Friday, June 8, 2012

HS Graduation

I'm having a hard time believing that this is actually happening. All these years, I've been simultaneously dreading and looking forward to this day. I remember how I used to complain on and on about how I wanted to graduate already. But now that I'm graduating later today, I'm quite overwhelmed and not sure of what I can say at this point. I can say so much, but I will probably only say so little. I feel like high school isn't something you can talk on and on about, but something best summarized in a few sentences. It's an important stage in life, but it won't be the best. The best is yet to happen.

High school was not as exciting as a "rollercoaster ride," as the teachers/counselors always say, but it was definitely full of ups and downs. I have gone through a lot of stressful times, and some but not so many happy times. And the sad thing is, in the past few days, my mom have told me about how I used to be really happy after the summer of my sophomore year, but I don't remember myself being happy at all. When I told her this, she didn't look the slightest bit pleased. It's sad how I remember all the stressful and bad things that happened to me clearly in every single detail, but I have so much trouble remembering the happy things; even if someone tells me what happened, I can't bring back the memories. I can only assume that it happened.

Another sad thing I've realized is that I haven't changed much all these 4 years. I'm still a little kid on the inside. This annoys me, and I want to hurry and grow up. I'm going to college in 3 months, for goodness sake. I can't go to college as a little kid. I've also realized that I haven't made the best of my high school years, and I have a lot of regrets regarding that. So I hope to change myself into a better person somehow during the summer, and make the best of college when I start in September.

Nevertheless, I am still going to miss my close friends, the people at our school, our school itself, and just everything here in Hong Kong. Regardless of whether the things happened to me were bad or good, it still helped shape who I am as now, and I am going to remember them for the sake of what lies for me in the future.

Graduation is in 5 hours. I'm not feeling it as of now, but I'm sure I will start to get all emotional inside once I'm there with everyone else, waiting for the ceremony to start.

Just on a funny note
I asked my dad how he felt when he graduated. What he felt was the completely opposite of what I'm feeling right now. Apparently he was absolutely happy to leave school, cuz his school just sucked shit; he even ripped up his uniform, apparently LOL.

Anyway, it's gonna be quite a busy day today, and I will update with photos and stuff tomorrow or something. So, adios for now.

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