Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rainy Saturday

The weather was absolutely horrible today. It basically rained all day, and it wasn't even a couple of light showers, but basically close to that of a yellow rainstorm, but never did I once see that signal come up on the Hong Kong Observatory site. *le sigh*

I got up late today, despite the 4 alarms I set to make sure I woke up earlier. I ate a hot dog and a couple of rice balls (small, tiny ones with bunch of seaweed crushed with it - not the Japanese style) for brunch, along with a "banana shake" and a carton of lemon tea. I watched a few more eps of Death Note, and then dragged myself outside to go to the gym, even though it was raining a lot.

look at the raindrops on my window

Because I had to go to church by 5, I did a really quick workout session, a quick shower, and tried to rush everything. But then I realized that my shirt was pretty see through, so I couldn't go off to church right away. So I decided to go back home first to change or something, and I got drenched on the way because 1) it was raining so hard, 2) the wind was pretty strong and it directed the rain towards me. I told my mom about the horrible weather + the immense traffic going on on the highway (saw through the windows at the gym), she let me stay at home (yay!).

After a while, I decided to secretly go buy some new manga before my mom got back home. Unfortunately, the new manga wasn't there T^T It's either that the store didn't order it through air mail (It was released in Japan just yesterday), or that someone had already bought it. Meh. I hope I can buy it soon.

Then I decided to head back home, and realized that it was raining really hard...AGAIN. Even though it wasn't raining at all when I had left home. The rain didn't look like it was gonna stop anytime soon (no umbrella), plus my mom was gonna call me soon and come home (had no phone with me), so I decided to try to kill some time. When I couldn't wait any longer, I went ahead and bought the cheapest yet still ok-quality umbrella I could find, and headed outside to find out that it had stopped raining.

fuck the weather
it hates me
Then I hurried back home, and heard my phone ringing. I had got back home just in time for my mom's phone call. Then we decided to eat dinner outside. And I had just come back from strolling around...OTL. And so we ate dinner at Deli and Wine.

spaghetti bolognese + garlic bread
with lemon tea
Then we went to Mango to shop. Here are the clothes I bought today:

blue top with white lace collar
neutral polka dot skirt
long sleeve shirt
blue animal print jeans
my own photo of it had horrible lighting so here's a professional photo
a long cardigan
Can't wait to start wearing them hehe >_<

Alright, that's how my Saturday went! I'm off to spend the night with some more Death Note eps. Woohoo~

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