaurant directly connected to the aquarium. I really liked the lighting as well.

I got cha siu udon. The cha siu looks more like Korean sam gyup sal than actual cha was not bad, nevertheless.

michele's hot fried rice
anne's spaghetti bolognese
and our mocktails
mine's the one in the middle; "rainbow runner"
anne's tasted the best though (the pink colored one)
was so full after this.
the cheesecake was pretty bad; it seemed like too much egg was used.
 And after the meal, we just played Fuck, Chuck, or Marry, and did some camwhoring (which my friends got into way too much), which made some waiters turn our way with weird looks. I think we spent about 2 hours in that restaurant. After that, we went to see some sea animals in the aquarium right next to the restaurant.

Then, we took a short break at a small cafe, and then we went back home. On our way home, Michele and I took some camwhore pics together:

Some souvenirs we bought from OP
matching squishy seals
In short, it was a super tiring but fun day.

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